“Where are we going?”

Li Xiaomo asked Sparta after turning off the live broadcast.

For the man in front of him, Li Xiaomo only knew that he was a person in the official team of Mao Guo, but the others did not know anything.

Now Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were in their vehicles, and they didn’t know where they were going, they could only ask Sparta, and after this incident, they didn’t know if they could become brothers to go to Sparta.

In the Mao Kingdom, they could only win the trust of the official team and join hands with them to subdue these strange spirits, otherwise Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo could only do a good job and watch this strange spirit scurry around the territory of the Mao Kingdom.

Sparta then said to Li Xiaomo, “Let’s learn the official center of the deep pit city first!” ”

The official center of the pit city?

Li Xiaomo thought to himself, does this mean that Sparta already has some trust in them, after all, they all take the initiative to take the two of them to the official center of the deep pit city, which is not something that ordinary people can enter.

Liu Xiaoling asked doubtfully, “Why are you going there?” ”

Sparta said frankly, “Go to the official center of the city of the pit to confirm the whereabouts of the two of you, or someone will come to you in trouble later.” ”

People with hearts will contact the live broadcast content made by Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo around the deep pit to attack, and now there are all kinds of people in this world, how about you still boasting about your live broadcast in the live broadcast room last second? The next second you’ll lash out at your live content.

Liu Xiaoling listened to Sparta’s explanation, and felt some relief in his heart: “Well, indeed, the two of us have not thought about it. ”

Neither of them had mentioned the purpose of the trip to the official center before, but they had just spoken out to help them, who believed? It is better to use live broadcasting to show their strength and let the official take the initiative to find themselves, which is the idea of the two of them.

Just when they had just entered the deep pit Chaowei, Spartan they did not believe that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were going to help them, but instead let them stay quietly on the sidelines.

It wasn’t until the attack of the latter type beast caused the situation to be reversed, allowing Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to fully display their strength, which made Sparta believe in them.

And now Sparta happens to be the official who took the initiative to come to the door, he helped Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo solve these things, so that the two of them also have free time to observe the information before the pit.

Looking at the time outside, Li Xiaomo thought about everything that happened in the deep pit.

Liu Xiaoling began to understand the moment of confusion: “I heard that the deep pit was dug by hand? ”

Sparta nodded slowly, then said, “Deep pit is a taboo word in Mao, so… Forget it, in fact, it doesn’t matter, now the official news of Mao Guo has been”

“The deep pit was explored by the previous hundred-year-long research work, and I was supposed to study the core factors, but I encountered a little trouble in it, but what exactly is this trouble? It didn’t come out at that time, so many people didn’t know what was going on in the deep pit of Mao Guo. ”

“And the official can’t let this state of work continue, but someone leaked that there was pure gold in the deep pit, causing many people to go to the deep pit one after another.”

Speaking of this, Sparta looked at Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo from the rearview mirror, and then said slowly: “In fact, at the beginning, I also thought that you two came for pure gold like those people, so at that time, the subordinates were very aggressive towards you, and you can understand.” ”

Without the slightest preparation, he saw Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo infinitely close to the side of the deep pit, and Sparta had predicted that there might be something bad in the deep pit surging inside, and when the convoy reached the deep pit, he found that there was a large beast sitting next to it, although the other party had been dormant, but who could guarantee that it would always be na!

“Well, normal reaction, but we’re also a little underthought.”

What Li Xiaomo said to Sparta did not make much sense, and if he thought about it in another position and became Spartan himself, he would do the same.

“But how do you know there’s that big beast here?”

This is what Sparta wants to know most now, and he himself can’t understand it, and when he saw the background information of Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling, he learned that these two girls had only come to Maoguo in the past two or three days, and under the influence of different situations in the central city and the deep pit city, they came to the deep pit city, and then directly came to the deep pit.

Did they know in advance that there were large beasts here?

Even if I had just arrived here, I knew that something had come out of the pit area.

“Well, I don’t know, but when I was on my own, I heard people talk about the deep pit, and then I wanted to explore it, but I didn’t expect to meet it later.”

I actually had some fluke tone, and Sparta listened to Li Xiaomo’s words, which was a little funny, but on the other hand, she also had strength in others.

“You said you were helping us, what did you decide?”

Sparta decided to ask the two girls in the car first, in case they could really cooperate with the official team to clear everything in the pit, it would be a good idea to eliminate the hidden dangers that the Mao officials had been hiding.

“We need the latest news from these Mao countries, after all, in Mao countries, we are not very well informed.”

Li Xiaomo said his first condition, in fact, he also understood what Sparta meant.

Sparta’s identity is not to represent the interests of the Mao state, that is, from his standpoint, when he sees someone who is good for the Mao state, he must immediately reach out and grab it.

Li Xiaomo felt that after realizing it, he realized that there was something wrong with what he had just said, and he was afraid of Sparta’s misunderstanding: “Of course, the Maoguo news we are talking about is not only about your political interests or anything, as long as it is about foreign beasts, we all need it, and we have no interest in anything else?” ”

Sparta expressed understanding, and now he was thinking about how to completely pull Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo into Mao Guo’s team to deal with those big guys.

Giving it what he needed, Sparta thought, “Where do you live now?” ”

Liu Xiaoling turned her head to look at Li Xiaomo, saw that she didn’t have any ideas, and then replied: “I don’t know yet, but the residence should be there in a moment.” ”

Sparta said, “Let me arrange for you to stay temporarily!” ”

When Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo heard this sentence, they knew that the other party had slowly led it to the effect they wanted, but this was exactly what the two of them said they wanted, let the official take the initiative to find them, if Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo gladly accepted the official arrangement of the residence, it also meant agreeing to cooperate with them.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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