
“Xiao Mo, Zi Linghuan has come to a new task.”

“What task?”

[Chemical plant detective: the day before yesterday, a chemical plant in Tianhai City suddenly exploded, this explosion killed and injured many people, according to internal information, this explosion is not an accident but someone deliberately did it, found out that the real culprit is the ghost of the dead! 】

“Xiao Mo, this time to visit the chemical plant to protect yourself, those gas masks and protective clothing must be brought well!” Liu Xiaoling reminded.

“No, you have to bring gloves too.”

Two men stuffed a school bag, and as night fell, they put on bloated and clumsy protective clothing and opened the cat’s tooth livestream.

“Hello, dear friends, can you still see us?” Li Xiaomo greeted the live broadcast room.

“Haha, how can you not see it, isn’t this the little spirit baby and the wife of Xiao Mo?”

“What is the situation, where are you going to take us to visit the spirit today?”

“Little girls, be careful.” Even the Zhao team, as a water army, sent one.

“Rest assured, we will protect ourselves, and today, Xiao Mo and I will lead you to continue the terror that has come!”

After a period of greeting, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo. Began to carefully step over the residue in the chemical plant. Suddenly, a black whirlwind passed by Liu Xiaoling’s side.

“What’s going on here? Was it someone who just ran past me? Li Xiaomo, who was crouching down and picking up some waste, asked in surprise.

“No, we just came here and encountered something unclean.”

Just as the two of them were staring wide-eyed, the black whirlwind, with a whimper, flew past them again.

The ground left some steamed bun crumbs.

“Little Healer, I think this man is really weird. Let’s follow these steamed buns to find out what this person who runs like a fly is doing. ”

The two men searched for clues to the scraps left by the steamed buns and walked toward an old repair house next to the chemical plant.

Open this repair house, the house is very clean, there is no dust, it seems that this place is often visited, not some abandoned repair house.

Right next to a large vat, the residue of those buns disappeared. Li Xiaomo opened the large vat covered by a wooden board, who would have thought that this was actually bottomless.

Liu Xiaoling threw a small stone into the cylinder, she wanted to test how deep the bottom of the cylinder was, and it was a long time after throwing the small stone that she heard the sound of the stone falling to the ground.

“It seems that this cylinder is a bottomless pit.” Healer said.

“Fortunately I brought the rope, let’s go down and have a look.” Li Mo said.

Li Xiaomo removed the rope from his bag. A claw was placed, and then a claw was firmly tied to the iron nail he had nailed into.

“Healer, you’re waiting here. I’ll go down and have a look, and when I’m all safe to go down, I’ll signal you to go down. ”

“All right, little foam, be careful when you go down, don’t bump into it.” If there is any situation below, you can quickly reflect it to me, and I will immediately pull you up. ”

Li Xiaomo walked down her rope little by little, and she didn’t know how deep this hole really was, anyway, Li Xiaomo had gone down for a long time, and it was not easy for her to reach the bottom.

“Little Healer, Little Healer, I’m in the end, everything is normal.” Except for the dark, there seems to be no danger here, so come down. Li Xiaomo said.


Then Liu Xiaoling followed suit.

When the two of them reached the bottom of the pit, they went further and found that the bottom of the pit was actually a tunnel, and there were many candles lit on both sides of the tunnel, and when they passed through those tunnels, they found that there were several small rooms here. The two decided to go to a room first to see what was going on.

When they gently opened the small wooden door of the underground house and entered, they found it. Inside are a few mouthfuls of large vats.

“What’s inside?” Let’s lift the boards and take a look. Li Xiaomo said and went to open the wooden boards.

“Oh my God.” Li Xiaomo was shocked.

It turned out that there was nothing else in this jar, but the man’s head.

“Please, please, let me go.” From that big vat came the voice of an unknown person.

Hearing these words, Liu Xiaoling was about to go up and open the wooden board.

“Little Healer, don’t go. That’s terrible, it’s definitely not a person inside, it’s a monster. ”

“How come? Obviously it was the voice of someone talking. Liu Xiaoling did not listen to Li Xiaomo’s advice, but stepped forward to open the wooden board first.

Seeing the heads of the people inside, Liu Xiaoling was also frightened and quickly took a few steps back, and finally she calmed down and stepped forward.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, and I can’t hurt you.”

“Who are you?” How did you end up here? Liu Xiaoling asked.

“I was put here as an experimental object, it was that abominable animal, he bought me from childhood, he used me as an experimental object, he kept injecting those poisons into me, and he soaked me in this poison vat, and now I can’t move, but I’m alive here, and I really can’t die.” 」

“But how are we going to get you out?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“I beg you, go to the police. Call the inspectors over, I’m afraid I’m not the only one experiment here. I have heard the screams of people in other rooms, that the abominable beast, may have gone to buy medicine today, you must get out of here, or he will be caught. ”

“Okay then. You have to be patient here, and the two of us will go to the police. ”

The two men said and went back to the same way. Just then they saw the black shadow again, and this time the black shadow finally stopped, and standing in front of him was a tall man, who stood back, and the short bald man behind him appeared.

“Who are you?” How did you find it here? The short bald man asked.

“We we…” Liu Xiaoling stammered, unable to speak.

“No matter what reason you have found here, since you have come, you can only come and go.” I’m not going to let you guys out of here, the big guy caught me both of them. ”

“Don’t come here, we’ve already called the police, and the people from the inspection station will come over right away, so I advise you to tie up your hands and grab it.” Li Xiaomo said.

“Call the police, call the people from the inspection station to arrest me?” I really want to know how you called the police, so deep in the place, plus my shielding measures. Does your phone still have a signal? ”

Liu Xiaoling unconsciously looked at the live broadcast of the soul detective he had opened, and sure enough, it had been disconnected. _

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