The light blue light of the electric current ring was wrapped around the body of the type beast, fixing the type beast that wanted to continue to go forward, it looked down at its own footsteps and could not go forward, towards the direction of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and opened its mouth to let the two of them untie the restraints on their bodies.

Looking at the beast that had been fixed, Liu Xiaoling smiled and said, “It’s really possible!” ”

Liu Xiaoling looked cautiously at the type of beast in front of him: “Xiao Mo, let’s go ahead and grab the lasso whip.” ”

Li Xiaomo opened his mouth and said, “Lasso whip…”

The next second, a miraculous scene appeared, when the lasso whip heard Li Xiaomo talking about it, the lasso whip quickly left the hand of the beast, turned and flew towards the location where Li Xiaomo was, and finally wrapped tightly around Li Xiaomo’s arm.

Liu Xiaoling was surprised and pointed to the lasso whip on Li Xiaomo’s arm: “This is? ”

I thought that the lasso whip would be torn apart in the hands of the type beast, but now that it was back in Li Xiaomo’s hands intact, how could Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo not be surprised, so it would simply save them from competing with the type beast for the lasso whip.

Li Xiaomo weighed the lasso whip in her hand, and she was now very excited to compete with the beast: “This is also good!” ”

Liu Xiaoling stepped forward, “Let’s go while the type beast is fixed.” ”

She was very much looking forward to subduing the type beast, this guy was more powerful than before, if she could subdue him, this meant that her level with Xiao Mo had risen a little, and he himself could feel his mysterious side power, with his own surge and use, up and down had been rushing to a point of a star order line, although only this 0.1 star level broke through, but also the difference of this 0.1 star level, but also let Liu Xiaoling’s attack power have a big difference.

She’s different from Liu Feng, as long as she has enough horror points to break through a star order, and as long as he sets up the horror scene in front of him, sits and waits for the income of the terror points, and then constantly expands his team, the offline line and then the offline line, more terror points will continue to pour into his pocket, which is the benefit of the horror system.

Immediately the two of them kept moving forward, the body of this type of beast had already left the range of the stone bullet, so that the two of them had no scruples, Li Xiaomo threw off the lasso whip hanging on his arm, avoided Liu Xiaoling’s direction, and threw it fiercely at the fixed type beast.

Let your skin open and flesh, I will not be surnamed Li!

This vendetta that had just been robbed of the lasso whip, Li Xiaomo would not forget.

“Snap… Snap…”

One after another, the sound of whipping stimulated Li Xiaomo to hit the beast harder, and the fixed beast could only withstand Li Xiaomo’s whipping, but its eyes drifted around, thinking of ways to escape the control of Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling.

Liu Xiaoling’s beast, having been controlled, once again complained to the SCP Foundation: “Why haven’t they appeared yet?” ”

“It’ll come!”

Although Li Xiaomo said this, the movement in her hand still did not stop, she was now a crazy and violent beast, in order to release the sullen breath in her chest.

“Tianshen, Li Xiaomo was a lady before, and now I see her bloody side, but I still like her.”

“Are they waiting for that organization?” It felt like they had already subdued this big beast. ”

“Is this human-beast war coming to an end?” So can we be free? ”

“Did that whip automatically return to Li Xiaomo’s hand?”


Who doesn’t have one? In the previous appearance of the SB Foundation, it has been seen that Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling have almost subdued the large beasts, but they are still deadlocked, and they almost guess that they are waiting for the people of the SCP Foundation to appear, in fact, they do not know the responsibility of this organization.

I don’t know when the people of the SCP Foundation suddenly appeared, and from the depths of the labyrinth came out the seven people in the SCP Foundation uniform.

When Liu Xiaoling saw these seven people, he unconsciously said, “You are finally here!” ”

Although I know that the cooperation with the SCP Foundation is a division of labor for containment work, it is very angry to have to wait for them to wait for some time each time.

The head of the SCP Foundation said, “I’m sorry…”

The others were not much to say, preparing to take the beast into the special cage, during which the seven men carried out a physical examination of the formation of the beast, just to see if it was carrying anything else.

Finally, the seven people nodded with Liu Xiaoling, “Miss Liu, Miss Li, let’s leave first.” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo watched from a distance as the people of the SCP Foundation left, knowing that this war was over again, and the two of them exhaled a big breath.

Who knows if the big beast will suddenly go crazy and tear the two apart, all accidents are possible.

I have to say that whether it is a ghost or a strange spirit body encountered by this spirit detector live broadcast, they are extremely threatening, but the stimulation brought by it is beyond the reach of other things.

Sparta whispered, “The pit is temporarily far from danger, but I don’t know…”

As he said this, Sparta’s eyes were aimed at the deep pit not far away, who knew if another ghost thing would suddenly appear at the mouth of the deep pit at the next moment, and then the fierce god would pounce on everyone viciously.

“Oh, the two of them actually won, how do you feel that the two of them are getting more and more able to fight… Well, it’s just my hallucination. ”

“It seems that the two of them were much more powerful when they were originally Eagle Sauce Country.”

“My family has a female director, and the result of growing up is the appearance of the two of them.”

“How come I don’t know that there are these things in this world?” Do you want me to open a live visit, and you will come to hold a scene. ”

“Oh, I will definitely give you a place to hold a funeral.”

“Without that skill, don’t go to the Spirit Exploration Live Broadcast, before there was an Internet celebrity Xiaoling to open the Spirit Exploration Live Broadcast, and the result is that he died directly in the same place.”


It turned out that those who had the idea that those who were ready to open the soul exploration live broadcast heard what other water friends said, and felt that it was not unreasonable, after all, he also saw that in the process of the soul exploration live broadcast, what he encountered was not an ordinary guy, if there was really no real material, it was simply a part of the abuse.

Sparta said to the man in the boots who was watching the bullet screen, “Get ready to go home!” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, whose fingers were in the maze of leather boots, said, “Huh? Don’t you wait for the two of them to come out? ”

Sparta looked at the man in the leather boots and said nonsense: “…”

Well, not bad!

Liu Feng looked at the system panel in front of him with relish, and looked at the performance of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo with pride.

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