It was 11.00 midnight from the mysterious organization that Liu Xiaoling drove and Li Xiaomo marched to Maoguo’s rat poison pharmaceutical factory according to the instructions.

“Hey, Xiao Ling, I heard that there was a homicide in this pharmaceutical factory a few days ago, and I heard that the owner and the lady who opened the pharmaceutical factory were dead, and they all said that they made this drug to poison the rats, and the result was that the rat spirit was killed.”

“Isn’t that nonsense? According to what they said, the butcher who killed the pig must not be killed by the pig essence, so how can there be a butcher shop in the world? Liu Xiaoling laughed.

“The point is not here, the focus is on how they were killed, and they have not been clearly investigated until now, so there is the saying that the rat spirit killed them, the mystery of their death, I am afraid that there is something wrong with this factory, let’s be careful about this live visit, right?”

“Hey, I said Li Xiaomo, how come the more we do this business, the less courageous you are, lately you have always been suspicious, originally we also knew that there were no real ghosts, just tasks assigned to us by the organization.”

“You know, Xiao Ling, I’ve always been a cautious person, we’ve been doing it for so long, we always feel like someone is secretly manipulating all this, and we always feel like we are pawns on the chessboard, like being used.”

“Alas, don’t think about it. It doesn’t matter what you don’t use, let’s be happy. ”

As they talked, the two of them went to the old rat poison factory where rat poison was made.

“Oh, what does it smell like?” It stinks. A stench came from time to time, the cold wind of midnight blew straight into the backs of people, and the two little devil’s heads, stepping on the creaking old wooden boards, went straight inside, without any look of fear.

“Xiaoling, shall we start a live broadcast?”

“Oh, this sound horror effect is bursting!”

As soon as the live broadcast began, the live broadcast room was boiling and frying the pot, and some of them had good intentions to persuade them not to go in, and some of them even asked for thrilling music to enjoy it.

Rugging for the two of them to enter the gate of the factory, the midnight wind only blew in the factory like a ghost crying wolf.

“Xiao Mo, let’s find the valve to see where the main switch is, it’s too dark, if only I could turn on the lights in the factory.”

“Little Ling, we can find it by following this line, look, here.”

As soon as Xiao Mo turned on the master switch, the lights in the factory sounded straight up, and they flickered, plus the wind howling of this ghost, tiger and wolf, the atmosphere was simply amazing, it was almost like entering the Yan Luo Temple.

Bells and bells… The frightened point rose in unison, and Liu Feng sneered, “What a bunch of cowards, this really scary thing hasn’t been staged yet.” ”

Looking for the light, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo wanted to find out where this stench came from? Suddenly, the factory lights suddenly went out.

“Oops!” Li Xiaomo screamed.

The plank shattered, and Li Xiaomo fell into the basement.

“Little foam, little foam, are you okay?” Liu Xiaoling broke out in a cold sweat, and he kept flashing down with his flashlight. ”

“I’m fine, don’t worry, you go down the stairs and find the exit of the basement, I’ll go find the exit, and we’ll meet in a moment.”

“You’re all right, don’t worry, I’ll go down right away.” Liu Xiaoling said and rushed down.

In the basement, Li Xiaomo, the soil on Shan Shan’s body stood up, how could this plain and unprovoked suddenly appear a hole? Just now stepping on this wooden board is still quite strong, how can it suddenly collapse? Forget it, let’s find the exit first.

“Why is this stink getting stronger here?”

Squeak squeak.

“Oh, it’s a mouse.” Li Xiaomo, shaking the flashlight to shine around, oh mom, a lot of rats. ”

I saw the rats running in swarms in one direction.

Squeak, hear this harsh sound. Li Xiaomo quickly raised his feet, and it turned out that he had stepped on the tail of a mouse. What Li Xiaomo was most afraid of was the rats, and she couldn’t imagine encountering such a large group of rats today, she was too scared to move.

Li Xiaomo, Li Xiaomo, this mouse has been your weakness since you were born, take advantage of this time, quickly change the bad problem of being afraid of rats, thinking, Li Xiaomo half-closed his eyes and moved his steps in the direction where the rats were running.

Outside Liu Xiaoling went down the stairs and found the entrance to the basement.

“Damn, who snatched so many things and blocked the entrance to this basement, but fortunately I brought a little shovel and a little sickle.” Liu Xiaoling struggled to clean up the garbage blocked at the entrance of the exit.

After a while, finally, a passage was opened from the garbage heap, and Liu Xiaoling shook the flashlight to find that the basement was still quite deep.

With a sigh, Liu Xiaoling took the flashlight and walked towards the basement.

Here it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen, and suddenly, Liu Xiaoling shone a black shadow with a flashlight.

“Who is it?” Come out, I see you. At this time, Liu Xiaoling was also very scared.


“Oops, scared me to death, is it a cat?” How can there be cats here? ”

Liu Xiaoling continued to move forward.

“Squeak” is the cry of a rat again.

“Oh I’m going, oh my God, Liu Xiaoling shouted”, everyone quickly looked, “the rats here actually ate the cat to only one skin.” This kind of horrible scene was the first time they had seen it, and Liu Xiaoling suppressed his fear, thinking about how these rats were running in one direction.

Maybe looking for the direction of the rat running, you can find Li Xiaomo, Li Xiaomo, you must not have an accident.

Li Xiaomo followed the direction of the rats to the end of the basement, only to see that there were many large tanks at the end, and the smell emitted from the cylinders was exactly the smell they smelled outside the factory, smelling this smell. Li Xiaomo’s eyes were suddenly confused, his dizziness was severe, was this smell poisonous, how did he feel weak, after saying that, Li Xiaomo collapsed on the floor and could not move.

In a trance, Li Xiaomo saw a rat as tall as a human being walking towards her, and the sharp claws showed their sharp edges, and he was getting closer and closer to Li Xiaomo.

Li Xiaomo watched the mouse spirit walking towards her, but he couldn’t move.

Did I die here again today when I left Xiao Mo? Thinking about Li Xiaomo, he closed his eyes in fear.

“Metal short roots, small foam, don’t be afraid that I will come to save you.”

It turned out to be Liu Xiaoling, only to see her cover her nose, lift Li Xiaomo up, and then hand Liu Li Xiaomo a piece of cloth, let her cover her nose, and feed him a pill for her to take, so that she can move.

Li Xiaomo looked at the mouse that was as big as a person, and it turned out that it was not as big as a person, but it was slightly larger than other rats

“This abominable beast almost killed me.”

“It’s all right, Xiao Mo, you just got poisoned by this smell, fortunately I prepared in advance, I saw that the rotting flesh and bones in this vat don’t look like animals in this tank like human corpses, let’s go back first, and report to the patrol station tomorrow.”

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