The big man quickly pounced on Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Where are Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s opponents of this fat man? He was too fast, too fast to see.

“Hahaha.” The short man laughed triumphantly.

“Big man, throw the two of them into those vats full of poison.”

The big man seemed to be obedient to the bald head, the bald head asked him to do whatever he wanted, the bald head asked him to throw the two girls into the poison tank, and he did not hesitate to hold Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo and go to the poison tank.

As the big man passed by the first small house, a man’s voice came out of the room.

“Dacheng, put those two girls down.” Let these two girls out, I need them to go to the police and get me out. ”

“No, brother, if I don’t follow the bald man’s wishes, he’ll kill you.”

“Don’t you understand Dacheng?” The bald man has been using this to make you listen to him, let go of those two girls, what does it mean for me to live like this? ”

The bald man hesitated when he saw the big man. I only hate that bald head, a snake and scorpion heart. He took a pair of mysterious gloves and walked straight to the big man, “Dacheng, don’t blame me. The bald man, with his gloved hand, pressed a handprint directly on the big man, and did not think that this mudra was highly poisonous. Suddenly, Dacheng rolled on the ground in pain.

“Do you think you’ll get away with it?” Li Xiaomo said this threw out her lasso whip.

Li Xiaomo took out her current ring and metal short roots, “Stinky bald, your time of death has arrived.” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo glanced at each other and rushed over to the bald head. What the two people couldn’t imagine was that the bald head was actually very flexible, he dodged left and right, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo couldn’t hit him. Li Xiaomo whipped it up, and as a result, the bald head directly caught the lasso whip, and then melted the lock edge of the sleeve with his poison.

Li Xiaomo, who had lost his weapon, took a few steps backwards in fear. At this time, Liu Xiaoling used her metal short root and began to duel with the bald head.

In the Tianhai Villa, Liu Feng couldn’t wait for those frightened messages for a long time, and he felt a little strange. He turned his mother ring to observe the whereabouts of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, but found that the two were already in danger.

Liu Xiaoling used her current ring to raise the current to ten thousand volts, and the bald back pad was dizzy and finally fainted. Liu Xiaoling thought that he had been electrocuted and was about to check whether he was alive, but he did not think that the bald head was cheating death, and when Liu Xiaoling passed, he quickly covered Liu Xiaoling’s nose with his other hand, and Liu Xiaoling fainted.

“Healing.” Li Xiaomo, who was standing next to him, was simply helpless.

“You hateful big bald head, I’ll fight for you today.” Saying that, Li Xiaomo rushed towards the bald head.

Say it’s too late, it’s fast. Li Xiaomo, who rushed to stay, said, “Don’t be afraid, here I am.” ”

“You are a failed scientist, you can’t do it yourself, what do you do with others?” Liu Feng said.

“Who are you?” How do you know this is nonsense. How am I a failed scientist? I am a truly successful scientist. You don’t know, the chemical I developed has been patented. ”

“Stop fooling yourself, that’s enough. People are doing it, the sky is watching. Do you think no one knows about the bad things you did? I tell you, I’m going to let everyone in the world know about you, the failed scientist. ”

The bald man’s lungs were about to explode, and suddenly he took out a bag, and he opened it, and a flock of black bats flew toward the willow wind.

“Willow wind, be careful.” Li Xiaomo said.

Who knew that Liu Feng had already prepared for him to use the glass fire to directly burn those bats.

“What other tricks are there?” You just make it out. If I am afraid of you, I will not call Willow Wind. ”

“Little bunny cub, do you think you’re winning?” Tell you this is just the beginning. Saying that, the bald head threw a lot of poison gas bombs at Liu Feng’s side.

“Little foam, quickly cover your mouth and nose.” Liu Feng reminded Li Xiaomo, and he also covered his mouth and nose. But this poison was really too powerful, even if he covered his mouth and nose, Liu Feng still felt that he had signs of poisoning. His body was sore, and his legs and feet were weak. The willow wind was dangling and could not stand steadily.

“Hahaha. Stinky boy, you know how good I am. ”

“How come? How did you not get poisoned? Liu Feng asked incomprehensibly.

“How could I be poisoned? I’m not poisoned. Wait, wait to become my experiment. ”

The bald man walked toward the willow wind with ill will, and just at this moment, the big man jumped up in severe pain and hugged the bald head.

“You hateful man, today I will die with you.”

Liu Feng took advantage of the big man’s entanglement with the bald head, and trembled slightly took out his Seven Seals and summoned his 7 little ghosts.

“I order you to protect us and get rid of that bald head.”

“Nice host.” Seven little devils joined forces, entangled with the bald head.

“Get out, you bad guys.”

The angry bald head took out a lot of chemicals in his pocket, and he kept sprinkling his medicine into the air, but the ghosts would not be hurt by those drugs.

“Oops, oops.” The medicine sprinkled by the bald head did not hurt the little devils but they made themselves scaly.

“Everybody dies together.”

Suddenly, the bald man took off his shirt, and many explosives were revealed, and he was about to light them with a lighter.

“Ghost, hurry up, use your frightened hallucinations, control his will, and don’t let him light those explosives.”

The ghost used his frightened hallucinations, but the bald man’s willpower was astonishingly strong. The ghost’s frightening hallucinations of him had only a slight effect, that is, to slow down the speed of his hand reaching out to ignite the explosives.

At this moment, Li Xiaomo quickly picked up her lasso whip that had been destroyed by poison and threw it straight at the bald head. Maybe it was because of those ghost qi, or maybe it was because of the willow wind, the moment the lasso whip was thrown out, it actually returned to its original form and became more powerful than before.

The explosives had been knocked to the ground, and the willow wind had recovered at this time, and the bald head had no place to whirl. Liu Feng hugged Liu Xiaoling back to the ground, and he told Li Xiaomo to let her call the police.

The men of the inspection house arrived in time, but the big man was dead, and what about the experiments, what they did not know was that when they left the poison tank they were free, and at the same time they would lose their lives. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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