Time flies fast, in the blink of an eye, it is almost the New Year, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo have already taken the winter vacation.

Liu Xiaoling, who could not stay idle, dialed Li Xiaomo’s phone again.

“Hey, is it Li Xiaomo?”

“Is there anything wrong with me, Little Healer?”

“What are your plans for this winter vacation?”

“I haven’t thought about this yet, Xiao Ling listens to you, do you have any ideas?”

“Or shall the two of us go to Eagle Sauce Country for the New Year?” Going there in Chinatown, I wanted to meet my pen pal, Mike

“Okay, so when are we leaving?”

“The day after tomorrow, I have already booked two tickets, when you come directly to my house, I asked my brother to send the two of us to the airport, that’s it, nothing I hung up first.”


Liu Feng heard the conversation between the two of them and thought to himself, this little devil has known all day long to run around and play blindly, to tease you, to see if you dare to play greedily.


Liu Xiaoling’s Mother-Daughter Order Ring flashed again.

“What? Eagle Sauce Country Chinatown Quest. Oh my God, does this mother-daughter ring know I’m going to the Eagle Sauce Country? This big New Year’s Day still doesn’t let me play with the pain and pleasure, and I am looking for things day by day. ”

Liu Feng heard Liu Xiaoling’s complaint and secretly enjoyed himself.

“Brother, this mysterious side circle does not have a holiday for the New Year?”

“Of course, if you don’t have a holiday, if you want to be a superhero, of course, you have to sacrifice some time to save the human world.” Liu Feng said.

“Brother, is there a task you can help me accomplish?”

“This is not okay, the Zimu Ling Ring has been in your hand for so long, it has become one with you, it will supervise you to complete the task, if you can’t complete the task, or let others complete the task on behalf of others, it will be unhappy, maybe you can’t enter the mysterious color circle anymore.”

“I didn’t expect things to be so serious, okay, I’ll do this task myself.”

Liu Feng sat on the sofa and cocked Erlang’s legs, took out a newspaper, and directly covered his face, he did not dare to let Liu Xiaoling find out that he was stealing music by himself, otherwise this sister would have to pick his skin.

Liu Xiaoling and Mike Yoo met in Chinatown Central Park, and on the day of the meeting, it had just snowed heavily, the pine and cypress trees in the park were covered with silver strips, the earth was covered in silver, and the whole world was covered with this white and flawless snowflake.

Next to the agreed fountain, Liu Xiaoling saw a very tall man with a bloated body holding a bouquet of roses in his mouth and tying his shoelaces with his head down.

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed in her heart, because the other party was elegant and polite in the conversation, and she fantasized that Mike must be a handsome and knowledgeable big handsome guy. Liu Xiaoling stepped forward.

“Hello, are you Mike?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“Oh no, ma’am, I don’t think I’m the guy you’re looking for, I’m John not Mike.” He stood up embarrassed, smiled and walked away.

Liu Xiaoling looked around and didn’t find a young man in his 20s, was there something wrong with Mike?

“Hello, are you Liu Xiaoling?” A handsome young man walked towards Liu Xiaoling, this man had a pair of turquoise blue Kazilan eyes, his skin looked even more flawless against the background of learning, thick eyebrows, and a tall man.

Liu Xiaoling was simply stunned, she thought to herself, isn’t this the legendary male protagonist in the novel, oh my God, who else! So handsome.

The man saw that Liu Xiaoling had been staring at him and smiled embarrassedly, “I’m sorry, maybe I recognized the wrong person!” The man turned to leave, and Liu Xiaoling came back to his senses, “I am Liu Xiaoling!” I’m sorry, just now I recognized others as you, and you suddenly came forward to say hello, and I didn’t react for a moment. ”

“Haha, you actually confessed me wrong, as an atonement, you accompany me to dinner.” Mike said

“Hahaha, well, I can’t pay for this crime!” Along the way, the two men had a great conversation.

“Mike, have you been to Chinatown?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“I go there a lot, but lately there have been supernatural events and my mom is worried about my safety, so I rarely go lately.”

“What supernatural events? Can you tell me about it? As soon as Liu Xiaoling heard about the supernatural event, he immediately thought of his task and couldn’t help but ask.

“In a mental hospital, there was a sudden fire, all the patients were buried in the fire, and there was a nursing home, and many elderly people actually drowned while taking a bath.”

One thing happened in a mental hospital, one thing happened in a nursing home, they are all weak, who will harm them? Maybe it’s because of themselves, Liu Xiaoling thought.

“Didn’t that fire happen because the mentally ill themselves accidentally happened?” There are also incidents of drowning in nursing homes. ”

“However, even if they are not normal people, they are not stupid enough to kill themselves, anyway, everyone thinks that there is something unclean in those two places.” Mike said.

Liu Xiaoling’s eyes grunted and he said to Mike, “Is there anything unclean in the end that we will know if we can go and see it, how about tonight?” I called my good friend, and the three of us went to that mental hospital first, how about it? ”

“In fact, I also want to find out, after so many years of school, the school has been teaching us not to believe in any ghosts, to believe in science, I really want to experience this scientific explanation of things.” 」

The two men both agreed that after meeting at night, Mike went home to prepare, and Liu Xiaoling also went back to the hotel to find Li Xiaomo.

As soon as he returned to the high-end hotel, Li Xiaomo asked Liu Xiaoling about the meeting with Mike.

“How’s it going? Is Mike a big guy? Could it be a big beauty, or a little fart. ”

Liu Xiaoling laughed and said, “What kind of person, you will see you tonight, I told him that tonight the three of us will have another live soul search, in the mental hospital where there was a fire in Chinatown.” ”

“Well, it seems that the mysterious side circle will not be on vacation, there is no way, then we can only continue to play the mission.”

In the dead of night, the two came out of the hotel, and Mike rushed from home to the psychiatric hospital near Chinatown, and when the two met Mike, Li Xiaomo laughed.

“Oh my God, this friend of the Eagle Sauce Country, you look like you’re going to rob a bank in this outfit.”

“Mike, this is my good girlfriend, Li Xiaomo, she is joking with you, I see that you are so good, wearing this outfit to visit the spirit to feel it!” 」

Mike touched his head with some embarrassment and smiled sheepishly, “Are you ready?” So let’s go in, what an exciting thing, this is the first time I’ve done such a thing. ”

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