To speak of the power of this gate of hell, but the power of that drilling work was not fully revealed, and this strange phenomenon appeared, but only a few people knew the reason.

“Sparta, the hasty neighborhood of the central city is in danger, and two large beasts will be around them.”

Sparta was already very distressed about the situation in the central city, and now someone called him to report on the rush of the community, and suddenly two Kong Ling birds appeared.

Those two large beasts, no one knows what this is?

Although he didn’t know the specific situation on the other side of the rushing community, Sparta had already moved up and prepared to rush there: “How long did those two appear?” ”

Why did the two large beasts rush to the community? What if they had something in the community they wanted?

Sparta immediately thought of this problem, if the two large beasts in the community want to move away, these two large hunts will leave with it, the rush community is naturally also a place for the middle and high classes to live, and the people gathered are also very dense.

“It’s probably been seven or eight hours!”

Seven or eight hours??

Sparta came down thinking that he wanted to strangle these people to death, and it took seven or eight hours before he reported up?

What did you do before?

Trying to endure the anger in his heart, the hand holding the mobile phone tightly held the groove of the mobile phone, and the tip of his tongue slowly touched his alveol, and then shouted loudly: “Do you want to die?” Went to eat before? ”

As soon as the man heard Sparta’s fierce voice, he quickly explained: “No, it was sent by their client, and the request for a call is only two or three hours.” ”

Listening to the other party try to explain what he said, Sparta’s anger increased without diminishing, and he shouted at the telephone again: “Fuck it, you fucking shut me up!” Fork stuff ~”

Silly stuff!!

Fuck, everything is putting you off for a delay!


Sparta then took a deep breath, but his anger kept dwindling, and he himself knew that it was useless to be angry now, and then he took a breath and said, “Has a team been sent?” ”

If this has not sent a team to help the people in the rushing community for such a long time, then these people are really fucking damned, for a long time, if they have not thought of it, the official funding to raise these people is considered to be raising waste.

Lest Sparta get angry at him again, the man hurriedly said, “Pai… Sent, but one squad is already dead. ”

Dead a squad?

Sparta had no idea that fifteen people would be sacrificed in just a few hours.

“What’s going on?”

“Forget it, I’ll go first!”

Sparta only felt that the other party was a fool, and the questions could not be answered to the point, and the existence of such a person was simply a waste of time.

First of all, he didn’t ask her any questions, and rushed in the direction of the rush community, naturally Sparta went to the rush community, and he would definitely have people by his side.

“Sparta, look!”

Looking at the mobile phone in the hands of the crew, the two monsters that eat people are tearing at the human flesh, this scene is like the real thing, but why does this member want to let himself see this thing?

This learning thing is like a 3D fantasy scene, every move in the fight is a natural connection, although it looks very exciting, but…

He looked at the staff member with a puzzled face: “Why do you want me to see this thing?” ”

“Sparta, this place is a hasty community…”

The staff felt that the Spartan next to them was very smart, and as long as they said that this was a hasty community, the other party would definitely understand their own meaning.

Sparta looked at the officer with a look of surprise on his face, and then asked, “Is this a hasty community?” That’s what they’re talking about those two guys? ”

He didn’t even think that this was a hasty community, nor did he think that the two large beasts that the fool had just said were attacking the rush community to be this scene.

Flustered for a moment, then Sparta said slowly, “Do you know where these two beasts come from?” ”

At this time, we must understand where these two large beasts came from, for seven or eight hours, these two large beasts stayed in the trading community… Cannibalism?

The officer said solemnly, “It cannot be found at present, but it is from the northwest, and their location is now being verified, and it will be found out there soon.” ”


The previous black particle event also emanated from the deep pit in the northwest direction, and now these two large beasts are also from the northwest direction, is not …

Sparta couldn’t believe what he had guessed: “How many teams are there on the scene now?” ”

“There are three detachments left, and the rescue team is on the way, and it is almost there!”

Hearing this, Sparta was somewhat relieved, but what about the residents of the rushing community?

Attacking with two large beasts, ordinary firearms alone will certainly be of no use to them, and observing the guns and ammunition with their size will be a medicine and shell, which may have some impact on them and make them retreat.

“Sparta, according to the information they transmitted, the guns commonly used in the troops, against two large beasts, did not have any offensive power.”

“And the other party has eaten human flesh as the main activity to attack the human body, and swallow it in a tragic way.”

“Of the two large beasts, the largest of them is about five meters long, and the slightly smaller one is about four meters long, oh, and there’s a somewhat blurry picture.”

Saying that he handed the mobile phone in his hand to Sparta again, several people stared at the mobile phone screen in one piece, and although it was a vague photo, he could roughly see the scene inside.

The two large beasts were both with crimson eyes, their huge wings flapping against the wall, and they seemed to come out of the building, behind their butts, as the picture had not yet seen.

It’s just that this approximate appearance is already known: “How long is it before the rush to the community?” ”

“It will take another twenty minutes!”

So long…

However, it is also purely normal, the middle attempt is now all places are waterlogged, even the flight has been suspended, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling’s flight is from the southeast direction of the city landing, and then drive to various places.


At the airport of the southeast city, two beautiful girls landed on the ground, and in the tall bodies around them, these two girls looked very petite, but then they were broken by Liu Xiaoling’s surprised voice.

“Little foam!”

Xiao Mo was startled by Liu Xiaoling’s sudden outfit: “What’s wrong?” ”


Pointing to the screen of the mobile phone, the screen is the hasty community of the central city, and the photos of the two large beasts eating people have been widely circulated on the Internet. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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