Liu Feng used the remaining shock points to buy some items, and he had thought about how to deal with this puppet doll for a long time these days, and now he felt that it was time to catch the puppet doll.

After dinner, Liu Feng bought a plane ticket, and a few hours later, he came to see Grandma with a large bag and a small bag.

Grandma saw that Liu Feng was so happy that she couldn’t close her mouth, “You don’t feel too heavy when you come and bring so many things with you.” ”

“How can it be too heavy?” In my dreams, I heard my grandmother say that she missed me and said that she wanted me to bring more things, but no, I would take more. ”

Grandma smiled and said, “You child, your little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter.” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo also returned to their grandmother’s house at this time.

“Grandma, Grandma, we’re back.” Liu Xiaoling shouted.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw Liu Feng, “Brother, how did you come?” ”

“Of course I came to see Grandma, and by the way, let’s see what happened to you two little devils, you didn’t make Grandma angry, did you?”

“Grandma, Grandma, how do you see him talking?” I came to make you angry, and he came to be filial piety, which is so unfair. Liu Xiaoling muttered to her grandmother.

Grandma had to happily say to Liu Feng, “She is still young, you are the brother to let the sister point, can not say that Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling can be obedient, they did not add chaos to me, but also helped a lot of help.” I’m glad you’re here, and I’m going to show my hand today. ”

“Haha, Grandma is going to make us something to eat.” Liu Xiaoling said.

After dinner, Liu Feng called Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo out of her grandmother’s house, and under the big willow tree on the edge of the village, Liu Feng told them that the purpose of his trip was to collect the puppet doll, at the same time, Liu Xiaoling’s “Zimu Linghuan” also appeared on a new task to catch the puppet doll.

“Brother, our mission is the same. This time we join forces, what strategy do you have? ”

“I first used the Ecstasy Dafa to make the ghosts in the mass graves listen to my words, and then I lined up a formation and let the ghosts in the mass graves follow us up the mountain to catch the puppet doll, and the divination pen fairy told me in advance that the old nest of the puppet dolls is in the broken temple on the mountain, and now I tell you what you need to do when the time comes, and tonight we will leave.”

“Great, with the help of the elder brother, this time we will definitely be able to return triumphantly.” Liu Xiaoling said.

It was late at night, and the three of them waited for Grandma to fall asleep and quietly slipped out.

“You two are right behind me, don’t lose it, this mountain road is difficult, every 5 minutes I will fire a flare, before dawn we must rush to the broken temple, when the rooster cries, it is the weakest time, and at that time we will definitely be able to catch it by laying a formation for him.”

The two listened to Liu Feng’s plan and nodded their heads.

I don’t know how long it took, when Liu Feng fired the flares again, the three of them looked at the broken temple from afar, and inside the broken temple was the statue of Old Master Guan.

Liu Feng stopped Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, “You two are waiting for me here, I will go to the array, I will lead it to this empty place before we can line up to catch it.” ”

Liu Feng entered this Guan Gong Temple, and as soon as he entered the door, he pointed to the statue of Guan Laoye and began to scold, “A good puppet doll has become a jing, harming people everywhere, if Guan Laoye has a spirit in heaven today, he will also let me catch you!” ”

This remark directly angered the puppet doll, and it broke away from Guan Gong and turned into a Guan Gong puppet who was as tall as Liu Feng and stronger than Liu Feng, and Liu Feng saw it and quickly led it to an empty place.

Liu Feng quickly activated the Seven Seals, the seven little ghosts were released, forming the Seven Star Array, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were next to help, the seven little ghosts worked hard, and finally got rid of the puppet doll exhausted, just at this time, the ghost jumped out, using his move [Frightening Illusion] plus Liu Feng exerted force outside the array, Liu Xiaoling also told the tragic story of the ancestor of the Wang family outside the array, fluctuating his emotions.

The two sides were deadlocked for a long time, and finally the puppet doll entered the game. From the puppet doll’s consciousness, Liu Feng saw the tragic fate of the Wang family’s grandfather.

Master Wang Jia Zu was a diligent and honest man who made a living by making puppet dolls and performing puppet shows, and he could not imagine that Li Jiazu watched Master Wang Family Ancestor sing puppet shows and earn a lot of money, his heart was angry, and his eyes were red. So he summoned the people of the Li family to disguise themselves as bandits, ran to the Wang family’s ancestral master’s house in the middle of the night, and not only robbed the daughter-in-law of the Wang family’s grandfather, but also burned the Wang family to death.

This scene flashed in front of the puppet doll, and the wooden doll was so sad and angry that two tears actually flowed from the wooden eyes.

Suddenly, another different scene appeared, it was the picture of the Wang family’s ancestors taking revenge on the Li family’s children and grandchildren, and the Wang family’s grandfather had tried to confuse the Li family for several years, snatched the puppet dolls, and then kept harming the Li family, and now the Li family only has one grandson left to study abroad.

Liu Feng sighed, “When is it time to repay each other for wrongs, and will your hatred not be put down?” ”

“Put it down? How do you tell me to put it down? Their old Li family lost their conscience, and these are all they deserve. ”

Liu Feng shook his head and asked, “How did Old Man Wang die?” Did he die heartbroken because he lost your puppet doll? Even if there is a reason for this, it is more that your perennial resentment has seriously injured the roots of your old Wang family, and you have taken revenge on the people of the old Li family, but you have never thought of hurting your own people. ”

“I swore that I would let the Li family cut off its children and grandchildren, as long as there was a grandson in his family, I would have to let him die, and this great vendetta against my Wang family must be repaid, and my king will not care how much damage he has suffered.”

“Brother, this wooden doll is too angry, and I think it is useless to talk to him for half a day.”

Liu Feng shook his head and sighed, “You are really blinded by hatred, you are an evil spirit now, I have to take you.” As he spoke, Liu Feng used the Jizo Yin Decisive Thirty-Six Styles, and finally took out the Kongo Luo Xuan Net to collect this resentful puppet doll.

The morning light was faint, the rooster was chirping, the fog of the night dissipated, the sun and vitality sprinkled on the three people, and the seven little devils drilled into the 7 Seven Seals.

Liu Feng said, “Let’s go back quickly, don’t let Grandma worry.” ”

After breakfast, Liu Feng said goodbye to Grandma, “Grandma Xiaoling’s vacation is also over, in a moment I will take the two of them back to Tianhai City, I bought one more ticket, or you can go back with us, you are here, we don’t trust you.” ”

“Child, I have been here for almost a lifetime, I can’t do without this village, I can’t get used to going to the city, okay, if you want to go, you can go, then I miss you, I will buy a ticket to Tianhai City to see you.”

“Well, Grandma, you can come to the sky at any time if you want, or we welcome you at any time, take care of yourself.” Liu Feng said.

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