“A good martial emperor, but so, can’t help my lasso whip, hahaha…” Li Xiaomo waved the lasso whip very proudly.

Then, it was the Ming Emperor played by the water ghost, unlike the well ghost, the water ghost wanted to win with a trick, he suppressed his voice, “Two heroic women, just now that enough emperor made you frightened, come, drink my cup of jade dew jelly, suppress the shock.” “Saying that, the water ghost conjured up a plate with two glasses of wine on it.

“Xiao Ling, don’t be fooled by him!” Li Xiaomo said.

“What, you’re afraid there’s poison in this wine?” The water ghost saw that the two were not moving, and guessed that they suspected that there was a problem in the wine, so he raised a glass and gulped down a cup himself, “What? Rest assured! ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo saw that the water ghost had already drunk a glass of wine, and the nervous nerves relaxed slightly, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo also picked up a cup alone.

“Two female heroes, I am no better than the impulsive martial emperor, I loved to make friends with the righteous warriors of the jianghu before I was born, and this time I really want to make friends with you.”

“Thank you, Emperor Ming,” Liu Xiaoling said.

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome, I know you’re coming to this invisible world for the first time, so why don’t you stay with me for a few more days, and get familiar with the environment and feel this different world.”

Saying that, the water ghost conjured up a picture of the scenery of the back garden of the palace, and then he urged Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to go inside and take a look, after Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo drank that cup of wine, their bodies actually disobeyed the call to enter the painting, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were immersed in this beautiful scenery.

The water ghost saw that the two had already made a plan, and thought that it was better to stimulate it again, so he opened his mouth and actually swallowed Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo directly into his stomach, of course, this is just an illusion, just to render some horrible atmosphere.

“Sleeper, baby elf, little foam wife, you are about to wake up!”

“Oh my God, it’s horrible, my heart can’t stand it.”

“You scheming ghost, let go of our little spirit baby, Xiao Mo’s wife!”

…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

The water friends and iron fans were nervous without knowing the truth of the matter.

“Tick tock…”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were suddenly awakened by the sound of the mobile phone’s information, of course, it was also specially arranged by the water ghost.

“Oh my God, you, the Ming Emperor, are really cunning.” Liu Xiaoling shouted, holding the broken metal root against the water ghost’s blood basin mouth.

Li Xiaomo also hurriedly escaped from the mouth of the water ghost, and then firmly wrapped her lock whip around the big head of the water ghost, “Good you are the ghost of the Ming Emperor, it is really treacherous, you actually tempted us to be deceived, and then you will take us as your plate lunch, your abacus is really loud!” Unfortunately, I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. ”

When the water ghost saw that it was good, he quickly condensed his body into a drop of water and flashed away.

Subsequently, the ghosts of mourning and the ghosts of white appeared one by one… Even the big boss hanging ghost scene didn’t last long.

In the City Museum, Liu Feng held the Immortal Sapling in his hand, and the sapling seemed to smell the historical atmosphere or aura here, and immediately turned into a shining green sapling.

Suddenly, when Liu Feng walked to the antique under the skylight, a black shadow on the skylight shook a little, and Liu Feng quickly looked away, but there was no trace of it.

Liu Feng went out from the skylight, trying to find this shadow trace, he suddenly found that it was like a person who had fallen into paper running wildly in the night, Liu Feng did not believe his eyes, he rubbed his eyes, fixed his eyes, followed the white light in the flashlight, the shadow was indeed like, and after a while, this paper man actually flew away with a thousand paper cranes.

“It’s strange, what’s going on?” There will actually be people made of paper, and it is possible that the soul of an undead spirit is attached to this paper, but what is the purpose of this, what do you come to the museum, is it difficult to steal cultural relics? Or come looking for something? Liu Feng thought about it and took the idea.

The sky had already seen the white of the fish’s belly, it seemed that the sun was about to come out, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were in the “invisible world” for a whole night, as soon as the sun came out, those little ghosts hid in the Seven Seals.

When they opened their eyes again, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were already lying on their respective beds, as if they were dreaming.

Where would Liu Xiaoling want the battle yesterday to become a dream, she quickly dialed Li Xiaomo’s phone, wanting to ask Li Xiaomo what it was.

“Hey, little foam?” Did we go to the City Museum yesterday? ”

“Yeah, I remember going, but I found me in my bed.” Li Xiaomo replied.

“You said the same thing, you must have really been there, but I didn’t know how we got home.”

“Most likely.” Li Xiaomo very much agreed with Liu Xiaoling’s statement.

Liu Xiaoling ate a [Scaleless Ghost Dan], of course, Liu Feng gave it to her, yawned, stretched out, and suddenly felt that her body was full of strength.

Liu Feng sat quietly on the Taishi chair, sipping fragrant tea, looking at the newspaper, and suddenly, a striking headline came into Liu Feng’s eyes:

Last night, the Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain vase of the City Museum was stolen.

Liu Xiaoling saw that Liu Feng was holding a newspaper in his hand and no longer drinking tea in his mouth, but just sat there in a daze, not even rolling his eyes, very curious.

“Brother, see some heavy news.” Liu Xiaoling mischievously snatched the newspaper in Liu Feng’s hand.

“What? The blue and white porcelain vase of the city museum was stolen, brother, I only went to the city museum yesterday, and I also fought with many emperors, I vaguely remember that I accidentally broke the blue and white large porcelain vase, it will not be because I broke it. Liu Xiaoling’s heart was so nervous, she always felt that she had broken the antique.

Of course, Liu Feng knew that Liu Xiaoling was only broken in the scene he set up, “Don’t be blind, you said that you broke the blue and white porcelain bottle, but, when you read this newspaper, people obviously said that the blue and white porcelain bottle was stolen, if it is broken, how can there be fragments on the ground, how can it be said to be stolen?” ”

Liu Xiaoling was awakened by Liu Feng’s few words, “Yes, or the elder brother is right, now I feel much more comfortable in my heart, and finally there is no suspicion of this saboteur.” ”

Liu Feng thought that yesterday it wasn’t just him and Liu Xiaoling, Li Xiaomo and the seven little ghosts who went to the City Museum and there was an origami man, would it be him? If it was the origami man, what would he do? Liu Feng decided to summon the ghost and ask him to secretly investigate the mysterious origami man.

“Ghost, yesterday I saw an origami man in the city museum, and I think maybe this museum theft has a lot to do with him, and I sent you to check on him.”

“Do as you are told, master.” “Just try it, am I still afraid of such a tree?” Liu Xiaoling said.

Liu Xiaoling was also a clever ghost, and she usually had a lot of ideas, and she thought that since the wolf demon’s approach did not work, she could only do something else.

Liu Xiaoling jumped to the tree, she used her short metal root to the left and clicked, she hit not the fruit but the branches, who could have imagined that after she hit the ground, these branches flew to the broken place and grew again.

The wolf demon sighed at the sight, “This method is no higher than mine.” ”

At this time, the Immortal Tree was annoyed by Liu Xiaoling, and directly shook the branch to try to drop Liu Xiaoling, Liu Xiaoling hugged the trunk hard, but still could not resist the shaking of the trunk, fell down, fortunately Liu Feng caught her.

Liu Xiao scolded with tears, “Well, you have a broken tree, I see that you don’t have any immortal fruits at all, you made it up, just to raise your own value!”

The Immortal Tree saw that everyone could not help him, and saw that Liu Xiaoling was crying angrily, and he shook left and right triumphantly.

“You broken tree, watch me find your elixir.”

Liu Feng took advantage of the immortal tree to get carried away, relaxed his vigilance, a lightning step ran over, and threw the [torch burning pile] at his roots, Liu Feng had been observing the tree for a long time, he found that only the roots of this tree could not move, and he did not show the regenerative ability of his roots, so Liu Feng concluded that his death hole was the root of the tree.

“No, no, no, you can’t do that!” The fire is almost extinguished. The Immortal Tree shouted.

“Hahaha, you broken tree, in the end the master still has a way, it seems that today your fruit will belong to the master.” The wolf demon laughed.

After burning for a long time, the palace-sized immortal tree suddenly fell like a mansion, “booming” a loud noise, the tree fell, and Liu Feng found that at this time they had come out of the illusion and came to reality.

“Cough, there really is no immortal fruit, this tree has been burned to death, and the last fruit has not been seen.” The wolf demon looked a little hopeful.

“The tree of eternal life does not deceive people, he himself is the fruit of immortality, the tree falls, we can come back, isn’t this immortality, living in the present moment is birth.” Liu Feng said.

The chief of the Yimu Dao, the chief of the Ermu Dao, Xie Zhengang, Liu Xiaoling, and Li Xiaomo all felt that this time the painstaking efforts were empty, and they felt so boring, and one by one they sadly left the Immortal Tree that had been burned into ruins.

Liu Feng picked up a handful of tree ash, and the ash turned into a small seedling, and Liu Feng sighed softly, “It turns out that this is immortality!” “_

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