“Leave it alone, wait for the news from that mushroom head!”

The water friends stayed in the live broadcast room and waited for the mushroom head to surprise them, hoping to find the large hole order bird in the office building, and the water friends were interested in the two large hole order birds.

The mushroom head stared closely at the road in front of him, and the horsepower had never decreased, and he galloped all the way.

Don’t leave me!”

The mushroom head screamed in his heart, praying that the two large holes would not leave the official office building, and must let themselves touch, otherwise…

Forget it, and there is no such thing.

When he was driven to the official office building, there was already an official team arriving at the official office building, and listening to this familiar voice, the mushroom head hesitated whether to continue to explore, into his own clothes and pants, and then continued to walk forward.

It’s all about the heat, it’s all about the money.

For a moment, I wanted to enter this office building and make myself a target for large holes to kill birds, so that I could get the most exciting materials for a leader.

But the result is death!

So he still didn’t dare, and could only watch the movement in front of him from a distance.

“Hey, the official is out again.”

“Do you want to make a bet?” So can the official win over these two large beasts? ”

“Bet who loses ten thousand dollars to the other side?”

“We testify from the side!!”




A large part of them felt that the official could not win, after all, they also followed along the way to watch the video of these two Kong Ling birds, and they already knew some of their characteristics, even the floor collapsed and smashed on the Kong Ling birds, and the glass ballast was swallowed up in their stomachs.

Before the whole army of the team was destroyed, they must have carried some firearms, and the effect of the guns on the two large beasts was actually useless, so where did the official victory?

However, some people still eat objections, after all, the official is official, they always have unlimited potential, and their ultimate weapon has not been taken out, how dare they make a conclusion?

The two sides hold their own views, no one is the other, and the water friends have already spat out the fragrance directly in the live broadcast barrage, directly spraying the people who are opposite the point of view.

Mushroom Head didn’t have the heart to care about the bets of these water friends, this money thing, he didn’t care.

“Is the person inside clean?”

A low voice sounded, attracting the attention of the mushroom head, after which the camera of the live broadcast turned to the source of the sound.

Is there anyone in the building?

This was the mushroom head’s first reaction, and then heard the people say that there was still someone inside who had not come out.

It’s death again!

As long as someone is not clean, the person who comes out late is the food in the belly of the two holes.

This one raises the camera and shoots at the thirteen-story hole in the bird, whose wings sweep directly across the floor, swinging from side to side until the wall in front of it on the right is broken by his wings.

The huge wings came out along the people inside, clutching the right wing of the male hole to prevent themselves from falling, but there were too many of them, one by one, like iron absorbing stones, adsorbed on others.

The male dinosaur birds were not so kind, and kept letting them attach themselves to themselves, and shook their right wings vigorously, and these people could not stand this inertia, and their bodies fell down by gravity.



They watched their bodies continue to fall from the height of thirteen floors, but there was nothing they could do to save themselves.

Fortunately, looking at the air cushion on the ground that the team had set up in advance, the worries in my heart were greatly reduced.

With the air cushion, this has a certain impulse force, but it does not die.

The scene was full of their screams, and everyone thought that this scream would continue from the thirteenth floor to the ground, but when they fell to the ninth floor, they all fell into the big mouths that suddenly rushed over.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the people on the ground looked blankly at the scene just now, and in that instant, Kong Lingbird shifted to that position and opened its mouth, and none of these people reacted.

When the reaction came, it was also because the voices of these people suddenly stopped, that they learned that this scene was true.


The scene just now had obviously become a torrent, stimulating his brain, making him want to strangle the two yellow oriole birds in front of him, suck their bones, pick its skin, and drink its blood.

Bang Bang Bang!!

The sound of continuous gunfire rang out in this sudden silence, and ten snipers aimed at the eyes of the Kong Ling Bird in unison, and ten bullets were fired separately towards the eyes of the two Kou Ling Birds, and these ten snipers were the strongest of the snipers and maintained the highest level of the team.

Their strength was unquestionable, and the detachment leader waited with his eyes open for the roar of the two holes to make the birds, hoping that the two holes would make the bird’s back sniper successfully attack.

One second and two seconds… Or not?

The detachment did not believe it, picked up the telescope in its hand, and looked at the eyes of the two empty birds, whose intact eyes were resting on the body of the Kong Ling bird.

These two holes made the birds unable to hurt them even with their precise marksmanship and the bullet casing of the Golden Lord?

What the hell is this?

“Look! I said that these things were useless to both of them, and I wanted to say that this extraordinary thing needs extraordinary strength to contain it. ”

“First of all, these two things appeared suddenly, so where can the Mao officials find someone who can curb these two guys?”

“I don’t think the final strength of the official has been fully revealed, right?”

“Maybe the official has a backhand, and the next step may be to expose the ultimate weapon!!”


Now they understood that the fifteen men had not died out of accident, and they had never believed that there was no way to eliminate or drive these two guys away.

The mushroom head crouched down and quietly approached the back of the car driven by the team, this angle could only see others, others could not see him, which was a very good survey point.

“Then crouch in a better survey position so that you can see more scenes as well.”

There is a cheap is not to occupy the king of the eight eggs, this is the mushroom head has always believed in the life motto, but this is not to take advantage, the funds are also looking for a long time to find this position.

Look at how much effort they have put into this live broadcast, if these people don’t brush themselves with gifts, they want to rub them on the ground fiercely to untie the depression in their hearts.

However, he did not think about it for too long, and his eyes drifted forward, always checking the movements elsewhere.

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