The two little ladies did not dare to show weakness, and they showed their unprecedented courage and strength. Again and again, they beat the clown’s out.

“Little Healer, what to do?” This clown is really amazing. No matter how we beat him, he will still stand up and fight with us. ”

“I don’t know what to do, I can only cover the troops with water and earth to block it.” Liu Xiaoling shook his head helplessly.

Just then, Liu Feng’s mother ring flickered, and he knew that the real danger was coming.

When Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo destroyed the apparition of the clown created by Liu Feng for the last time. The two men thought that the world was already at peace, but what they didn’t know was that the real Joker’s soul had arrived.

The real clown, his head, got bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger. It has been held up against the top of the sewers.

“Healer, not good. Thirty-six counts, go up. Li Xiaomo said, running to the exit of the downward sewer.

The clown’s big head was in hot pursuit. Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were exhausted in order to kill the phantom. Looking at the clown, he was about to suck the two of them into his mouth.

…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

Unable to look at these soaring frightening points, Liu Feng quickly found Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo by virtue of the mother’s induction of the ring emperor to the Zi Linghuan.

Liu Feng saw that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were swallowed into their mouths by this clown’s big head.

“Abominable clown, my sister is something you can eat.”

Willow Wind slapped down. The clown spat out Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

“Who are you?” Why bother with this? The clown asked.

“You lonely clown, you don’t even know who I am. I’m going to collect you today. ”

“Hahaha. You have uttered wild words, and the person who wants to take me has not yet been born, so what can you do to me? ”

Liu Feng didn’t say a word more to the clown, he used his Jizo Yin to decide, Liu Feng slapped this down, and the clown’s soul was almost scattered.

“You forgive me, you forgive me.” The clown begged for forgiveness.

“How? Where did that arrogant momentum go? ”

“You are a big guy, you have the final say, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will listen to you, from now on, you will be my master.” The clown said and gave Willow the wind.

“If I want to let you go, you can let the little boy go first.” Let him reincarnate, and you will follow me from now on. ”

“Do as you are told, master.”

When Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo found out that they were asleep in Liu Xiaoling’s bed.

“What’s going on? We’re still in the sewers. Liu Xiaoling said to himself incomprehensibly.

“Inexplicably it was moved to another place. Little Healer, I don’t think this kind of thing is surprising. Let him go, as long as the two of us live well. Li Xiaomo said.

“Hahaha.” The two men burst out laughing. Yes, it’s good to be alive, and the rest of the house is up to him.

Liu Feng accepted the clown, only to feel that the clown’s resentment was not much worse than that of the ghost. He couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have any unfulfilled wishes on earth?” Or is there any other enemy? ”

When the clown heard this, he burst into tears of sadness.

“When I was alive, I was a clown, making people happy every day, I made a living from it, and then I discovered how sad it is for the people who do our business.” 」

“One day, my parents died in a car accident, and while performing on the show, I couldn’t help but burst into tears. I cried and wore makeup, but none of the people in the audience noticed, they just laughed and didn’t take into account my feelings. ”

“Then there was an accident. I was smashed to death by the lights on the stage, and still no one shed tears for me. ”

What an unfair fate, the clown, sacrificing his own happiness to satisfy the audience. But what about the greedy audience, even if they see the clown crying, their sympathy is not aroused at all, and some are just ridiculed.

Liu Feng, as a wealthy family, he will not understand the sadness and helplessness of the clown’s fate, but Liu Feng inexplicably feels a kind of heartache, and what he is in touch with should be the kind of heartache that no one cares about.

“Do you have any other wishes?” Liu Feng asked.

“I want the audience to know my destiny and make them cry for me once.” The clown said.

“There’s a singer concert in Tianhai City tomorrow, take this opportunity and you can go on stage and tell your story.” Liu Feng said.

The sky was getting dark, the concert was in an uproar, and the various glowsticks flashed like stars in the sky.

After a few songs, Liu Feng used his dark power to let the flash find the clown, and then the clown began to tell his tragic fate affectionately. Before he could say a few words, the people in the audience began to throw things at him.

“Get down!”

“Come on, whoever wants to hear your story, we want Jack!”

“Jack Jack!”

The Joker was thoroughly enraged, and his head was once again getting bigger and bigger.

“Not good.” Liu Feng took out the Seven Seals and wanted to take the clown in.

However, at this time, the clown could not control his emotions, and his head was getting bigger and bigger…

Finally, the audience was scared to cry, but the clown’s anger still could not be dissipated, it began to roar, began to roar, he spat out a ball of fire that burned the field, Liu Feng did not know whether to go up and obstruct again, he knew that the clown had been completely desperate, desperate to the bone.

The clown began to attack the crowd, and there was a lot of uproar, but no one was harmed.

“Come back, go back to the Seven Seals, never go out again, away from those cold humans.” Liu Feng said to the clown.

“The heart is dead, it is useless to go back, thank you, thank you for letting me have a place to go back, but I can’t go back, I don’t want to go back, you take care of yourself!”

The clown’s body swelled up, and he flew into the air and blew himself apart.

After a while, raindrops were sprinkled in the sky, and it was probably the tears of the clown! Willow Wind picked up the fragment of the clown at his feet and gently folded the fragment with paper, found a large willow tree, and Willow Wind buried the paper.

“Have a good rest here! You see, Heaven has shed tears for you. Liu Feng sighed. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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