After Kong Lingbird let these people into his mouth, he had to tighten his neck and legs under his abdomen, and his wings fluttered towards the walls of the official office building.

Bang Bang Bang!!

One after another, the large hole makes the bird relatively large, not as tall as the building, but the force of its impact is not small.

The glass of this building suddenly appeared in the middle of the glass with the impact of the hole making the bird, and one crack after another appeared on each glass, and finally the glass of the whole building became fragments.

These glass fragments are very numerous, and all fall down with gravity.


“My eyes… Help, it hurts!! ”

“Run, there’s glass slag falling down on it.”

“Oh my God…”

The glass ballast of the lower floor fell, and the glass ballast of the first floor directly slid through the clothes of neighboring people, and one after another blood marks scratched the ground, but it was not finished.

The glass slag of the high floor, because of the height, there is no glass ballast on the low floor that falls to the ground early, and then the glass ballast of the high floor falls on the ground, and the range of the ground is ejected.

The speed of glass breaking was too fast, and the people who were originally on the surface of the ground observed the movements of the two large holes to make birds, and some people did not have time to avoid the glass slag that suddenly landed, and the glass slag crossed their bodies, one after another.

The detachment leader and his men were still far from the location of the building, and they could see the scene of the glass breaking and falling in advance, feeling that the glass was falling too fast, and by the time he shouted out, a large part of these people had already been hurt.

Tiny glass slag enters their eyes, nostrils, and mouths, and some even go straight into their lungs, stomachs, and ubiquitous wounds.

“Oh my God, these two big beasts are so fierce that they killed these people with glass ballast ballasts.”

“This glass ballast has all fallen, these people…”

“The horror is so great that I hold my tiny body tightly and sit between the walls waiting for the morning sun to come!”

“I don’t know what happened to the official people”


The people in the live broadcast room watched the scene just now, perhaps even the martial arts film did not dare to act like this, these people were completely abused, and even the sniper rifle bullets fired by the official before were of no use to these two big holes.

Mushroom head stared at the scene just now, if he hadn’t quickly hidden under the car, he would have hung up, patted his chest with trepidation, and then looked at the mobile phone that he had put in the back of the car.

Fortunately, the phone screen is intact, at least not to lose some money, and then go to buy a mobile phone.

Simply put, the scene just now scared him to death, from the bottom up, I saw that the glass was as blue as the sky from top to bottom, landing on the ground, through the sunlight, and from time to time to emit a little light.

The captain of the detachment said to the intercom: “Ask the clinic staff for support!! ”

Staring at the people on the ground who were rolling and listening to the words spoken on the other side, the captain seemed to disagree with the other party’s arrangement, frowned tightly, and then said: “The official office building, immediately!” ”

The other side also seems to have difficulties, in a short period of time the clinic has not been able to deploy manpower, just the detachment and very bad, so that there is no way back for the clinic.

The Eastern Boundary side suffered heavy casualties, while the official office building side…

The captain felt that it was not much better than the Eastern Boundary, because two large hole Ling birds first attacked and swept from the Eastern Boundary and came to the official office building, and their two fierce methods caused heavy casualties in the central city.

A team member panicked and came to the captain, and then took a breath before saying, “Captain, can there be anyone from the clinic?” ”

They had planned not to use the people on the other side of the clinic, but there were so many casualties on this side, and some of them would die soon if they did not receive timely treatment.

“Well, it’s coming, let the people on our side come to the rescue first.”

The captain nodded, and then glanced at the two large hole-making birds hanging in the air, only to see that they were still chewing on the food they had just tasted, and the captain only felt a sweat behind him.

Looking down at the glass ballast scattered on the ground, the damage of the glass ballast was slightly lighter, and they could only crouch on the ground to prevent secondary damage by the glass ballast .

And those who are scratched by the glass ballast through the important parts of the eyes, regardless of whether there is a glass ballast on the ground, directly roll on the ground and roll back and forth and howl, the pain of the drill heart on the body makes them never calm down.

“First let those who are light stay away from the scene, and those who are seriously injured should not move them at will.”

The captain arranged for the team members next to him to say that the seriously injured must not be shaken at will, and if they did not pay attention, they would be directly declared dead.

“What’s going on?”

“How could there be that guy in the official office building?” That’s an official territory, what about security measures? How come Amsass didn’t have it? ”

A pair of leather boots stepped on the floor, walked back and forth several times, questioning the people in front of them one after another, if it is a question, it is better to remind yourself about the current situation of the central city.

How can this be?

An elderly man stood up from among the many people who were sitting: “I think we need to find someone more powerful to come to Maoguo…”

Just like the battle movies they prefer, there are always monsters of unknown origin, and when this monster is rampant, in various places, there will also be squares that are forced to produce, and now Mao Guo definitely does not have the existence of these people, but it does not mean that other people do not.

“More powerful?”

“Yes, in the screen video we saw, I believe everyone also knows that Mao Guo’s many firearms, of course, some of them are normal, for these two large beasts, it is useless, does not mean that the official team of Mao Guo is not a threat to large beasts?”

After the man said this, he looked down at the expression of the person sitting down, and finally landed on the man with the leather boots, and then said slowly: “I believe everyone also knows that there is also an unknown beast on the other side of the deep pit city, although it has not yet launched a dangerous scene, but its existence is a hidden threat.” ”

People nodded frequently, and many people agreed with what the old man had said.

But where is this powerful force? Who knows?

The man in the leather boots asked the crowd what they thought, “But where is the power to find?” ”

Power does need strength, and only unusual forces can subdue unusual threats, but where is this power? Or whether there is power in this world.

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