In this way, after the type beast turned quickly, Li Xiaomo’s body would also turn back with the back of the type beast, but the type beast was a big stone that had just stepped on his feet.

If Li Xiaomo did not land his feet on the big stone very well, and separated his body from the big stone, it was the body that was bearing the impact.


I dare not imagine that if this scene really became like that, the worst thing was to be disfigured and paralyzed, but I would not die.

But… Li Xiaomo wanted to gamble, maybe he could really drop his foot on the stone and abandon the thing that was likely to happen.

Take a gamble!

Li Xiaomo kept convincing himself in his heart.

When learning mixed martial arts before, how could he encounter such a dangerous situation, most of the opponents were people, but Li Xiaomo was very strict with himself, so every time he challenged men who were stronger than himself.

And this time, Li Xiaomo chose to win in danger.

Sure enough, after Li Xiaomo attacked it, the type beast quickly turned around, and its huge body threw Li Xiaomo, who was also hanging on the other side, to the other side.


But on the other side are big rocks!

Liu Xiaoling saw the scene in front of him, only to feel his head flutter and shout, “Xiao Mo!! ”

It didn’t matter how much, the couplet ring in his hand was directly facing the type beast, and the current ring was commanded in his heart, emitting a current attack type beast.

It’s just that Liu Xiaoling only has one star level now, and the current storage in the current ring has been consumed by half, and its power has gradually weakened after consumption.

The current ring that had just been able to sting the type beast could only be used for the type beast now, like a relatively numb and crispy feeling, slightly tingling, but not to make it give up the current action.


Looking at the faint blue light emitted by the current ring, it was obvious that it was much less powerful than before, the intermittent blue light, and there was a tendency to shrink, which made Liu Xiaoling very headache.

Fuck, when is the power going to go out? Break now!

After charging for so long, it can only be used for such a short time?

The mysterious side tool of bullshit, his brother will lie to himself, and use so many points.

But what she was more worried about now was Li Xiaomo, whether the current emitted by the current ring she let herself have an impact on the type beast.

There was no way to stop the body of the type beast from continuing to rotate, and Li Xiaomo, who was hanging on the other side of the lasso whip, also turned to the other side with the body of the type beast turning.

Don’t get hurt, Xiao Mo, you are hurt!

Liu Xiaoling could only pray to Heaven to bless Li Xiaomo, and Sparta, with his bayonet, had already run quickly to a distance of 15 meters away from the big stone, but it was too late, and Li’s body was already approaching the big stone.

Everyone couldn’t see the specific changes between Li Xiaomo and the type beast, even Liu Xiaoling, who was separated by a type of beast opposite Li Xiaomo, her vision had been covered by the huge type beast.

Can only wait for the type to move, or Li Xiaomo can safely move from the front of the huge beast, so that these people who hold their breath can see that Li Xiaomo is still alive and well.

Left and right, etc. did not wait for the movement of the type beast or the appearance of Li Xiaomo.

“Xiao Mo’s wife will not be hanged, no, she absolutely cannot hang up, she is my wife!”

“According to this situation, unless the other party’s martial arts are very high and can withstand the squeeze of this big guy and the big stone, the remaining possibility is very large, that is, it is killed.”

“I don’t believe, I don’t believe, Xiao Mo, you hurry out!!”

“I’ll just say, these two girls are so bold to go to the spirit live broadcast, they are simply going to play for their lives, now it’s okay, right?” One is dead, and the other may be eaten by this big guy. ”


The people in the live broadcast looked at the scene in front of them, they all determined that Li Xiaomo was killed by the type beast, and what they guessed was not without basis, after all, it has been such a long time, think about Li Xiaomo without a little action, and the type beast is also so large in size, Li Xiaomo hit the big stone, in this case, anyone who guesses will think that Li Xiaomo is completely defeated.

Even Liu Xiaoling had a moment when she felt that Li Xiaomo was really dead, but thinking about it, it was really impossible, Li Xiaomo was so powerful, and everything she did was a person who thought about cause and effect before and after.

Liu Xiaoling didn’t want to believe it!

I don’t want to believe that my girlfriend died like this, no… No way!!

She must be planning something, Liu Xiaoling just doesn’t want to believe her girlfriend, just as others have said that she has hung up.

Say good to go on a live tour together, eat all over the world together when you say yes, learn and explore the mysterious side circle together…

In the case of discouragement, perhaps Sparta has a moment when Li Xiaomo is really dead.

“Bang bang bang!!”

I only heard the thumping sound of the belly of the type beast, but I didn’t see any trembling of the type beast, where did this sound come from?

Everyone was very puzzled, obviously Li Xiaomo should be hanging, even if she couldn’t die, she wouldn’t have the ability to return the attack.

“What’s going on? Didn’t Li Xiaomo die? ”

“Impossible, in that case, it will not die, that is the TV series set?”

“Fuck, you’re the TV series, if you haven’t seen Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s previous soul detection live, don’t be fooled here!!”

“Don’t provoke public anger when you speak, and take responsibility when you speak!!”

While everyone was refuting what they thought was fake and artificially set up as a TV series to attract an audience, the thumping sound rang out again.

Liu Xiaoling knew that it was the sound made by her girlfriend, her body quickly moved forward, and she stretched out her right hand to touch the type beast, and she herself did not know whether this type of beast would obediently let herself touch it.

Only this time, it actually touched the right side of the Xing beast’s waist as scheduled, and the electric material ring could also transfer the current to the body of the type beast as scheduled, stimulating the body of the type beast.


The type beast was not moved, Liu Xiaoling only felt two metal short roots at that time, and hit the type beast fiercely.

In fact, Liu Xiaoling didn’t have much expectation that the body of this type of beast could be moved, but this time it was able to move.

Could it be that this metal short root hair has a role?

Can’t believe it!

The next moment she saw something even more surprising, that is, Li Xiaomo, who was still worried just now, was looking at Liu Xiaoling with a smile.


Liu Xiaoling forgot the movement in his hand, but Li Xiaomo was still awake, and he grabbed Liu Xiaoling, who was sluggish, and quickly withdrew between the beast and the stone.

“Sleeper!! Li Xiaomo was alive and well, without disfigurement or disability!! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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