In the Tianhai Villa, Liu Feng was sipping fragrant tea, and suddenly the cup he was holding in his hand was hanging in mid-air, he pushed the glasses on his nose bone upwards, and said to himself: “Tomorrow Tianhai City will open the City Museum for free?”

Although Liu Feng has never liked to join in the fun, nor does he like to be cheap, and he does not like to go out casually, but this free open city museum deeply touched him, after all, he also likes these things left over from ancient times, which is one of them; Second, most of these ancient treasures carried some aura and could just take his immortal seedlings in and absorb them well.

The next day, early in the morning, Liu Xiaoling took a chicken leg and panicked to go out, “Brother, I am going to the city museum today, open for free today, do you want to go with us?” ”

“No, I’ll go back later.” Willow Wind gently stirred the coffee in the cup.

Coming to the city museum, it is true that there is no money, Liu Xiaoling did not expect that he had come so early, and actually lined up behind the long queue, the city museum, the sea of people, people and people probably to the point of rubbing shoulders.

“It’s really unlucky, you know that it is better to come and see it when you are charging.” Liu Xiaoling said.

“This line is also too long, I see that even if we go in by then, it will be almost dark, or we will come back later.” Li Xiaomo patted Liu Xiaoling’s back and said.

“Yes.” Liu Xiaoling gladly accepted Li Xiaomo’s opinion.


【Mother-daughter ring】Shaken:

[Night City Museum: The news of the mysterious side circle, the city museum because the treasures are antiques, the anger is very heavy, there are more demons, tonight there will be an invisible door open in the museum, leading to the world of no line, specially ordered you to sneak into the world of no line, spy on the news to shock the soul. 】

“The Invisible World!” Liu Xiaoling cried out in surprise.

“What?” Li Xiaomo was very confused when he saw Liu Xiaoling’s surprised face.

“Xiao Mo, do you know that today we are going to go to another world to do a live soul search.”

“Another world?” Li Xiaomo asked.

“Yes, it’s a no-go world!” Xiao Mo you quickly look at the [Zi Mu Ling Ring]” said Liu Xiaoling, who put his arm in front of Li Xiaomo’s eyes.

Li Xiaomo silently read the words on this “Mother-Daughter Order Ring” and muttered in his heart, what is this invisible world really like? Is the so-called other world this invisible world? A world of the undead?

Night soon came, Liu Feng came to the city museum in advance to arrange the horror scene, and he now laid a “Qiankun Cave” at the front door of the museum, from which he could lead to another world where he arranged the horror scene.

“Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are also people who have experienced hundreds of battles, what ghosts and monsters can be prepared this time to scare them?” Willow Wind muttered to himself.

At this time, a voice came out of the Seven Seals, “Master, spend the horror value to buy some new ghost servants, in my opinion, it is better to redress us.” “Come is to hang the ghost and then help Willow Wind out of the Lord.”

Liu Feng also sounded quite reasonable, so he summoned the seven little ghosts close to him from the Seven Seals.

The hanging ghost continued, “Lord. Since the second horror scene is set in the museum, I think that a few of us might as well play the owners of those cultural relics at that time, what will be good for the prince. ”

Liu Feng felt in his heart that this was a good idea, equivalent to “waste utilization”, on the one hand, to achieve his purpose, on the other hand, he could save a sum of money, he nodded happily, and said: “Hang the ghost, you do this, you first arrange the role for them, and then report it to me, I will go to the system mall to buy you some props and clothes and other things.” ”

This hanging ghost saw that Liu Feng was very happy to agree, and he couldn’t help but feel a little proud in his heart, he scolded the other little ghosts, “Hey, well ghost, you play the martial emperor, the water ghost, you play the Ming Emperor, the ghost of resentment, you play the general Chen…” The hanging ghost Zhang Luo assigned tasks and roles to the other ghosts.

It was not easy to take charge of his own affairs this time, and the hanging ghost thought in his heart, this time he wants to be a big BOSS, what role is good? More than the emperors, it is better to play the ancestor of all the emperors, yes, just like that, I play the ancestral emperor. The hanging ghost thought that he was going to play the role of the boss this time, and he also intentionally or unintentionally stained the light of other ghosts, and he couldn’t help but feel a little proud in his heart.

When the scene was almost arranged, the other little ghosts under Liu Fengliu were waiting for the arrival of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and he himself entered the museum to find some immortal saplings that Nourished him with aura.

In the middle of the night, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were ready, and after a while, they arrived at the city museum, and now it was late at night, no one was walking around the street in front of the museum, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were about to go forward to see what was going on, at this time, the invisible door suddenly appeared, this door is very much like a black hole.

“Go inside, Momo, this is it.” Liu Xiaoling took Li Xiaomo’s hand and stepped into the “invisible world”

After entering, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo found that there were many cultural relics floating here, such as bronze war horses, colorful blue and white porcelain vases, and emerald green ancient jade bracelets…

“Wow…” Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were stunned by the scene in front of them, and they couldn’t help but stretch out their hands.

A dazzling light shone directly on Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s hands blocked the light, and Liu Xiaoling accidentally fell down the ancient blue and white porcelain he was touching.

“Bold maniacs, how dare they trespass on my cemetery.” It turned out to be the Wu Emperor played by the Well Ghost, “I am the Wu Emperor God, I didn’t expect to be disturbed by you two little girls, it really angered me, see I don’t clean up after you.” Jing Ghost pretended to swing the Shang Fang sword in his hand and slashed at Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

“Sleeper, that’s too much of a horse.”

“Sleeper, ancient emperors, I like today’s show.”

“Exciting, interesting.”

“Mom, this scary!”

…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

Liu Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, “It seems that these little devils have done a good job.” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had already seen a lot, and where they were afraid of these bluff tricks.

“Your grandmother’s, Aunt Ben’s doesn’t eat your set.” Li Xiaomo took the set of lock whips, crackled and exploded indiscriminately, and the well ghost was not embarrassed to use ten strengths to fight back, so he had to dodge left and right, screaming bitterly.

After a period of competition, the well ghost made a show and then withdrew.

Jing Ghost thought in his heart, why should a ghost think so much, even if he is injured, but he is deeply favored by his master, even if he gives Liu Feng a face, he can’t really hurt this Liu Xiaoling. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and share! ,

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