The next day, the inspection office received a report from Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo and immediately rushed to the abandoned rat poison pharmaceutical factory, and the smell in the air became more and more intense, and the patrolmen had to cover their mouths under the leadership of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to the basement, and extracted the bones in several tanks.

A forensic doctor said: “The Spartan governor, based on my experience over the years, has concluded that this is human bone, not the bones of wild animals. ”

“Huh? It’s human bones, Nguyen Man, you put all these bones in a sack with leather boots, bring them back to the institute for forensic doctors to examine carefully, to see who the deceased really is. ”

“Hey, and you two little devils went on a tour of the station with me.”

Liu Xiaoling was not very willing to enter the inspection center, after all, when the spirit was always interfered with by these people, but thinking that this involved a human murder case, Liu Xiaoling even if there were ten thousand unwilling, this time in order to show the snow for the deceased, she did not shirk it again. ”

Arriving at the security inspection station, the Spartan commander sat face to face with Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Spartan stared at the boss with a serious look.

“Two little devils, the following questions I want to ask, you must answer truthfully, say the wrong word, you don’t want to go home.”

“Spartan sir, we know the seriousness of the matter, we will not lie.” Li Xiaomo said.

“Well, it’s better that way.” Sparta seemed dismissive.

“So when did you find these bones?”

“It was at about 12:00 midnight that we were doing a live telephony and then we came to this abandoned pharmaceutical factory, smelled a smell, and then looked for the smell and maybe we could find something, so we found these vats and bones.”

“Sir, the identity of the deceased has been confirmed, it is two people, a man and a woman, the man is verified to be the owner of this pharmaceutical factory, and the woman does not know who it is yet.” Ruan Man said.

“Boss Zhou, how could it be him?” I remember he didn’t have a funeral a month ago? Didn’t he get buried? Who threw his body out again? Ruan Man went to find the shoe man to the cemetery to check it out. ”

“Okay sir, I’ll go.”

“All right, two little devils, there’s nothing wrong with this, go home.”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo looked at each other, nodded, and walked out of the inspection office.

“Xiao Mo, who do you say that woman will be?” How did the owner of the pharmaceutical factory and the woman all get dissolved here? Who did it? Heck, I really don’t know the truth. ”

“Xiao Ling, I see that your brother is talented and intelligent, so we might as well ask your brother and maybe we’ll get an answer.”

“It’s a great idea, let’s go home.”

In the luxurious villa in Tianhai City, Liu Feng frowned, and he sighed deeply, “Is it good or evil?” Who can tell the difference between evil and right? Did it save him or hurt him? After all, it is up to God. ”

“Brother, I’m back, what am I listening to you mutter?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“Nothing, how did you come back so late today?” Have you eaten? ”

“Brother you know what? Last night Xiao Mo and I found out about a homicide. This morning we reported the case, and then we were called to the inspection office to ask questions, first of all, not busy eating, the autopsy report just came out, the dead is a man and a woman, the man is the former owner of the rat poison pharmaceutical factory, the woman has not yet verified the identity, brother, I know you are a genius, can you check this case? ”

“What nonsense? These things should not be our worries, your own family inspection office supervision, you are a student, do not study your own homework, what do you think all day? You do the Spirit Hunt live, and I have no objection to you. Is it going to be wider again? If I continue like this, I will not be able to face our dead parents again. ”

“Okay brother, if you don’t check, don’t check, don’t check, I’ll check with Xiao Mo, let’s go first, I’ll go to Xiao Mo’s house for a meal, and then investigate the case.” Liu Xiaoling pouted, very unhappy, Liu Feng has always hurt her very much, this time I don’t know why I was so excited, I actually yelled at her.

The inspection office had already confirmed that the victim was indeed Boss Zhou himself, and Sparta fell into contemplation about who was so cruel.

“Ruan Man, go and adjust the monitoring of Boss Zhou’s car accident.” Sparta said.

“Okay, sir”

In the black-and-white surveillance video, Boss Zhou’s car crashed straight into a large tree at the turn, and after a while, the car suddenly caught fire and smoked, fortunately, the farmers on the side of the road found out in time and saved Boss Zhou’s daughter Zhou Ruixue, but Boss Zhou was burned to death.

Wait, it’s not right, how can the car suddenly catch fire, even if the fuel tank leaks is the first fire outside the car, the car is on fire first, how can this be said, the more Sparta thinks about it, the more wrong it is.

“Man with leather boots, who else is in Boss Zhou’s family?” Spartan frowned thoughtfully

“Boss, he only has a 14-year-old daughter in his family now.”

“Only one child left?” The underage child, leather boots, took me to Boss Zhou’s tomb to see, and by the way, told the forensic doctor to continue to investigate the cause of Boss Zhou’s death. ”

“Okay, boss.”

In the wilderness, the crows of the crows were intermittent, the weeds were everywhere, no one took care of them, the tombstones were lined up neatly, and Sparta carefully observed Boss Zhou’s cemetery, the cemetery did not look like it had been excavated by people, there was no new soil, it seemed that Boss Zhou’s body may have been excavated again after burying him.

“Jingle Bells…”

“Ruan Man, what’s the matter?”

“Boss, the forensic doctor said that Boss Zhou may have been strangled to death, but there is only a 50% certainty”

“Okay, I see.” Sparta immediately put down the phone, “Leather boots, go, go to Boss Zhou’s house and see his daughter.” ”

No one came to open the door, “No, boots, knock on the door”, only to hear a bang, the door opened, the room was empty, there was no one.

“Damn, a step late, leather boots, hurry up and adjust the surveillance, go to the doorman, check who has come to Boss Zhou’s house.”

“Boss, we don’t know when that person came here with so many videos, or take the video back, it will take at least three days for us to find out who that person is.”

“Three days? This case involves two lives, the time has passed for nearly a month, on my turf, there are such arrogant criminals, the child does not know whether he is dead or alive, I really can’t wait for a moment, so, you go to the Internet to send an advertisement to find a few more people to watch the surveillance, I don’t believe that a day can not be found. ”

“Okay, boss.” Leather boots are gone like a man.

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