Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo knew that these jackals would not jump up and eat them, and let them howl underneath, both of them ignored them.

“Oh…” A paw reached into Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s tent.

“Xiao Mo, don’t make trouble, you have to get up early tomorrow.” Liu Xiaoling didn’t notice anything unusual, she only thought that it was Li Xiaomo who was holding her neck.

“Little Healer, don’t make a fuss, it’s too itchy.” A furry paw grabbed Li Xiaomo’s foot.

“I didn’t make a fuss, you just made a fuss, sleep, why pinch my neck.” As soon as Liu Xiaoling said this, the two people immediately felt that something was wrong.

“Ah…” The two shouted, it turned out that the evil wolf had become a spirit, its green eyes and the blood basin mouth flowing with harrazi were a hundred times more terrifying than any demon in this world, ten thousand times!

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were also frightened and fists and big feet, and their two female men directly kicked the wolf demon off the ancient tree.

“Xiao Ling, if he falls from such a high place, will he fall to his death?” Li Xiaomo murmured.

Liu Xiaoling stretched out his head and looked under the tree, there was nothing under the tree, even the wolves that hovered below were gone.

“Xiao Mo, there’s nothing under here.” Li Xiaomo also leaned out and carefully searched for the wolf demon’s body.

Just when the two people wondered why they didn’t see the wolf asking for a corpse, a wolf roared, and the wolf took off again, and through the moonlight, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo found that the wolf demon was about to attack from behind the two of them.

A wave of just leveling, a wave of resurgence, the day has just calmed those dry corpses, this night on the night to fight with the wolf demon, even if exhausted, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo at this time also played a twelve-point spirit.

“Wolf demon, Hugh is going to go berserk.”

“It’s my brother!” Liu Xiaoling said excitedly, just like a savior had arrived.

At this time, Liu Feng had already practiced pure fire, and with nearly a month of retreat cultivation, he just happened to try how much his skills had improved, so he did not summon those little ghosts from the Seven Seals.

Liu Feng was simply a genius, he combined his Yin Qi power with human martial arts, using the Eight Duan Jin and Tai Chi Quan to smooth through the Yin Xuan power, his skill had reached the point of flowing clouds, how that little wolf demon was his opponent.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo nervously observed the fight between Liu Feng and the Wolf Demon, originally the two of them still wanted to come forward to help, but this situation was no longer needed.

A flying kick for a while, a shadowless foot for a while, the wolf demon was really beaten into a blood basin mouth, and at this time, even Harrazi turned blood red.

Liu Feng sensed that the time was almost up, and he wanted to take this wolf demon away.

“Wolf demon, if you don’t tie your hands, I’ll spare you from death.”


“As long as you let me go, I will accompany your men.”

Liu Feng saw that this wolf demon had already been subdued, and it seemed that he had been surrendered, so he spared no mercy to this wolf friend and did not give this wolf friend the final fatal blow.

“Brother, since you’re here, come with us to find the Strange Village.” Liu Xiaoling’s eyes were full of hope.

“This strange village is far from being as simple as I thought, and the two of you have encountered many dangers along the way, and I am not very relieved, this time I will follow you.”

“Great, great, brother, as long as you agree, the search for this strange village will be half successful.”

Hearing Liu Xiaoling say this, Liu Feng’s heart was beautiful, this taste was sweeter than eating honey, his vanity was greatly satisfied, and he suddenly felt that he was much greater.

“Wolf Demon, how far is this place from the Strange Village?” Liu Feng asked.

“Report to the master, this place is not far from the strange village.” The wolf demon pointed to the mountain peak in the distance, “Right there, the top of Cloud Mountain, where the people of the Strange Village live.” ”

“Great, it looks like we’ll get to our destination tomorrow.” Liu Xiaoling said.

“But, Master, I advise you not to go there, because none of the people in that village are human!” They were all demons and ghosts, and elves like us didn’t dare to get too close to that village. ”

“But why is there a strange village?” What is its origin? Don’t the people in their village want anyone to find them? Li Xiaomo was full of doubts.

“The people in the strange village, in fact, I have not seen it with my own eyes, but I have heard some little ghosts often say that those people in the strange village are extremely terrible, don’t look at me, I like to drink some human blood and eat some human flesh, but those people, I heard that they eat elves and strange things, they are not picky about eating, what to eat, and the people who guard the village are some big devils like food.”

“What? Gluttony, isn’t that a legend in the Classic of Mountains and Seas? Is the legendary strange village the legend of the Shan Hai Jing? Hearing the wolf demon’s description, Liu Xiaoling was interested, saying that curiosity kills people, and at this time, Liu Xiaoling’s curiosity made her want to look at the strange village more and more.

When the wolf demon saw that these people heard the strange village, he was not afraid, but surprised, and he shook his head helplessly, “If you have to go, don’t take me with you?” I want to live a few more years. ”

“That’s not okay, you’ve become my brother’s servant, and wherever my brother goes, don’t you have to go?” What if I let you go and then let you hurt people? ”

The wolf demon did not want to wade through this muddy water, but he thought about it, it is said that there is an immortal fruit tree in the strange village at the top of the Cloud Mountain, which bears fruit once every ten thousand years, and the master has gone to great lengths to be afraid of picking the immortal fruit, and when the time comes, he will help the master, and he feels that Liu Feng will not treat him badly, there is a way to be rich and dangerous, and since he has followed the master, he is loyal.

“Hey, stinky wolf demon, what’s the matter, do you want to drink our blood and eat our flesh again?” Liu Xiaoling stared at the wolf demon.

Only to see the wolf demon’s two eyeballs grunt and say, “Since I am already a servant of the master, I will do my best to help the master achieve his goal, even if the ghosts in this strange village are strong, I will definitely die.” ”

Liu Feng couldn’t help but sneer in his heart, this wolf demon didn’t know what bad things were holding in his stomach, what little calculations were in his heart, maybe he had already guessed the purpose of Liu Feng’s visit.

The wolf demon took the lead, and the three of them climbed together to the top of the Cloud Mountain.

When they went up this mountain, Liu Xiaoling and they found that there were many true strange beasts here, all of which they had never seen before, and what kind of demons and ghosts lived in the strange village, whether they would really be as powerful as this wolf demon said, all of this was unknown. _

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