The eight memory masters in the inspection house were ready, and Ruan Man looked at Sparta.

“Get ready and get started!” Sparta said.

Ruan Man raised his right hand “Ready, start.” ”

The operator turned on sixteen players, and the heads of the eight men shook rapidly left and right.

At dusk, a man suddenly shouted, “Found it, found it.” ”

Sparta hurried forward, “Where?” ”

Only to see the film and television screen, a middle-aged man of about 1 meter 75, wearing a gray uniform, opened the door and entered Boss Zhou’s home, and it was not long before Zhou Ruixue followed the man out.

“Ruan Man, go, hurry up and find out who this person is.” Sparta breathed a sigh of relief, seeing this little girl walking out with this man, she could be so obedient, she must be an acquaintance, not a kidnapper, it seems that this little girl is still alive eighty percent.

After a long time, Ruan Man rushed to come, “Boss, this person’s name is Tiezhu, he is Boss Zhou’s subordinate, but I heard that this person is not a good person, and some people reflect that he and Boss Zhou’s female secretary are often seen going in and out of the hotel, and it seems that their relationship is extraordinary.” ”

“Check this man’s address and follow me to his house.” As Sparta spoke, he put on his leather coat and prepared to drive away.

In the park, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are walking, the refreshing fragrance of flowers, the gentle and smooth bird song, the morning full of sunshine and vitality, people come and go, it is not lively.

“Xiao Mo, today I checked the top ten horror sites in the country of Chamao, and the first place is an abandoned castle known as the Ghost Castle, and I heard that when this castle was demolished, the workers could often hear ghost-like cries at dusk, and some workers also reflected that they had seen ghosts with their own eyes, and until now this castle has not been demolished, so let’s go there today.”

“No problem, at 11 a.m., we’ll meet outside the castle.”

At midnight, this dilapidated castle on the outskirts of the city looks even more eerie in the silent night.

“Hi, Li Xiaomo.”

“Oh, you scared me to death, how did you suddenly come out, I thought it was.”

“Haha, what do you think, what do you think, I will say that your courage is getting smaller and smaller, let’s go, let’s start our spiritual exploration road.” The two entered the castle together.

There were still some old furniture in the castle that could not be lifted, a few rags were fluttering and shaking with the evening wind, Liu Xiaoling was dangling around with a flashlight, the corners of the walls were full of spider webs, and spiders the size of wine glasses were faintly visible.

Liu Xiaoling shrugged his shoulders, struck a wit, and said, “Xiao Mo, you go slowly, don’t lose me.” ”

Suddenly, with a whimper, a shadow flashed in front of the two of them, and Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling were a little panicked.

“Bells and bells…” The shock point continued to skyrocket.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was noisy, and many people were proposing to let the two of them go with them.

The two men continued to walk forward, and the shadow kept flashing, as if deliberately guiding them to a place, in a room on the third floor, where the black shadow had penetrated in.

“Xiao Ling, he entered that room, let’s go and have a look.”

“Little foam, be careful, walk slowly, be careful of any traps.”

Crunch…… The decayed door opened, and into the room, there were strips of broken white cloth hanging from the beams, and the two people seemed to be lost, and they could not get out.

“Oops!” Liu Xiaoling shouted, “Xiao Mo, why are you slapping me?” ”

“I didn’t shoot you.” Li Xiaomo was surprised.

“Oh, little spy, why did you step on me?”

“I didn’t step on you, Momo.” The two shrank into a ball of fright.

“Little Ling, I’ll count 123 for a while, and then we’ll punch each other in the back together.” Li Xiaomo said close to Liu Xiaoling’s ear.

Liu Liu Xiaoling nodded knowingly.

“1…… 2…… 3…” The two men closed their eyes and punched, but they didn’t hit anything.

Liu Xiaoling’s eyes rolled upwards.

Li Xiaomo immediately understood Liu Xiaoling’s meaning, and the two of them looked at the roof at the same time.

Oh my God, on the roof, there was actually a white bone, the bone seemed to be alive, the head was still spinning, it seemed to be closely observing the whereabouts of the two people.

The two held their breath.

The white bone saw that the two people found him, and they were not afraid, nor did they run away, the bone actually cut the white cloth around his neck and scattered it to the ground, and then immediately lost his life. It became a pile of ordinary white bones.

“Oh my God, is it not another homicide?” Liu Xiaoling said, “Xiao Mo, we have to go back and report the case quickly.” ”

The two went around and around, and finally they couldn’t get out of this room, and suddenly, Liu Xiaoling found a card, and there was no way, the two had to call Liu Feng.

“Sorry, the phone you made is not in the service area, please call again after checkpointing.”

“Oh, damn it, aren’t we going to spend the night here today?” Liu Xiaoling skimmed his mouth and was full of grievances.

“No way, just spend the night here.” Saying that, Li Xiaomo opened his backpack and took out an inflatable cushion.

“Hey, I said, Mrs. Xiaomo, you are ready to get it all right, you can think of it, and there is nothing you can’t think of.” Liu Xiaoling smiled.

“All right, all right, you rest, I’ll give you a whistle first.”

The next morning, Liu Xiaoling woke up and found that Li Xiaomo had already fallen asleep.

“This Li Xiaomo, who obviously said to give me a whistle, is so unreliable.” Liu Xiaoling conveniently draped the clothes on his body onto Li Xiaomo’s body.

“Are you awake?” I’m sorry, I was so sleepy last night and then I fell asleep myself. Li Xiaomo smiled and quickly apologized.

“Let’s go back, we have to go to the inspection office again to report the case.”

On the side of the inspection station, Sparta once again pounced, the iron pillar home was also empty, this time almost all the clues were broken, Sparta frowned, and suddenly at this time, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo reported the case.

Sparta came to the castle with the man in the leather boots and Nguyen Man heard the news, and they brought back the white bone to the forensic doctor, who confirmed that the deceased was the iron pillar himself.

The iron pillar is also dead, and the little girl is still not missing, is it also killed? Who is it? The criminal’s drip is leaky. Sparta tugged at his hair.

“Sir, we found a card at the scene.” Liu Xiaoling said.

“Show me the card, yes, the same as the photo I saw at Boss Zhou’s house, his daughter’s card is the same, which shows that his daughter has also been here.”

Ruan Man, you tell your men to be careful to see what clues they can find.

“Boss, in the back garden of the castle, we found someone burying a corpse, and according to the bones, it looks like the bones of a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old child.” The man in the leather boots said.

Could it be that child? The thread was interrupted again.

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