One day, Liu Xiaoling reported these situations to the Zhao team, and she also relayed Liu Feng’s suggestions to the Zhao team.

The Zhao team was surprised after hearing this.

“I think your brother is a genius. I think your brother can help us solve some cases, but I don’t know if your brother is willing or not. ”

“My old brother is a dead man, I have never seen him out of that villa, if you let him come out and show his face and run around to solve some cases, I think it must be impossible.” Moreover, he did not like to deal with official people very much. ”

“But you can see it. Your brother has a great sense of justice, and that’s how he silently helped us solve these cases. ”

“Okay, then I can go back and ask him.”

“Your brother is really a rare talent, how I wish I could meet him.”

Liu Xiaoling smiled and said, “If you tell my brother like this, he may come to such a meaningful sentence, and there is a reason to meet each other.” ”

“Report to the chief, I found out that Li Song is out of town.”

“Report to the sir. I found Lina out of town. ”

“Report to the sir. Hou Yuan, out of town. ”

“It looks like the fish are going to take the bait.” Team Zhao said, “Secret tracking, always on standby.” ”

After the Zhao team finished speaking, they were going to drive out of the city to find their tracks.

“Team Zhao, I think I should go with you.”

“That way, you’ll be in danger. This is not a fun thing, if you are not careful, your life is gone. ”

“Team Zhao don’t use these to scare me, I’ve been doing a live search for so long, what kind of terrible scene I haven’t seen.” Do you think I would still be afraid of such a small scene? I was thinking, if you encounter something unclean, maybe I can help you crack it. ”

Team Zhao thought for a moment and felt that taking Liu Xiaoling with him was beneficial and harmless.

“All right. Get in the car and follow me to see how the bait bites. ”

Strangely, these men kept circling around the outskirts of the city, until the night grew darker, and they stopped spinning in circles all the time, and the three men’s cars began to converge from different directions to a point.

Resort in the suburbs! The three of them are gathering towards the resort! Team Zhao suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he quickly drove towards the resort.

When the Zhao team arrived at the resort, Li Song’s three men had not yet arrived, and the Zhao team ordered his men to ambush and wait for orders.

Liu Xiaoling secretly opened the live broadcast, wanting to completely record this thrilling action, so that she would have the capital to show off with Liu Feng in the future. Only she was silent.

All three cars parked in a small vacation villa Li Song, Lin Na, and Hou Yuan all got out of the car.

“Didn’t find a strip along the way?” Li Song asked.

“No, they can’t find out, don’t worry!” Hou Yuan said.

Li Song opened a box, which actually contained a human heart, originally the Zhao team wanted to order the arrest of the three of them, but at this time, Shen Yuwei’s ghost really appeared.

All of this was arranged by Liu Feng in order to allow his newly purchased Yuwei Soul to avenge the snow hatred.

Name: Soul of Yuwei (2 stars)

Description: Because he wanted to please the drug, he was murdered by his colleagues in the company, turned into a fierce ghost, and was full of resentment. Note: If you get revenge, you have a chance to promote to Samsung!

Skill: Nine Yin White Bone Claw

Price: 2000 scary points

Shen Yuwei slowly drifted down from the top of the three people’s heads, and when the three people saw that it was Shen Yuwei’s ghost, they were so frightened that they wanted to flee on their knees, at this time the Zhao team ordered the capture of the three people.

Shen Yuwei lifted her long hair, only to see that her face was miserable and really dead, her eyes were black, and she roared in pain, this is the so-called ghost cry.

…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

A string of messages pops up… Liu Feng knew that the dust had settled on this matter, and Shen Yuwei’s grievances were about to be revealed to the world.

“If you have any grievances, you may as well speak out, and we will certainly give you justice.”

“They teamed up to kill me.”

“What happened to your suicide note, we verified that it was indeed your handwritten letter.”

“It was a thunderstorm night, and I found out that they were actually engaged in the business of buying and selling human organs, and it was on that night that I made up my mind to turn myself in. However, when I set out in the direction of the inspection station, it was Li Song who found me, and he knocked me unconscious and tied me to my room, and Hou Yuan and Lin Na were also present at that time. ”

“When I woke up and found that they were going to cut my wrist, I struggled in pain but the three of them joined forces and held me down and gave me a silver needle, and later, Linna found the suicide note I had just written and knew that I had made up my mind to turn myself in this time. So they began to create the illusion that I was committing suicide. ”

“That is, did they cut your wrist?” Team Zhao asked.

“That’s right, they were the beasts, and when they stuck me with the silver needle with venom I had no strength to struggle any longer, so they carried me into the bathtub and cut a hole in my arm, and I didn’t even have the strength to get up, I could only watch them grow up and watch myself die like this!”

“We already know the ins and outs of the case, rest assured, we will punish them, and you can leave in peace!”

“No! I hate it! I’m going to leave them dead!” ”

“No one can take the lives of others without permission, even if you are a ghost, but they are still human, you should obey the laws of mankind, let the law punish them!” 」

“I can’t care that much, they have to die here today.” Saying that Shen Yuwei flew towards the three people, she used her sharp claws to plunge into Hou Yuan’s head, and Hou Yuan did not breathe for a while. Then she began to chase Linna.

“No! Yuwei please, please, don’t kill me. I still have a seven-year-old child, think I have helped you a lot before, we used to be girlfriends! ”

“Don’t mention that to me, it’s all you, it’s you who stuck a needle into my thigh, what a vicious woman you are, don’t say anything about me and you being girlfriends, I don’t have friends like you.” 」 Shen Yuwei went down with one paw and Lin Na lost her breath.

Shen Yuwei suddenly turned her head and glanced at Li Song, Li Song was so frightened that his legs trembled and finally he fell to his knees and peed his pants, Shen Yuwei opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, Li Song was scared to death.

A gust of wind and sand blew, Shen Yuwei disappeared_

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