The purpose of their coming is to make Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s live search popularity drop, preferably completely to the dark realm, so that these water friends can clearly see the true face of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Let them grab their own business, this is the end!

Watching Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo quickly being killed by these two black air masses, there was no pity, but I felt that it was very cool, that is, God helped them and helped them eliminate the people who robbed their popularity.

When everyone thought that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo would die because of this time, a figure that was quickly shuttling through various obstacles from south to north, first took Li Xiaomo, who was about to be scratched by the eagle black air mass, to the north, and then came to Liu Xiaoling’s position and kicked the big bear black air mass away.

“This… Who’s this? ”

“Great God, kneel down and beg for your contact information!!”

“What a hero of the world!”

“Haha, it’s really good that Xiao Mo’s wife and Xiao Ling baby didn’t die.”

“He’s Willow Wind, he’s mine, don’t rob me!”

“Every day… Is he Willow Wind? Oh my God, how handsome! ”


Originally, the live broadcasts of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo who laughed because they fell into the hands of the two air masses, when they saw Liu Feng’s series of sharp operations and rescued the dying Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo from the hands of the two black air masses, these live broadcasts gritted their teeth and cursed Liu Feng, hoping that Liu Feng also had some accidents, and then pushed Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo into the hands of the two black air masses again.

But how powerful the willow wind was, how could it be that these two large black air masses were arrogant.

Moreover, the two large black air masses were created by Liu Feng’s fingers, although these two large black air masses would not know the identity of Liu Feng, but Liu Feng’s strength was definitely higher than these two large black air masses, and their strength was even twenty times that of them.

It’s just that Liu Feng doesn’t want to show his strength, but this doesn’t mean that these guys can override their own people, and those who insult their sisters in the bullet screen, Liu Feng can’t make them feel better.

If they are not convinced today, how can the wind swallow this breath?

If you don’t become a demon, you become a Buddha.

This is a sentence that Liu Feng has always released, and it is also used here as usual, those live broadcasters have the courage to provoke Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, then they must have the strength to meet their own difficulties.

Don’t say that they are bullying the small with the big, bullying the weak with the strong, if these people don’t give them some color to see, these people will never know how many pounds they have, no one is chasing them, they think they have the world?

Is this when someone else is a fool? If you really think you are a Buddha, don’t put gold on your face.

And what kind of way to make it difficult for them? Liu Feng had not yet thought of it, but he would definitely not let them live in the world in peace and stability, otherwise what would be the grievances suffered by his sister and her girlfriend today?

Scold! Today I will show you how we compare you to you.

Liu Feng finally turned around and shot a defiant look in the direction of the live mobile phone, and this scene was naturally also seen by the people in the live broadcast, just now still shouting that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s soul detection live broadcast is a script to execute the broadcasters, one by one do not dare to say a word, just because of the killing eyes of Liu Feng, it feels that the whole body is being stared at by something, and what comes into the eyes is the coldness of the whole body.

They don’t know what they are for, the broadcasters are usually able to speak the Tao, can say that the living are dead, can say the dead as alive, and today they dare not speak to the upper willow wind.

Just remember that look… It’s like a sharp blade, peeling off his body rawly, then the other party still laughs and holds a sharp weapon and a knife and a knife, sometimes it seems that this method is not relieved, and then sprinkles a handful of salt on the wound, and uses the fire to bake it into salt water, this man is absolutely so fierce.

Liu Feng faced the big bear black air mass and the eagle black air mass, he did not carry any tools on his body, and the rescued Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were half kneeling on the ground, and they were also watching Liu Feng go to the position of the two black air masses alone, although Liu Feng’s strength was very strong, but Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo still unconsciously grabbed the strength, just now the reaction speed of the two black air masses was too fast, and it was very cunning, but they took advantage of the gap period to grab their black hands to each other.

Watching the Eagle Black Air Mass and the Big Bear Black Air Mass attack his brother up and down respectively, Liu Xiaoling did not care whether his legs were soft or not, and shouted forward: “Brother, be careful!” ”

Liu Feng could naturally hear Liu Xiaoling’s voice, in fact, he did not put two large black air masses in his eyes, it was his own manufacturing, the other party had a few pounds and a few, and he understood it very well in his heart, but how could this secret still be known to others? After all, it still has to be loaded.

It’s just that seeing his sister worry so much about himself, he really feels that he didn’t hurt her in vain.

Liu Feng turned his head and responded, “Don’t worry! ”

How could he still laugh? Sparta watched Liu Feng’s actions from the sidelines, and couldn’t believe that such a young man was the god in his mouth.

It is precisely because in the barrage, these days there have been people shouting Liu Feng’s name, Sparta and the leather boot man in private to check the information about the willow wind, although it is some superficial, there are some scenes about Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s detective live broadcast, everything is blank, but it is because this is blank, so that Sparta and the leather boot man suspect that the identity of this willow wind is definitely not so simple.

Is that phantom really that person?

Before Sparta could see clearly, Liu Feng’s figure had already shuttled through and rescued Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, who were in danger.

Is this man or God… Or a ghost?

Spartan only thought that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were just some good kung fu, plus there were some strange tools, which were no different from ordinary people.

But after seeing Liu Feng, I completely felt that the breath on Liu Feng’s body was different from ordinary people, cold and slaughtering, which was the first impression given to people, and then looked at the second glance, and it was no different from ordinary people, I only felt that this person was indifferent.

Sparta absolutely believed in his first impression, the cold and murderous breath was definitely emanating from Liu Feng’s body, but after that he put away his own breath a little.

He was only twenty-one years old, so how could he have such an extraordinary breath?

Spartan thought secretly in his heart, and his eyes kept looking at Liu Feng’s movements, but because of this look that made Liu Feng frown, he did not like this overly discussed look very much.

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