Before, because I had been on the plane, there was no way to go to the Internet, naturally because the secrecy system of Mao Guo was too good, and some things could not be dug deeply.

Looking at the pictures on the screen, how intense it must be to produce this scene, these two large beasts are completely using humans as food to fill their stomachs.

Could it be that the mission released by the mysterious side circle is these two large beasts?

The two thought the same, the scope of the task released by this mysterious circle was too large, covering the entire Mao country, and now as far as the Mao country was concerned, the most prominent event was the large beast in the central city, this sudden alien, attacking the hasty community, eating the residents’ bodies without any ambiguity.

“Could it be it?”

Listening to Liu Xiaoling’s question, Li Xiaomo nodded in agreement.

Although this is just speculation, the events that appear in this time period are really similar to the level of tasks released by the usual mysterious test papers.

“And it’s said there’s a female anchor who is going live?”

“Click inside to see…”

When the two of them came in, they were only greatly affected, and what had left their eyes was just a mess, and the two were full of blood, it was not difficult to see that there must have been a fierce struggle before, and this blood was spilled all over the ground, and I was afraid that the other party had suffered heavy losses.

“How come there is so much blood?”

Looking at the words of those water friends in the barrage, although some of them are very rude, it is not difficult to see how surprised the usually calm water friends must have been at that time, which can make these water friends scold the mother one by one: “I look at the barrage … I drop mommy, those two guys actually eat people! ”


The two had no idea about this before, and just after getting off the plane, they picked up their mobile phones to read news about Mao.

“Yes, the water friends also said that they directly opened their mouths, and the large beasts directly put three or four people in their mouths, and then kept chewing, and then this is what we see now, full of blood.”

“My mom!!”

Hearing this news, how can this fight with him?

As long as these two large beasts opened their mouths, they could chew and swallow people in their stomachs, and then Liu Xiaoling looked down at himself, and then looked at Li Xiaomo, both little girls were thin and weak, could they be compared with those two large beasts?

“Don’t be afraid, you have the current ring in your hand, I have the lasso whip in my hand, can you still be afraid of these two large beasts?”

Although Li Xiaomo said so firmly, her heart was already panicked.

It’s just that in order to calm Liu Xiaoling’s mood, she has to say this.

There was also a bit of luck, if this time they could really let the two of them complete the task of this Mao country, would they be able to pay off the points owed to the mysterious side circle?

“Little Healer, don’t be afraid, think about our points, think about our debts!!”

“But the central city train, plane, high-speed rail can not pass…”

This means that these two people have to drive to the center, one of the biggest characteristics of this Mao country is the vast area, if you go from the southeast to the central city, it takes three days, without eating, drinking or sleeping.

“Self-driving? My mother, what about the day? In this case, we don’t have to go, just let them die! ”

“See if there is anything else?”

The two of them each pulled their mobile phones to search for a map of Mao country, thanks to the fact that these two people used to like to travel and already knew all kinds of maps.

Fortunately, they found a semi-circular high-speed railway, which could go towards the southeast city toward the city of Shenkeng, although the location may feel that it has become far away.

But the speed of high-speed rail is fast!

Liu Xiaoling looked at this route, felt that there was no problem, and decided: “Okay, then this route!” ”

Since communicating with the current ring spiritual consciousness, my own star level has grown much faster: “By the way, forgot to tell you, guess how many star levels I have now?” ”

“One Star Order?”

Li Xiaomo was also just a blind guess, but she didn’t expect that she had guessed correctly.

“Wow, Momo, you know me so well!”

“Or the current ring has been psychic, although it is relatively low in rank now, but at least you can recognize me as its master.”


The two hurried toward the high-speed rail station, hoping to reach the central city as quickly as possible, so as to avoid fewer people being harmed by these two large beasts.


“What about the two big beasts?”

When Sparta rushed to the scene of the rushing community, the whole scene was a chaotic mess, and he could only grab the team members next to him and then say.

From time to time, a corpse floated on the surface of the water, slowly floating past Sparta’s eyes.

Isn’t it good to say that the two large beasts are good? But gone?

“Two large beasts have already run!”

The captain saw Sparta and hurried to answer his questions.

Sparta grabbed the captain’s arm and asked, “Do you know where they disappeared?” ”

“It’s going to the northwest, but I don’t know if they’re going to turn around halfway.”


How is it northwest again?

To the northwest there is a deep pit, which is often referred to as the gates of hell.

There is a hellish existence there, and despite the fame of this hell’s gate, few people travel to the city of the deep pit.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who want to take risks, or who want to get pure gold in the pit.


The muffled voice spoke only one voice, and Sparta fell into thought, feeling that it was necessary to go to the city of Shenzhen in the northwest to see the real secret behind this.

Even though the kid was also in trouble in the deep pit city…

Troublesome? Will these two troubles be the same? Or are they all from the gates of hell?

This thought suddenly came out of Sparta’s head, and he magnified the thought little by little without any defense, and then finally believed the conjecture himself.

The officer took the blue folder in his hand, then walked over to Sparta and whispered, “Sparta, the source of those two large beasts has been found out over there.” ”

“I’ll see…”

Sparta took the blue folder and opened it to see the place of origin: the pit (the gates of hell)

Seeing this information, Sparta only felt his head buzzing, like all the previous thoughts were all messed up, and the conjecture that he had not dared to believe or believe before had now been confirmed.

Sparta slowly closed his eyes, and then made the things before and after him clear little by little.

Then he said firmly, “Send five detachments and follow me to the northwest!” “_

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