Northwest direction ~ this time I am really going to the northwest, that place is simply a demonic existence, for some ordinary people, it may be a not very good place.

Sparta thought back to the location of the Hell’s Gate once before, but she didn’t go inside specifically to see what it looked like, she actually wanted to know what was inside. What can make so many people tremble is like a life-threatening door.

At that time, none of the drillers returned, originally sent by the official to explore the geocentric factors, and then there was one, and there was no chance of survival.

Even though it was very dangerous over there, the curiosity in his heart was actually more like he wanted to see what was inside the gates of hell.

Sparta’s orders were always unwavering, so the clerks who followed him followed him with great certainty: “Okay! ”

The lightning storm in the central city has been reduced, but the drainage system of the central city is still paralyzed, and the water still reaches the thigh of ordinary people, floating the dead bodies on the surface.

“Sleeper, how come there are still dead people here?”

“Don’t point to him, he’s dead, let’s go!”

“Oh my God, his body has been blistered white.”

“Will they turn into wild ghosts to eat us?”

“No ghosts, we have to believe in no ghosts!!”


Looking at the whitened corpses floating on the surface of the water, and from time to time floating past them, these soup water people did not dare to move around again, Mao Guo had a custom, which was very respectful to the corpses of people who had already died.

But there is no shortage of people they fear who have died, will they come back to them?


“Help, I’ve been caught by a ghost!!”


The man was thrown into the water like a playboy, his whole head was submerged in the water with his fall, he choked on a few mouthfuls of water, he only felt that he had been caught by something, together with the two large beasts he had just seen, and the floating corpse, he always felt that his surroundings were full of danger.

“I’ll go, this guy acting, right?” Just this bit of water, can you drown? ”

“Don’t say anything, grab him and pull him along, in case he really dies.”

The three of them looked at the man who was struggling in the water to help him up, and the man looked at his eyes with fear on his face, always feeling that something was staring at him.

I don’t know why I feel this way.

But the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and it’s very real.

He himself did not believe in the existence of ghosts and gods, but the scene just now really did not know why he felt this way.

“I really feel it, you believe me!!”

Men strongly explain what they have just been called dramatism, and forcefully explain their innocence.

“Mm-hmm, we know…”

“Gone for a walk!!”

“Go back to your house, find your mother!”

“Now that the lightning weather has finally stopped, I don’t know when the water will subside, so I don’t have to wear shorts to wade through the water.”

“Wait for the drainage system of the central city to be restored!”


These people seem to have left the horror scene behind, just worried about when the water in front of them will be able to subside without affecting their travels.

“Whew… Finally arrived at the deep pit city, although this high-speed rail is also fast, but it is not very comfortable. ”

Li Xiaomo looked at the leaflet in his hand, and the first thing he wanted to do was to call it Shenkeng City: “Why is this called Shenkeng City?” Good soil name!! ”

“As far as I know, there is a deep pit in the western suburbs of the city, and that pit is super deep and super deep, and there is a more penetrating name, which is called the Gate of Hell.”

“Gates of Hell? The name comes from a causal relationship, right? ”

“How can there be such a not-so-flattering name?”

Listening to Li Xiaomo’s question, the people around them looked at the two of them as if they were looking at two fools, and then their eyes swept over the two of them unsteadily, and then slowly left.

Liu Xiaoling also felt this unkind look, and then asked loudly, “What kind of eyes are they?” ”

Li Xiaomo did not want to be taken away by the official as soon as he entered another country: “Look at the beautiful woman’s eyes, well, let’s go!” ”

“Didn’t you come to Shenkeng City to check on things here?”


Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling looked at those two people with a confused face, what was in the deep pit city?

“Forget it, let’s go, these are just two foreign fools!”


Liu Xiaoling’s violent temper can no longer stand it, and you have come forward to ask for some words.

After all, this is a Mao country, not a big country in the East.

People in big eastern countries will never use such unkind eyes to examine others, not that Li Chang did not feel that the narcissistic culture is different, resulting in different personalities, but there will be differences in dealing with human feelings.

“Forget it, I know I’m cute and I’m beautiful!!”

The scene just now was like a small episode, and with a gentle flick, these dissipated.

“Xiao Mo, what secrets do you think are hidden in this deep pit city?”

“I don’t know, I just feel that there will be secrets hidden in the deep pit city, but this is not available on the Internet.”

Li Xiaomo always felt that there was something in the man’s eyes, and he felt that there were some things in his eyes that he didn’t know about, and maybe he would get some news along this exploration: “Maybe the secrets in the deep pit city will make us gain something!” ”

“I feel that there must be something in the empty city, but they hide it deep enough, and those people don’t tell us.”

Li Xiaomo remembered their purpose and asked, “I don’t know, by the way, you look at that live broadcast again?” ”

“I’ll go, just a little time, those two big lines of work have disappeared, so where are we going next?”

Even if you go to the central city now, you can’t find the two large beasts, so running back and forth is not enough to waste time.

“Why don’t we stay in the deep pit city first?” Perhaps, as they say, we can find the secret here. ”

Li Xiaomo was full of curiosity about the city, and perhaps not many could surprise the two big men.

Liu Xiaoling thought that maybe they could come up with something so that they could promote their progress in exploring secrets: “Do we want to ask the locals?” ”

Li Xiaomo was a little suspicious, after all, there was some language incomprehension: “Will the locals tell us?” ”

“I don’t know, let’s say again, shall we go to the gates of hell first?”

Since you have decided not to go to the central supermarket, stay here in the city of Shenkeng.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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