Liu Xiaoling doesn’t know which tendon is cramping today, or a college student, she actually wants to adapt to the life of entering the workplace in advance.

“Brother, I want to go to e company to do part-time work.” Liu Xiaoling said tentatively.

“Don’t you have enough pocket money?” Liu Feng asked.

“I want to make money myself, although I can make money by opening the live broadcast of the Detective Spirit, but I can’t open a lifetime of live broadcasting, what should I do when I am old?”

Liu Feng couldn’t help but secretly be happy, I couldn’t imagine that this little rich woman had such a long-term plan, since she wanted to experience something more, as an elder brother, I might as well satisfy her.

“You go, we still have a certain stake in Company E, I’ll call and ask them to help you arrange it.”

“Brother, don’t let me go sit and play I want real work.”

“Okay, my sister has a backbone, so I’ll tell them to send you the dirtiest and tiring jobs.” Liu Feng glanced at Liu Xiaoling.

“Brother, just be merciful to your men.”

The next day, Liu Xiaoling dressed up carefully and came to work at the e company.

“Hello everyone, my name is Liu Xiaoling, I am still a college student, from today I am responsible for some part-time work in the company, in short, please give me more advice in the future.”

After introducing himself, Liu Xiaoling saw this group of machine employees, several people also looked back, most of them were still doing their work with their heads down, Liu Xiaoling felt that he was ridiculed.

“Come, we welcome new colleagues!”

Liu Xiaoling suddenly looked up and saw that a well-dressed and well-dressed middle-aged man took the lead in applauding Liu Xiaoling.

Liu Xiaoling felt a little relieved, “Thank you, thank you colleagues.” ”

“Hello, my name is Li Song, the manager of the marketing department, come with me, I will take you to your seat.”

Li Song took Liu Xiaoling to a corner, “This is it, usually some text entry work, two or three hours a day is enough to complete the work.” ”

“Okay, thank you manager.”

Liu Xiaoling began to pack his seat, and just then a picture frame was hoisted down.

Liu Xiaoling picked up the picture frame, the photo is a very beautiful girl, waist-length hair, smooth and transparent skin, almond-sized eyes full of stars, Liu Xiaoling can’t help but admire the beauty in the photo.

“Her name is Shen Yuwei, do you know, she just went to heaven yesterday.”

Liu Xiaoling only felt a hand on her shoulder, and when she looked back, she found that it was a young female employee.

“What are you talking about?” Don’t bring the broken little cute new. Li Song said, “She is an old employee of the company, just graduated and came to work, her name is Lin Na.” ”

“Hello.” Saying that, Liu Xiaoling stretched out his hand to shake hands with Lin Na, smiled meaningfully at her, and turned his head back to work.


The Mother-Daughter Ring shook.

[Just yesterday the head of the marketing department of e company died in the bathtub of her home for unknown reasons, according to reliable information, Shen Yuwei was murdered to death, the specific reason needs further investigation, the ghost is uncertain, quickly find the real murderer …]

Liu Xiaoling sighed, “Where I appear, it will not be peaceful.” ”

After work, Liu Xiaoling’s voice rang in the mobile phone: “Shen Yuwei, the marketing director of Tianhai City e Company, was found dead in her own bathtub yesterday night, as far as the current situation is concerned, although Shen Yuwei left a suicide note and died of cutting her wrists, the cause of her death still needs further investigation, insiders have recently found that Shen Yuwei’s unjust soul is not scattered, which shows that the probability of her unjust death is very large…”

The water in the live broadcast room Zhao Team couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air slightly…..

Her live broadcast content this night is actually a spirit detective and she actually thinks that the result of Shen Yuwei’s suicide and death given by the police is wrong, if it is a wrong result, then how will this Liu Xiaoling find the real culprit?

He felt like he had to go to the police again today

“Dear netizens and friends, it has reached the night 1200, this is the night of the soul, today Shen Yuwei’s ghost is going to return to her home, let’s go to interview this ghost to help her show the snow!”

Walking into Shen Yuwei’s house, the room was very quiet, so quiet that even the faint sound of Liu Xiaoling’s breathing could be heard, suddenly, the faucet began to drip, Liu Xiaoling wanted to go to the bathroom and turn off the faucet, but before walking to the bathroom, a lot of blood came out of the crack in the bathroom door.

“Sleeper, there’s not going to be another person in this death!”

“Little Spirit Baby, be careful, there is something wrong with this murderous house.”

“Don’t go in, it’s so scary.”

The audience in the live broadcast room is like those jackals who smell blood on the prairie, frantically pouring into Liu Xiaoling’s detective live broadcast room, so that their current live broadcast room is popular…. It has soared to 67 million and only ten minutes before it began broadcasting. The popularity of Liu Ling’s little girl in the live broadcast room soared rapidly.

When Liu Xiaoling opened the bathroom door, a man with a shawl stood in front of the mirror.

“Who are you?” Are you the ghost of Shen Yuwei? Liu Xiaoling asked.

The cloaked man slowly turned around, lying in the grooves, there was no flesh and blood on his face, just a skeleton!

…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

Liu Feng’s system is almost exploded, but this time it is a big profit!

That is, a face is revealed, and the skull disappears.

Liu Xiaoling thought that she was looking at the eyes, she quickly looked at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, not fake, not hallucinating, just now the skull is not only seen by me, many netizens have seen.

Liu Xiaoling took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, she walked towards the bathtub where Shen Yuwei died, and there was still bright red blood in the bathtub.

“Oh my God, there are ghosts on the roof!”

“Little Spirit Baby look at the roof.”

“Sleeper, what’s that ghost on the roof?”

Liu Xiaoling saw the content of the bullet screen, quickly looked at the roof, it turned out to be a hanging ghost, this ghost Liu Xiaoling had already seen it several times, but netizens may have seen this hanging ghost show his face for the first time, Liu Xiaoling knew that the ghost should have been surrendered by Liu Feng, but in order to cooperate with the audience, Liu Xiaoling had to pretend to shout “Ah…” and then crouched down and hugged his head. _

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