“Don’t be in love, quick, jump into that light!” Liu Feng said as he pushed Liu Xiaoling back.

Unexpectedly, Liu Feng jumped directly to the place where the Immortal Tree grew.

Only to see that this tree was full of golden immortal fruits, the wolf demon’s hungry Ha Lazi flowed to the ground, involuntarily the wolf demon stretched out his hand to try to pick one, and suddenly the tree was alive, and thousands of branches stretched out from behind the immortal tree, and turned into thousands of arms to wrap around the willow wind and several of them, and then sent them into the tree hole.

“Brother, Xiao Mo, are you all here?” It was pitch black in the tree hole, and Liu Xiaoling couldn’t see Liu Feng and Li Xiaomo.

“Little Healer, I’m here!” Li Xiaomo replied.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be out.” It is the sound of the willow wind.

“We are all here!” Captain of the Ichomaki Road, Captain of the Wood Road, Xie Zhengang replied.

At this time, Liu Feng silently chanted the incantation, and flew out many [Fire Sacrifice Charms], the flames were the nemesis of this branch, and as soon as the [Fire Sacrifice Charm] approached, those branches immediately shrank back, and Liu Feng finally got out.

Liu Feng took out his newly purchased [Torch Burning Pile] to scare off the branches that were tightly wrapped around Liu Xiaoling’s body, and Liu Xiaoling and the others also regained their freedom.

“Brother, how are we going to get out?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“This [torch pile] alone is certainly not enough, this bark is very thick.”

“Master, why don’t we set fire to this tree?” Chief Ichiki said.

“This is not okay, this tree is an immortal tree, and its fruit is an immortal fruit, so it is not okay to burn it like this.” The wolf demon said.

“Why not, it’s hard to die here.” Li Xiaomo stared angrily at the wolf demon.

A few people did not dare to decide, and just here, some green juice oozed from the top.

“No, don’t touch these saps, this is the immortal tree as a tree fertilizer.” Michiko Niki said.

“Go fucking the tree of immortality and burn it.” Liu Feng [Torch Burning Pile] approached the bark, Xie Zhengang spilled the fishy oil of some animals he carried with him on the bark, only to hear a “boom…” sound, a large piece of bark burned up, this tree is afraid of being burned, swinging left and right, willows can also feel the shaking in the tree hole.

Suddenly, some rain came from the top of the tree, and the fire was extinguished.

“This old tree has indeed become a jing.” Ichiki couldn’t help but sigh.

This fire can’t be dealt with, what to do, at this time Li Xiaomo said, “Try to use poison.” With that, she took out her lasso whip and kept whipping at the bark.

This Immortal Tree was also tossed so hard that it couldn’t stand it, and simply spit out the willow wind.

After coming out, Liu Xiaoling saw that this Immortal Tree had indeed become a jing, he actually opened his eyes, he still had a nose, ears, almost like a human, but still in the shape of a tree.

The Immortal Tree said angrily, “You little bunny cubs, how did you get home?”

“I heard that there are long fruits on the tree of immortality, but I didn’t know that you have so many fruits.” The wolf demon said, while he was not ready to pick one, and when he put it in his mouth, the fruit was suddenly gone.

“Little bunny cubs, I expected you to come looking for the fruit of immortality, and tell you that the fruit of my tree has a real fruit, and I see what ability you have to find my fruit.” The tree laughed triumphantly, and the tree that was laughing shook from side to side.

Liu Feng looked at the fruits on this tree, there were tens of millions, but the fruit plucked by the wolf demon came out, and Liu Feng found that a new fruit had grown exactly the same as the original, these fruits were exactly the same and were plucked one long, no wonder this immortal tree was so arrogant.

The wolf demon was hungry, he did not learn the lesson of the last failure, jumped to the tree again and plucked the fruit, and when he was full of a handful, he threw it on the ground, and as a result, the fruit disappeared as soon as it fell to the ground, and the wolf demon was not convinced, then picked, then thrown, and finally tired he threw out his tongue.

“You stupid monster, you can’t find it in your whole life.” Liu Xiaoling said contemptuously.

“So what can you do?” You’re smart why don’t you try it. The wolf demon asked rhetorically. _

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