When they reached the top of Yun Mountain, suddenly a huge palace appeared in front of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s eyes, where could these illusory demons confuse Liu Feng.

Only to see a wave of the arm, the golden and brilliant palace just now turned into several ruins and broken walls.

“It seems that this is the prototype of the strange village.” Liu Xiaoling murmured.

Liu Feng and his party had just stepped into the threshold with one foot, and immediately there was a black area around them, and suddenly, a pair of red eyes appeared, and then thousands of pairs of red eyes appeared.

“Bold, even dare to trespass into the royal holy land, shoot and kill!”

Subsequently, those red eyes approached Liu Feng and his party, and when they got closer, their true bodies appeared, these red eyes were actually growing around their waists, and these red eyes actually had no upper body at all.

“Oh my God, it’s like the legendary Punishment Heaven.” Liu Xiaoling quickly hid behind Liu Feng.

I don’t know, how big is here, only to see those red-eyed ants like a swarm of swarms pouring over, there is no way, can only open large, Liu Xiaoling’s metal short root and current ring seems to be more powerful than before, Li Xiaomo’s lasso whip has been upgraded, in this battle those red-eyed green blood more stimulated the potential of the lock whip.

Liu Feng’s horror system seemed to absorb the ghost qi here, he obviously felt that he was getting braver and braver, then he also obviously felt that the spirit pulse was no longer constantly absorbing nutrients, it seemed that this time the strange village was a good time to upgrade the system and weapons, Liu Feng thought that he could not miss it, so he released the first wood road chief, the second wood road chief, and Xie Zhengang.

“The three of you have come just in time!” Li Xiaomo said.

“No way, let me come in the circle, I wanted to take a nap.” Chief Ichiki said.

After a while, Liu Feng noticed that something was wrong, and he obviously felt that he was getting more and more tired.

“Capture the thief before the king, these headless ghosts must have a leader.” Liu Feng said.

At this time, Liu Feng suddenly took off into the air, and he sprinkled a large number of [Fire Sacrifice Charms] around him, and while sprinkling the [Fire Sacrifice Charms], he carefully observed something.

“Found it, Xie Zhengang, go quickly, those headless ghosts are surrounded by places!”

“Received!” Xie Zhengang brandished his ghost-headed knife, and while dodging left and right, he split towards the place where the headless ghosts were clustered, but unfortunately, these red-eyed headless ghosts were like a thick wall, and even Xie Zhengang’s knife could not be split.

Only a loud roar was heard, and the headless ghost king surrounded by red eyes appeared, only to see that it was larger and had four green eyes.

“Xiao Ling, Xiao Mo, Yi Mu, Er Mu Kuai, give Xie a protection.” Liu Feng commanded.

Several people quickly drove away the Ghost King Zhou Headless Ghost, Xie Zhengang found the right moment, and it took him a lot of strength to go down with a knife.

Only to hear a “whoosh”, the Ghost King’s body was split in half, and the remaining headless ghosts did not increase at this time, it seems that the number of these headless ghosts is made by this.

After eliminating these headless ghosts, Liu Feng and his party continued to rush forward.

A deep pit in front of Liu Feng blocked the way of Liu Feng and his party, is the Strange Village here, there is no road in front, the Strange Village is a deep pit, this result can’t help but make Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo disappointed, the wolf demon at this time only felt that he was deceived by those gossip, maybe the Strange Village is fake.

Liu Feng felt that things would not be so simple, and he opened the Seven Flames to summon the Divination Pen Immortal, “Pen Immortal, is this a strange village?” ”

“Report master, this is indeed the Strange Village, but the Strange Village was sealed by the masters of a thousand years ago, and now outsiders can only enter, they can’t come out.”

Liu Feng thought to himself that his cultivation of the Jizo Yin Decision had encountered a bottleneck, and the horror system was to guide him to the strange village to find the opportunity to open the bottleneck and further improve, so far he also realized that the strange village does have many dangers, but as the only human in this world with a terror system, he feels that all dangers are just the illusion of this world.

“Pen Immortal, how can we get down into the pit?” Liu Feng thought thoughtfully and asked solemnly.

“With the power of Yin Qi, the Seven Seals can help you get in, and only some mantras are needed.” Saying that the divination pen fairy grunted in front of the root of Liu Feng’s ear and did not know what to say.

Liu Feng closed his eyes tightly, a spell came from his mouth, suddenly, several people opened their eyes again, but they came to a place where the fire was burning around, thousands of zombies, broken arms, broken legs, one-eyed… Their faces were hideous, and they were as thin as wood, and looking at their dress, it turned out to be the costumes of the common people in the Qin Dynasty.

Liu Feng finally understood that this strange village was originally a mass grave in the Qin Dynasty, the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and the dance of the sun appeared in the north of the extremely cold land – ginseng was born in the south of the extremely hot land – crystal, it can be seen that all things are born together, if this strange village is the place of the yin to the fire, then there must be a yang to pure thing that is opposite to it.

Liu Feng had laid down his blood this time, in order to resist the enemy [Sacrifice Fire Charm] threw it to the soft hand, [Spotless Ghost Dan] did not know how much had been consumed, and he summoned the ghost of resentment, the ghost of hanging, and so on…

A trail of traces flowing between the clouds and the black curtain slowly fell like a meteor, the fragmented light fell on Liu Feng’s shoulder, and the shadow of the dry corpse on the opposite side had already stretched out its claws, as if to make him fight with his life, Liu Feng was as fast as lightning, like cutting straw, the knife fell in his hand, as long as he passed, those zombies all fell.

Xie Zhengang’s ghost head blade condensed a huge momentum, a long snake spitting out a long letter formed, and rushed towards the group of corpses in a mighty way, it seemed that all the other zombies around them were affected by this momentum, and the long snake that spat out the letter destroyed and destroyed the decay and crashed into the Qin Bing zombies, directly blasting them into powder, leaving no residue.

There were also the first Mu Dao Chief, the Er Mu Dao Chief, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, which were all overwhelming, but the more powerful they were, the more powerful they were, the more powerful the next wave would be.

Liu Feng glanced around, only to feel that these zombies are chaotic but very continuous, it seems to be a formation, everything must have a death door, Liu Feng closed his eyes at this time, he could not take care of it, the zombies in front of him became a mountain, he worked hard to arouse his own yin power, and opened his inner eyes with the power of yin.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the knife of a Qin soldier zombie fell above his head, Liu Feng couldn’t help but be shocked, suddenly, the zombie exploded like a balloon, and it turned out that Xie Zhengang had killed the zombie who wanted to attack Liu Feng with a knife.

Without hesitation, Liu Feng turned the Fire Sacrifice Charm into countless swords and stabbed directly in a certain direction, and finally, like Pangu opening the sky, the darkness was torn open by a light.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and share! ,

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