“Miraculously, has this woman ever practiced something?” Otherwise the reaction speed is so fast, and you can still escape under the hands of this guy. ”

“Listening to the introduction on the live broadcast at the beginning, Xiaomo’s wife seems to have learned some mixed martial arts skills, forgot… But it’s pretty awesome anyway. ”

“What I want to know is, why doesn’t this guy move?”

“Yes, it actually allowed Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to leave safely?”

Obviously, these people were very interested in what kind of operation Li Xiaomo had made this beast unmoved.

Constantly thinking back to the scene just now, but still did not find anything abnormal, just said that this is the TV series has a script arrangement of people, heard the prompts of those people, obediently went to see Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s previous live broadcast, although it is only some fragments, but can see clearly, but also can understand that this is not acting.

After the two people ran far away, Liu Xiaoling pulled Li Xiaomo’s body, swept over her body, looked up and down, found that there was no problem, and then said: “Xiaomo, you scared me to death!” ”

“I thought I would never see you again!!”


That scene just now really scared Liu Xiaoling, although he had not believed in his girlfriend in his heart, he really hung up so easily. But I was also afraid of just in case, and in this case, so many people were sure that Li Xiaomo was really finished.

Li Xiaomo patted Liu Xiaoling’s back to prevent her from crying, and then waved his hand in the direction of Sparta, suggesting that he should not come over: “Okay, don’t be afraid, let’s go!” ”

Liu Xiaoling raised his head and touched the crying marks on his face, and then asked, “By the way, Xiao Mo, why did you succeed in giving that guy a place?” ”

“We shouldn’t stay in this place for long, so I’ll talk to you later.”

Having said that, the type beast still looked in the direction of the type beast from time to time, lest the type of beast switch from stillness.

Sparta watched as both men walked safely and turned back in the other direction, while the beast remained motionless as before.

“Eh, something is wrong! Why has this guy been not moving? ”

“But no, I also think it’s a bit weird, of course, I don’t think I’m acting, but how can Xiao Mo make this guy fixed?”

“I also want to know, I feel that this time is so exciting, and full of mysterious feelings.”

“By the way, did you see the female anchor before Maoguo Central City?”

“Yes, there is also a terrible beast in the central city, attacking humans, and it eats people, and it is disgusting and disgusting.”


Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s live broadcast room, not only Mao Guoguo’s people, but also people from other countries, but more people are mainly in the Eastern countries, but the trip to the Mao country has made Mao Guoguo people have the fun of these two people’s live broadcasting.

It was simply a fulfillment of their heroic dream, but when they watched it, they were a little anxious, ups and downs, but afterwards they were very cool.

“Get in the car!!”

When Sparta saw Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo running, he said to the two of them, and a train quickly left the scene.

Looking back, feeling that it was almost over, Sparta opened his mouth again to ask everyone what was confused in their hearts; “How did you get that guy to settle down?”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo have never turned off the live broadcast, so this passage has also been recorded by the live broadcast.

“In fact, at the beginning I didn’t know, I tied the other side of the lock to myself, that is, to use the power of the guy’s swing, and then see if I was lucky?” Can I put my feet on the big rock, but at that time I was also a little nervous, very afraid that my body was out of control, and then…”

“But there was a little episode in the middle, that is, I accidentally pulled the guy’s waist, as if to buckle his navel, and then I felt the power to change myself disappear.” 」

Li Xiaomo also has some unknown so-called, and does not know whether his move is good or bad, but he can also successfully leave this time, but he is not very comfortable in his heart, after all, he did not accept the other party.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaomo nodded at Liu Xiaoling, who was in a daze: “What do you want?” ”

“No, I wonder if that navel eye is this guy’s weakness, like manipulating an electronic toy, and without that switch button, nothing is possible?”

When Liu Xiaoling heard his girlfriend’s navel eyes, he had already thought of this possibility, otherwise that guy would let go of himself, would he let go of his girlfriend?

Liu Xiaoling had already denied himself in his heart, not that he and his girlfriend’s strength was so weak, but the other party was too strong, and the small stones roared by the wild wind could shoot so many people into a meat sieve, if this guy really got angry, Mao Guo would be equivalent to collapse.

Sparta sat in the driver’s seat, quietly listening to the conversation between Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, just now he did not participate in their confrontation, so the understanding of the type beast was not as deep as the two of them, and the silence at this time was not unthinkable, it was to prepare to understand the guy at a deeper level in the dialogue between the two of them.

But this time, thank you very much to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo for being able to shoot, otherwise the people present will be killed by that guy.

“Oh, fortunately, Xiao Mo, fortunately you are okay this time, otherwise I will be scolded to death by my brother!!”

Liu Xiaoling thought about the scene just now and felt afraid, what really happened to his girlfriend, he didn’t want to be happy in his life.

Li Xiaomo said comfortingly, “Rest assured, I will not fight unprepared.” ”

Don’t prepare for the battle? Sparta heard Li Xiaomo’s words in the driver’s seat and reflected that his use of this action was an unprepared battle, but there were unexpected gains in the process.

“Okay, by the way, let’s end the livestream!”

Li Xiaomo reminded that in general, two people are combined and the live broadcast is hung up, and there is no accident this time.

“Alas, don’t hang up the live broadcast, I haven’t seen enough!”

“Oh my God, so soon, I know when your next live stream will be?”

“Heroes, we’ll meet again!! I remember you!! ”



When the car did not say the words just now, these people who were watching with relish, full of reluctance to let them hang up the live broadcast.

“Rest assured, please pay attention to us, how will you lead everyone to explore the spirits!”

This official word made many people feel more comfortable, and then the screen was turned off in the live broadcast room. _

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