When the beast was thrown to the ground, Liu Xiaoling quickly shouted, “Xiao Mo, hurry up and whip with a lasso!” ”

It is only when the type beast is defenseless that it can be caught, and when the type beast can identify the mysterious side tool, this type of beast is not easy to deal with.

Lasso whip?

Hearing Liu Xiaoling’s voice, everyone learned that the whip in Li Xiaomo’s hand was called a lasso whip, and this guy even had such a name, but when he just saw Li Xiaomo swing the whip, he obviously felt that the power of this whip was different from that of the ordinary whip.

But I can’t tell you what’s different.

“What the hell are these two girls coming from?”

“You don’t know this, their current fame has caught up with the well-known actresses, and they are the soul detective live broadcasts of the big eastern countries.”

“Soul Quest Live? Mao Guo didn’t seem to have this kind of profession, but the two of them were really good, and the two little girls could actually go forward to fight against this East alone. ”

“When you have time, you can search for their names, that is, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and their live broadcast fans are good to call them Xiaoling Baby and Xiaomo’s wife.”

“Right, right, Liu Xiaoling also has a brother named Liu Feng, that man is more like a magical being, but only appears once in front of the public.”


The fans of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo directly praised the two of them to the altar, but the live broadcast of the two of them before was too thrilling, from the initial overwhelm, terrified by everything they saw, to slowly confident that they could cope with this ever-changing world.

Fans are also people who eat this kind of real talent.

Hearing Liu Xiaoling’s reminder, Li Xiaomo reacted and quickly put the lock whip in his hand towards the type beast that was about to fall to the ground, which was a good opportunity to make it unable to react to its own lasso whip.


With this whip, Li Xiaomo simply used full strength to inject the martial power in his body into the power of the whip and hit the body of the beast.

The type beast could not have imagined that when he fell, there would be a whip on his body, although the whip was not wide, but the whip would pass the pain from the cortex through the bone marrow of the type beast.

The type beast could have dodged the wretched appearance of falling to the ground, but at the last whip directly destroyed it, with the struggle in remembering the action.


It was furious!

The huge body was half propped on the ground, low, and from time to time he raised his head to look at Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling, who were standing on the left and right sides of his body.

After waiting for the pain to subside, the beast stood up again and began to exert its own rage, this time it was obvious that it had learned a clever way to not attack the two at once.

Towards Lee Xiaomo attacks while . The beast will also choose the side that is good to break through, to crack the dilemma that is now at an extreme disadvantage,

Lifting its fat paws, it ran fast, stretching out its equally fat palm to grab Li Xiaomo, the eyes were full of murderous qi, and the type beast that Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling had just combined to suppress could only catch the whip.

“Little foam!!”

“Oh my God!!”

“What the fuck are you doing, you fucking run for me!!”

Liu Xiaoling and Sparta watched the actions of the type beast, and they did not expect that this type of beast would actually choose one of them to attack.

Sparta had already run quickly to Li Xiaomo’s side on the other side, while Liu Xiaoling, who was behind him, followed the beast, but did not dare to chase after it closely, for fear that it would suddenly turn around and attack him.

Li Xiaomo also looked at the menacing type beast with some surprise, and his brain quickly thought about how to get rid of the attack of the type beast.

The lock whip in her hand was tightly held by her right hand, and her eyes were fixed on the right foot of the beast, and when the beast raised its right foot again, Li Xiaomo quickly waved the lasso whip in her hand into the air.

Sure enough, the type of beast quickly dwarfed herself, and although Li Xiaomo knew that the type beast had already seen through the movements in her hands, even if she couldn’t see the direction of the whip she was waving, she could see Li Xiaomo’s attack trend from her hand.

This move is obviously a pretense, so that the type beast first tenses up and paralyzes its eyes.

At the moment when the beast was short, Li Xiaomo quickly pulled back the whip handle in his hand, the entire whip body bent and waved in her direction, Li Xiaomo naturally would not let his mysterious tool attack himself, at the moment when the lasso whip turned back, Li Xiaomo had calculated the time very accurately, as long as he waited for the whip body of the lock whip to arrive, he could bend backwards when he was half an arm away from his body.

Three, two, one

Li Xiaomo silently counted down in her heart, and when she counted to one, her upper body quickly bent backwards.

The mixed martial arts were very good for her, although this action was not a problem, and the very perfect nearly body folded into an n shape, pulling herself back to the side to dodge.

Then his upper body quickly reversed, and once again swung the lasso in his hand towards the body of the beast.

And the type beast absolutely can’t dodge this routine that Li Xiaomo has calculated, just that fake action, but in order to attract the eyes of the type beast, and then let it only think that it is safe to dodge that whip, but Li Xiaomo has long set a trap and waited for the type beast to drill.

The type beast eased the pain caused by the whip just now, shook its head, and then got up again to attack Li Xiaomo, and Li Xiaomo’s right leg this time with the help of the stone on the back wall, stomped hard, and at the same time put the lasso whip on the broad waist of the type beast, this time it was very accurate.

Li Xiaomo saw the change of the lasso whip, and could not help but sigh in his heart that this set of rope whips could even change its shape with practical application, and at the same time change its length, which was a surprising discovery.

Then, with the help of the power of the stone, Li Xiaomo’s entire body flew above the beast.

When he reached the top of the beast’s head, Li Xiaomo quickly kicked at the head of the type beast with his right leg, and the type beast only felt a swift wind on his head, but his body was too clumsy and did not have the flexibility after becoming smaller, so how quickly he dodged and dodged, he could only see how quickly he could withstand Li Xiaomo’s leg attack.

Forces are mutual!

The brain shell of the monster can only blame the type beast for being too fucking hard, Li Xiaomo’s leg did not have an unexpected bone crack when he kicked at the head of the type beast, but his leg was really stinging.

She had never imagined that her attack would have no effect on the beast.

There is a good feeling of frustration!

But it is also necessary to prevent the type beast from quickly turning around and attacking itself after it has landed on its own, simply closing its body and the lasso whip together. _

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