Liu Feng did not expect that his sister was so anxious, how could he not see that it had such a strong enthusiasm before: “Quiet is not good? ”

“Nor is it…”

Liu Xiaoling scratched the back of his head and said reluctantly, “This is not the points that Xiao Mo and I owed to the mysterious side circle before, thinking of quickly paying back the points, I am not a debtor in the future.” ”

Liu Feng heard his sister’s words and touched her head: “Don’t worry, the task of the mysterious side circle will always exist, but the time has not yet come.” ”

The time has not come?

Since there is nothing to do temporarily, let’s cultivate!


Liu Xiaoling suddenly thought about the fact that he had been able to control the current ring before, but he had not yet told his brother, so he said very excitedly: “Brother… Tell you a good thing! ”

Looking at Liu Feng’s disbelieving eyes, Liu Xiaoling patted his chest and said, “Why don’t you believe me yet?” Definitely a good thing. ”

“Say, I’ve listened to it.”

“The mysterious side tool that you let me and Xiao Mo control before can now be controlled.”

Then he took out the electric current ring that was already fully charged and said to it: “Ring ring, respond to me if you are there.” ”

The current ring really lit up with green light, and the faint green light was a sign that it was fully charged, which was a response to Liu Xiaoling’s voice.

Liu Feng looked at the scene in front of him, but he also felt a little surprised, after all, the instructions seen in the system mall were not used in this way, and Liu Xiaoling had not been able to reach a consensus with the current industry finger before, in this short period of time, without prompting, he could obtain the spiritual knowledge of this current ring.


Looking at his sister who actually had a mentality that my family had a female fledgling up, Liu Feng did not show how happy he was, but instead said in a deep tone: “Don’t be too proud, this is only temporary, it is not easy to communicate with it, but if you let it send out an electric current to deter the enemy, this is the real power!” ”

If it can only be used as a reply, it has not yet tapped the maximum power of the current ring, which is equivalent to a failed mysterious side tool.

“Mm-hmm, I know brother!”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s mother-daughter rings lit up separately, and Liu Xiaoling, who had just complained about not having a task, saw the lit child-mother rings and jumped on the sofa violently.

“Haha, I know that the organization has not abandoned me, otherwise when will the points owed be paid off?”

Then he looked at his brother and slowly looked at the tasks on the ring of the mother-son order.

[Notice: Please cooperate with the two to quickly arrive in Mao Guo, and the official team will take the spirit released by the Gate of Hell and give it to the SCP Foundation. 】

Mao Guo?

How could Liu Xiaoling’s first reaction go to Mao Guo?

No wonder how you feel very peaceful lately? It turned out that this threat had already reached a foreign country, but it was also very good, and it would not bring any losses to the big eastern countries, and it was naturally happy for Liu Xiaoling, a big eastern countryman.

Liu Xiaoling watched his brother jump from the sofa diagonally opposite to Liu Feng’s side, stared into his brother’s eyes and asked, “Brother, your sister and girlfriend are going to Maoguo on a mission, do you have anything to say?” ”

“Well, hurry up and finish the mission, hurry up and get back safely!”

Liu Feng’s face has always been cold recently, but his heart is still the same as before, but this body and Liu Xiaoling’s body are flowing with the same blood, and Liu Xiaoling’s safety is still very worried.

Even if these horror scenes are set by themselves, and the horror levels are also their own paths, the route of the platoon and the time point of their mission are also stuck by themselves, but in these arrangements, there will inevitably be some changes.

Safe to come back!

Well, my brother can only say these words, and love is always in the unspoken!

Liu Xiaoling stood up from the sofa, “When I find it, I will go to find Xiao Mo, we will go to Mao Country, don’t think about me!” ”

Calling Xiao Mo’s mobile phone, the two instantly reached a consensus and booked the nearest flight to Mao Country.

My live stream can finally continue to operate!!

The live broadcast launched by the spirit detective makes everyone pay attention to the horror scene from time to time, and each time it appears, it will bring a super sensation, and the time of the scary line brought by the horror scene before and after will also be extended.

Two people sitting on the plane began to discuss the mysterious side circle.

I hadn’t thought of it before, but recently I reminded myself of this idea from time to time: “Xiao Mo, why do you say that this mysterious side circle wants to serve the people?” ”

“You should also get some profit from it, otherwise what can they build with those tools?”

But this is just what Li Xiaomo thought, and when it came to the end, her voice slowly became smaller, because remembering that from the task distribution to the execution of the task to the completion of the task, she really couldn’t remember where the mysterious side circle could profit from it.

“Forget it, it’s not something we can guess.”

Such a confidential thing, how could it be possible for the little minions who had just entered the door to talk about the inner center of the mysterious side circle.

“Mao Guo, I searched on the Internet before, and in the current news, I did not find any major terrorist incidents in any place, but it was the influence of this weather that flooded the central city of Mao Country.”

Hairy country flooded?

Li Xiaomo could not have imagined that this Mao country would actually flood.

“Well, and there was a black particle incident not long ago in the deep pit city, but that time it was relatively closed, and it was suppressed by their official mandatory news.”

However, these things are not the horror scenes of Mao Guo, and this is not the direction of coming to Mao Guo to complete the task.

Then it may not be thought of at all that the mystery is from the Mao country mentioned, referring to a large range of countries, and the two hole birds that have appeared so far, and the type of beasts that remain motionless around the deep pit, this is just the beginning.

The Gate of Hell is just like the eighteen layers of hell that circulate in the world, and there are eighteen layers of unknown things in the Gate of Hell in the Mao Kingdom.

On the first floor are two Kongling birds, which have now reached the central city and are wreaking havoc on the local people.

The second layer is the variable large and small type beast, but he has not recently aroused its deepest inferiority, so he has been staying by the deep pit, waiting for the moment when he needs to move.

The remaining layers do not yet know what exists, and they have not moved much so far.

I don’t know how many layers this hell gate can be opened, maybe after the second layer there will be nothing coming out again, only if you have enough ability to withstand the sealing of this hell gate, there will be no subsequent events. _

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