The three of them spent the night in the car, and early the next morning, Liu Xiaoling saw what Liu Feng was practicing outside.

“Brother, what kind of martial arts are you practicing?”

“Hey, you’re really right, this is the ultimate martial art.” With this unique martial art, I don’t believe I can’t catch this water monkey. ”

“Is this martial art really that powerful?” Liu Xiaoling was stunned. Where there was any world-class martial art, but Liu Feng was giving himself courage, to deal with that water monkey, naturally he did not need to go out on the horse himself. He had already thought about using his little ghosts to subdue the water monkey.

This Shangshui village, although the traffic is closed, the people in the village do not communicate with the outside world. But the scenery here is also very beautiful. Liu Xiaoling enjoyed this beautiful scenery and wanted her friends in the live broadcast room to enjoy it, so she opened the live broadcast.

This time, the people in the live broadcast room are still full, everyone is constantly boasting about the scenery here, and some people have not forgotten to inquire why Liu Xiaoling suddenly disappeared yesterday night.

Liu Xiaoling pointed the camera at the edge of the small river, and there was a small bamboo raft on the side of the small river, and an adult man and a teenage child were on the raft. There were a few cormorants at the bow of the boat, and it seemed that they were catching fish, and with a thud, the water monkey with long green hair came out of the water.

“Fuck me, what is this?”

“Fuck me, is this that water monkey?” Baby Healer, let’s see what this guy looks like. ”

The unintentional appearance of water monkeys has made the popularity of the live broadcast room rise sharply.

The water monkey actually jumped on the raft and dragged the adult man directly into the water. The little boy cried out, “Daddy Daddy…”

After a while, red blood appeared on the surface of the water, and the last two shoes floated up. It seems that the water monkey ate the adult man.

“Boy, swim over here, and hurry up and dock the small boat.” Liu Xiaoling shouted to the child.

Fortunately, the water monkey did not come out to harm people again when he was full, and he had disappeared without a trace.

Seeing such a bloody scene, there are probably more than 100,000 people in the live broadcast room.

…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

Liu Feng’s frightened hands were soft, and those prompts were almost exploded.

“This damn water monkey, he’s too fast.” Liu Feng said.

The little boy was also startled and swam to shore. Ling and Li Xiaomo went forward to comfort the boy without stopping, and then they sent him home

He was left with only him and his mother in the house, and when he got the news that his father had been eaten by the water monkeys, his mother shed tears.

“Why don’t you guys move out. Li Xiaomo asked.

“If we dare to, we can’t escape the palm of the village’s people when we move out.” Since this water monkey came, it turned us upside down, and the people in the village also signed a life and death certificate, and no one dared to leave without permission. ”

“It seems that only this scourge of water monkeys can be eliminated.” Liu Xiaoling said to himself.

Liu Feng also came to this person’s home at this time, he took out a bunch of money and handed it to the woman, “Take this money and use it, there is no top pillar in the family, and I am afraid that life is not very good.” ”

“How does this work? How can you ask for your money for nothing? The woman pushed that pile of money out.

“Accept it, take it.” Liu Xiaoling said, “This money is also useful to you, our family’s money is still enough, we don’t need so much.” ”

The woman didn’t shirk it anymore.

“That water monkey must be caught. Xiao Ling, Xiao Mo, this night I need you two to lure that water monkey to the ancestral hall, do you dare? Liu Feng asked.

“What’s not to dare?” This monkey should have been eliminated long ago. Li Xiaomo said.

The three men laid many traps around the ancestral hall.

At the entrance of the ancestral hall, they set up a pocket, and as soon as the monkey stepped on it, that pocket would put the monkey up and hang it in the air. Inside, Liu Feng put a lot of strong glue, as long as the monkey stepped on it, it was estimated that he could not escape. There were also many sharp knives hanging from the beams, and as soon as he cut the rope, those knives would fall.

When night fell again, Liu Xiaoling turned on the live broadcast, and the camera clearly illuminated the traps laid here. Everything was ready, just waiting for the monkey to put on the coat.

Just as the three of them were waiting to fall asleep, the green monkey did come again.

He touched the mechanism and was hung up by the sack. But as soon as it was hoisted, the green monkey tore the sack to pieces. He stepped on the glue, but those just didn’t seem to do anything to him, probably because he had just come out of the water. Once wetted with water, these glues may not be able to play its role.

Liu Feng just wanted to cut the rope and put down those sharp knives. Unfortunately, the monkey’s speed was too fast, and the sharp knife did not poke him when it was put down. The monkey dodged all the traps, and he turned his head, revealing his green ass, which seemed to be mocking the three men.

“Stinky monkey, I think you’re still proud.” Liu Feng flicked his finger, and he flicked the bloodthirsty insect onto the monkey. The monkey was scratching up and down, but the bloodthirsty insect was not a vegetarian, how could he catch it?

The green monkey jumped up but not as fast as before, Liu Xiaoling took out her electric ring and metal short root, and Li Xiaomo took out her lasso whip. The two men went up and beat each other, the monkey opened its teeth and danced its claws, although there was no speed, but he still had strength.

The green monkey grabbed Li Xiaomo’s metal clip, spun around in the air a few times, and threw Li Xiaomo aside with her lasso whip, and Li Xiaomo was injured and vomited a mouthful of blood.

“Little foam, little foam. You stinky monkey, look at me for not teaching you well. ”

Liu Xiaoling used its current ring to release ten thousand volts of electricity. The stinky monkey was electrocuted straight for square dancing, and then she gave the monkey a fatal blow with a short metal root.

It was at this time that Liu Feng let the hanging ghost use his life-threatening rope, and the water monkey was completely tamed. Just as the hanging ghost was about to solve the water monkey, the people of the SCP Foundation came.

“Let’s take this monkey with us and we’ll take care of it.” The people at the Foundation said.

“I hope you can train him well and don’t let him come out to harm people.” Liu Feng said.

“Rest assured, he won’t come out to harm people again.” Then the man shackled the water monkey and took it away. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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