On the deserted street, the rain flooded the surface of his feet, and a little boy playing in the rain with an umbrella and rain boots suddenly revealed a clown’s head in the sewers, and that head kept shaking and rocking, which attracted the little boy, and he ran to the sewer to see the clown.

“Cute little boy, how about you put your hand in and remove the iron window that got in the way?” The clown asked.

“No, what’s the advantage of me moving him away?” The little boy asked.

“I’ll become you so you don’t have to go to school, okay?”

“What’s the use of not going to school, I still want many, many sweets, many, many toys.”

“Well, take the obstructive iron window out of the way, and stretch out your hand to pull me up, and I’ll satisfy you.”

The little boy innocently believed it, and he reached out to remove the sewer window, and then reached out to pull the clown who lived in the sewers.

“Hahaha…” With a burst of horrific laughter, the little boy was pulled into the sewers, the sewers mouth, leaving only his little umbrella. The next day, his mother reported the case, and at the mouth of the sewers, they found the body of the little boy, his body had been soaked and swollen, and in many places he had shed his skin, and his mother was too frightened to look at him more.


It is the [Mother-Daughter Ring] that has come to a new task:

[Sewer Detective Live Mission: A young boy died tragically in the sewer for unknown reasons, and you are specially sent to complete the mission to find out the truth about the boy’s death. 】

“Well, it’s another tough task.” Liu Xiaoling murmured.

“What mission is this time?” Li Xiaomo on the side flashed her big eyes, and there was always some surprise in her eyes.

“This time, the two of us are going to get into the stinking rats of the waterway.”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo bought two hats with headlamps and waterproof clothes, and they planned to jump into the sewers. Jumping into the sewers, the two men turned on the live broadcast.

“I’ll go, baby Xiaoling, Mrs. Xiaomo, where are you?”

“It’s so dark, where are you going to visit the spirit this time?”

“Hello everyone, today we are going to this sewer for a live soul search, and everyone remembers to support us a lot,” Liu Xiaoling said.

Liu Feng was still watching their mission in Liu Xiaoling’s live broadcast room. “Maybe I should give this tool man sister a little more encouragement” Liu Feng just typed on the keyboard, pressed the mouse, and he gave his tool man sister several treasure maps, and some other things, which added up to 30,000 pieces.

“Oh my God, which big guy gave Xiao Ling Baby, Xiao Mo’s wife, their big support.”

“People have given such great support, my family is so rich, and I have given a little support to a little bit of small spirits and small foams.”

Liu Feng’s move just happened to drive those fans in the room. Within 0 minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room rubbed up, I am afraid that more than 100,000 have been.

In the end, it was the sewers, a piece of black paint, and from time to time there was a stench, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had to cover their noses while walking.

“Oh my God, this sewer really stinks.” Li Xiaomo complained.


“Mommy, it’s a mouse.” Liu Xiaoling shouted. Up to now, Liu Xiaoling still hasn’t overcome this bad habit of being afraid of rats.

Although this sewer could not see the sun for many years, Liu Xiaoling always felt that there was an inexplicable cool breeze passing through the back of the spine.

“Xiao Mo, Xiao Mo, do you think it’s particularly cold here?” Speaking Liu Xiaoling, he rubbed his arm.

“The sewers, of course, are cold.” Li Xiaomo said.

“But I always thought it was a little bit special to be cold. I’m afraid there are no ghosts living here. ”

“Hahahahaha.” Out of nowhere came a burst of evil laughter.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo hugged each other tightly.

In fact, this is not the real clown, this is just Liu Feng let his subordinates play, only because Liu Feng has been a little tight recently, he looks at a treasure, but the balance is not enough, want to borrow this tool people sister to earn a little more frightened.

After that burst of laughter, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo heard the sound of someone treading water. Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo went further. Suddenly they noticed a little boy in front of them. The little boy was crouching in the wastewater, and he was constantly slapping the surface with a small wooden stick.

“Little friend, why are you here?” Li Xiaomo asked.

“Sister, sister. My arm fell into the water, and I was looking for my arm. The little boy said.

“What? Got your arm in the water? Liu Xiaoling felt that something was wrong and quickly stepped forward.

The little boy suddenly turned his face and faced Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo. I saw that the little boy had two black eyes and a pale face. Then he revealed his sharp teeth and was about to rush towards Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

“Look at my metal short roots.” Liu Xiaoling blocked the little boy’s attack in time.

The little boy’s teeth seemed to have been sniffed by the metal short root. He groaned and quickly ducked into the darkness of the downchannel.

“Maybe the little boy is the ghost of the little boy who died.” Li Xiaomo said.

“I think we need to go inside and have a look.” Liu Xiaoling said.

Finally the two men continued to walk forward toward the headless sewer full of darkness.

I don’t know where they went, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo heard the voices of many people in the sewers, and they heard the voices of the elderly, the voices of young people, and the voices of children. Those voices were very harsh, and they were almost blowing up Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s heads.

Suddenly the little boy ran out again, “Sister, sister save me, save me.” Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo watched as the little boy was strangled by the clown who suddenly came out, and then disappeared. Then the clown jumped out.

At this time, the clown, his limbs were completely split. His head slammed into Li Xiaomo. His hands and feet went straight to him like Liu Xiaoling.

“The tiger is not threatening, you when I am a sick cat?” Li Xiaomo threw out her lasso whip and threw the clown’s head directly against the wall of the sewers.

Not to be left behind, Liu Xiaoling used her electric ring to directly drop the clown’s limbs into the wastewater.

The two men thought they had won, but they didn’t expect that the clown’s limbs and head suddenly came together and formed a complete clown.

“I’ll make you pay the price.” The clown laughed and pounced on the two men again.

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