“No, see me more than once, such a big reaction?” Hang the ghost Nahan Road.

The Zhao team in the live broadcast room saw this, and he was afraid that Liu Xiaoling would be in danger, so he quickly put on his leather jacket and drove to the scene.

At this time, the water ghost also began to move, he spat bubbles in the bathtub, those blood-red bubbles overflowed from the bathtub, and then, the water ghost draped in blood-red foam step by step to Liu Xiaoling, that is like the zombies in the movie, probably because the water ghost has watched too many zombie movies recently.

The atmosphere is simply A-to-extreme.

“Look at my [Fire Sacrifice Charm]” Liu Feng would give Liu Xiaoling enough [Fire Sacrifice Charm] and the like to deal with those ghosts and monsters every mission, although he knew that these weapons would not hurt the little ghosts he sent out, but in order to win people’s attention, in order to add a little fun to the live broadcast of the Detective, he was still happy to waste a little scary point on it.

When the Fire Sacrifice Charm was about to be attached to the bodies of the hanging ghosts and water ghosts, the Zhao team broke through the door, and the Zhao team broke the horror scene set by Liu Feng. The hanging ghosts and water ghosts and these horrific scenes quickly disappeared.

“Liu Xiaoling, are you all right?” Team Zhao asked.

“Officer Zhao, how did you get here?” I don’t have anything to do. ”

“But just now I saw that there was a skull ghost in your live broadcast room, a hanging ghost and a guy full of bubbles.”

“Maybe you have too much righteousness, and they are all scared away.” Liu Xiaoling said.

“I want to ask you something.”

“Team Zhao, there is something you can say. I must know everything and say everything. ”

“Are you sure that Shen Yuwei killed him and not committed suicide?”

“To tell the truth, Team Zhao, I was also mixed in the mysterious side circle, and this information was told to me by people in the circle. If you ask me if it’s true or not, I really don’t know how to answer you. ”

“What do you know?” In addition to knowing that Shen Yuwei did not commit suicide, there are other things, know what to say, if you want to retry this case, you need your help. ”

Liu Xiaoling subconsciously glanced at the [Zimu Ling Ring], and couldn’t imagine that there was really a clue information displayed on the [Zimu Ling Ring].

“Sir, according to the information collected by the people on the mysterious side, they said that Shen Yuwei’s ghost was not disgruntled and too heavy to reincarnate, she was definitely not a suicide, someone killed her, it is very likely that she was poisoned and died.”

“What, poisoned? These will be confirmed by the autopsy report. ”

“Team Zhao, I think you should learn to examine Shen Yuwei’s body again, maybe what she has is external poison and not internal poison, if it is external poison, her body may be left behind.”

“This information you have in your possession is for us to reopen this case. Now go back to the house with me, and we will reopen Shen Yuwei’s body and examine what traces there are in her body. If anything, I hope you will cooperate with us in further investigation. ”

Liu Xiaoling really did not want to inspect the place, but for the sake of the dead Shen Yuwei, Liu Xiaoling still followed the Zhao team to the inspection office.

In the hiding room, the Zhao team found a place where Shen Yuwei’s body was stored. He took out Shen Yuwei’s body and pulled open the black bag, because the case had not been completely closed, so her body still had not been buried. Team Zhao searched along Shen Yuwei’s neck, and sure enough, there was a small dot on her neck.

Liu Xiaoling opened Shen Yuwei’s thigh, and there were actually similar dots on her thighs.

“These dots don’t look like the scratches of an ordinary acne, these dots are black and look a lot like poisoning.”

“Team Zhao, I think you should think of a way to arrest the criminal who killed Shen Yuwei immediately!” They are truly abominable. ”

“But what should I do?” How can we gather evidence that they killed Shen Yuwei? If it weren’t for the news you said. I’m afraid that in the outside world, Shen Yuwei committed suicide, and no one will believe that she was poisoned by someone. ”

“Team Zhao, judging from these wounds, I think someone must have poisoned Shen Yuwei with a needle, and I think they will definitely take another action.”

“But the question is, what is their motive for killing?”

“The motive for killing people is nothing more than several, love killing, killing people for money, or killing enemies, and then there is another kind of killing and killing people, it can’t be someone else’s accidental killing.” 」

“Your analysis is very reasonable, go back to rest first, tomorrow if I have any questions, I will call you to come to the inspection center, and then I hope you will not refuse.”

“Rest assured, Team Zhao, I will not refuse this kind of thing.” Although I don’t like places like the Patrol House very much. ”

Back at the villa, Liu Xiaoling wants to ask Liu Feng how he can arrest the murderer of Shen Yuwei.

“Brother, I think you already know what you think, about her not suicide but his killing”

“Slightly heard, how? [Mother-daughter ring] gives you the task of letting you find out the real culprit. ”

“Yes. The Zi Mu Ling Huan also told me a lot of useful information, and the people in the circle gave the news, saying that Shen Yuwei was poisoned by someone who had been poisoned with a silver needle dipped in venom. Team Zhao also knew about these things, but the question was how could these cunning foxes lure them in? ”

“Shen Yuwei’s death alarmed the authorities, coupled with your live soul search, those who killed Shen Yuwei are likely to dare not make a fool of themselves in the near future, but don’t forget that their killing methods are very special, and if there is such a way of dying, they will be found immediately.”

“But, brother, what if they are no longer committing the crime?” In case they don’t use silver needles to dip venom even when they kill people, and the next crime doesn’t know how to wait until the Year of the Monkey, this matter is really tricky. ”

“Have you ever looked closely at those employees in your company?” Also, do you know who Shen Yuwei’s enemies are, or whether Shen Yuwei has a boyfriend, these are all suspects. ”

Liu Xiaoling carefully reviewed those employees, and some pictures suddenly flashed in his mind: Once, Li Song helped her take the file, and the moment the file was put down, Li Song revealed his watch, and in a very inconspicuous place on the side of the watch, Liu Xiaoling saw that his hand was actually tattooed syw. Liu Xiao couldn’t believe that this office old oil might really be in an office romance with Shen Yuwei!

“Brother, I remembered. Shen Yuwei’s death may be a love killing, I feel that I should ask the Zhao team if they know Shen Yuwei’s boyfriend, I am worried that Li Song of our company is having an office relationship with Shen Yuwei. ”

“Xiao Ling, you have to start with these people, you now need to talk about these situations with the Zhao team and then cooperate with the Zhao team, let the Zhao team send some very good tracking masters to secretly track and Liu Xiaoling’s very close colleagues, they are the biggest suspects.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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