Liu Xiaoling looked at the type beast even if it was stabbed by himself, and he was not moved, watching his body about to fall to the ground, his hands quickly attached to the metal short root, the power of the metal short root was naturally different from ordinary sharp weapons, turning the surrounding flesh up, and a large piece of skin was detached from the original position.

Liu Xiaoling still wanted to continue to rotate the metal short root, but the speed of her body falling was too late for her to have more chances to damage the beast.

With the damage of Liu Xiaoling’s attack, the type beast had already endured to change its body shape, and although this medium body could withstand the destruction of the metal short root, it was not without feeling.

But as the mysterious lateral force on the metal short root was injected into the body, like a torrent entering his body, the pain with a numbing feeling quickly hit the whole body of the upper-type beast.

The type beast looked down at the metal short root and did not leave his arm, it really could not withstand the pain coming from this arm, Xingye finally became larger in his body, Li Xiaomo, who originally had a little chance of winning, was now without a chance of winning, as expected, the handle of the lasso whip in Li Xiaomo’s hand was snatched by the type beast.

That’s it!

Both Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling watched with wide eyes as the beast whipped the handle, which was equivalent to their previous efforts being in vain.

Liu Xiaoling took the lead in waking up from his surprise, looked at Li Xiaomo, who was still staring at the beast, and shouted, “Xiao Mo, run!” ”

But Li Xiaomo just didn’t want to go now, she wanted to snatch the lasso whip.

But can something that falls into the hands of a beast still be snatched up? Li Xiaomo himself didn’t know if he could grab it, but this was a mysterious side tool that cost a lot of points to get, how could he let the other party easily destroy it.

In the end, Li Xiaomo still did not really understand the use of the lasso whip, and quickly got up from the ground, ready to pounce on the beast.

The size of the beast had become very tall, and as it stood, it propped up the walls of the maze and exploded with this sound.

“Bang bang…”

The stones projectile from the two walls of the labyrinth were fired towards the middle side of the corridor, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo quickly fell to the ground, but the stone bullets hit the ground, and the stones did not fall to the ground as stepping stones, and were catapulted up by the ground.

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling looked at the scene in front of them in surprise, originally thinking that they could dodge these attacks as long as they lay down, but these stones were far from what they imagined.

Although the scene in front of him was very exciting, Liu Xiaoling still did not want to die here: “God, why doesn’t this thing stop?” ”

Li Xiaomo looked back to see if anything sharp had appeared, then looked at the wide corridor and whispered to Liu Xiaoling, “Xiao Ling, in a moment we will roll back.” ”

This Li Xiaomo was also afraid of what sharp sharp weapon suddenly appeared behind him, if he and Xiao Ling rolled backwards, just happened to be touched by that sharp thing, the consequences were really unimaginable.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo thought of going together, this maze has mechanisms everywhere, and if you are not careful, you may touch another trap: “In case…”

Her worried eyes, Li Xiaomo naturally understood, but there were stones in front of her, and the constant approaching of the beasts, and the walls on both sides of the left and right, there was no choice, they could only retreat now.

Li Xiaomo nodded at Liu Xiaoling, and the two of them curled their bodies and rolled towards the back, using the slope on the labyrinth ground to better evacuate backwards, at least to avoid some of the stones.

When the two reached about fifteen meters, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s bodies suddenly stopped in place, and the two quickly got up to guard against the type of beast that was still coming step by step.

Liu Xiaoling moved the fingers of his right hand, ready to wake up the current ring on his hand, so that it was always ready to attack the beast.

Liu Xiaoling took a step forward, ready to attract the gaze of the type beast to himself, the ejection of those stones was of no use to the type beast, hitting it and then being catapulted back.

Liu Xiaoling wanted Li Xiaomo to be behind her, after all, she still had an electric current ring on her body to guard against, but Li Xiaomo’s lasso whip had already been collected by the beast.

Li Xiaomo was staring closely at the lasso whip dragged by the beast, ready to snatch the lasso whip at any time.

One step and two steps…

The step-type beast stepped on the hearts of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and Liu Xiaoling’s feet were slightly cocked, and his eyes stared at the soles of the type beasts for a moment.

The next moment, Liu Xiaoling’s arm was raised, and the finger with the current ring sent out an electric current straight in the direction of the beast, and the slight blue current shot forward in the air.

Must succeed!

This thought lingered in the hearts of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and the very anticipatory beast was fixed by the current ring.

“I think the current ring on Xiao Ling’s hand is really powerful, and there are hidden weapons in that labyrinth.”

“Can the two of them get out alive?”

“Is there anything else in this labyrinth?”

“Heavens! Why hasn’t the willow wind appeared? ”


The news in the tomb of the leather boot man, in addition to some words of admiration and some concern, the word “willow wind” gradually attracted the leather boot man.

Willow wind?

What is the relationship between Liu Feng and them? The man in the leather boots felt a little familiar, as if he had heard of the name before, but if he thought about it, he didn’t know who it was.

In the end, the man with the leather boots still wanted to Sparta and asked, “Sparta, have you ever heard of the name Liu Feng?” ”

Willow wind? Isn’t Liu Feng Liu Xiaoling’s brother?

Spartan replied slowly, “You know, what’s wrong?” He is Liu Xiaoling’s biological brother. ”

The man with leather boots said and stretched out his mobile phone for Sparta to see: “I see that in the barrage, many people are looking forward to the appearance of Liu Feng, and I feel that Liu Feng is also very powerful.” ”

Without thinking, Sparta said, “You think, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are so powerful, do you think her brother will be a mediocre person?” ”

This is also the truth, after all, it is not a family, do not enter the door.

The man in the leather boots looked at the scene in front of him worriedly, although he wanted to go over to help, but he was simply dragging his feet in the past, and he still chose to stay in place to help Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo live: “Do you think the two of them can win?” ”

Spartan is sure that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo will win, but… He chose to say, “I don’t know! ”

He himself didn’t know why he could firmly believe Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, but in his heart he told him to calmly accept everything in front of him.

Let’s hope they win!

Not only because there was no way to account to the eastern powers, but it also meant the life and death of the Mao state, and if these two people failed, the large beasts would immediately spread to various cities and kill them on a large scale.

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