The theft of the blue and white porcelain vase has not yet subsided, and the next day there are new headlines in the newspaper: Xu Yang, an antique collector in Tianhai City, donated the treasured calligraphy of Qingshan residents.

Liu Feng held the newspaper in one hand, and gently put down the Pu’er tea with the other hand, thinking, it really takes no effort at all, I was about to check the person who stole the blue and white porcelain vase, this person appeared, but at this juncture to show that he was a philanthropist, is this not the silver three hundred and two here?

But there was no complete certainty, Liu Feng would not easily take any action, but he had some certainty in his heart, and only waited for the ghost to tell him the results of the investigation.

“Report master, you asked me to check the person who stole the blue and white large porcelain vase, there is no result at present, I have mostly inspected the places where antiques are treasured in Tianhai City.”

How can this be? It is reasonable to say that those antiques already have a very strong aura due to the thousands of years of wind and dust of the sun and the moon itself, and this ghost is particularly sensitive to this aura, could it not be that he Xu Yang?

“Go down first and continue to investigate this matter.” Willow Wind furrowed his brows.

He decided to go to the City Museum himself, this time thinking about hiding in the shadows to see if the origami man would appear again.

As it darkened, Liu Feng quietly hid in the hotel opposite the City Museum, which had a telescope through which Liu Feng could clearly see the situation around the City Museum, and this telescope could also be seen very clearly.

Liu Feng stood in front of the telescope with his eyes wide open, he didn’t want to miss a single detail, this time he felt he had met his opponent again.

Because it was already dark, the front of the city museum was already sparse, there were few people, and suddenly, the origami man really appeared again.

Only to see this man, jumping from the roof of those low buildings and climbing to the roof of the museum, the origami man folded into a small frog for a while, a thousand paper cranes for a while, and then a balloon made of paper, Liu Feng watched as the origami man jumped into the city museum.

“Good fellow, the fish is finally going to bite the hook.” Liu Feng said to himself, saying that he used his transfiguration technique to change into the city museum, from a long distance, Liu Feng saw that the origami man actually turned his finger arm into a very pointed awl, and then he actually used the awl made by his arm to cut an opening in the glass of the museum.

“Good you are a great thief of Jiangyang, it turns out that you stole the blue and white porcelain vase.”

The origami man turned his head and saw Liu Feng, he did not speak, just turned his head and fled, Liu Feng followed closely this time, several times he caught up with the origami, and fought fiercely with the origami man, the origami man kept changing his shape.

After a while, his arm once again turned into a sharp sword wind and slashed at this side, Liu Feng did not show weakness, he conjured a sword in his hand, played against it, after several fights, Liu Feng was a little tired, and the origami man did not look tired at all.

If I continue to fight like this, I am afraid that I will suffer losses. Liu Feng thought in his heart, he took out a few more [Fire Sacrifice Charms], thinking in his heart that this was actually origami, the paper must be burned, maybe the [Fire Sacrifice Charm] was his nemesis.

This origami man saw that Liu Feng began to play with fire, and his heart was also a little jealous, he did not want to entangle with Liu Feng anymore, he turned into a paper crane and wanted to fly away, Liu Feng was not ready to let him go, Liu Feng began to follow closely behind, playing parkour on these buildings in Tianhai City.

In the end, Liu Feng followed the paper man to an antique and imposing palace.

Then enter the palace, the cloud top ebony as a beam, crystal jade bi as a lamp, pearl as a curtain, Fan Jin as the pillar, six feet wide agarwood wide bed next to the hanging mackerel baoluo tent, the tent is embroidered with beads and silver thread begonia flowers, the wind stirs, like the sea of falling clouds.

The floor is paved with white jade, embedded with gold beads, chiseled for the lotus, the blossoms are like five lotus flowers, the petals are fresh and exquisite, even the flower buds are delicate and recognizable, and the barefoot foot only feels warm… Such a poor worker, even more luxurious than outside.

At this time, the origami man had disappeared without a trace, but it was Xu Yang who walked out.

Liu Feng quickly thought that the origami man must be Xu Yangchang.

“A good antique collector, the blue and white porcelain vase was stolen, but you came out to donate calligraphy and paintings to be a philanthropist, which is really a good hand.”

“Liu Feng, don’t talk nonsense, what evidence do you have, no evidence to talk nonsense here I can sue you for slander.” Xu Yang had a fierce look on his face and said in a strong tone.

“You also know that I have always been cautious and have no evidence, how can I talk nonsense before you enter the museum I was already ambushed in the telescope in the opposite hotel, I recorded your video, and just now I saw the tail you made accidentally exposed.” 」

Xu Yang heard Liu Feng say this, and subconsciously looked at his tail. This little move. Let Liu Feng believe that Xu Yang is the origami man.

Xu Yang thought that his affairs were exposed, thinking that he must take back the mobile phone in Liu Feng’s hand, so that he had no evidence to prove that he was an origami man, he suddenly popped out an arm, and the arm twisted and turned into a long paper belt, and then Liu Feng’s mobile phone was snatched by Xu Yang.

The moment Liu Feng turned his arm into a note, he recorded the video with another mobile phone.

“Good you Xu Yang, do you think I really have any evidence of you?” But now I do have it. Liu Feng was afraid that Xu Yang would snatch his other mobile phone again, said a word, quickly turned his head and ran.

“Well, you treacherous willow wind, actually used a trick to obtain evidence, I will not let you go.” Xu Yang was furious to the extreme, he followed Liu Fengfeng closely, grinning his teeth along the way, his teeth were all clenched by him, feeling that if Liu Feng was caught up by him, he would swallow and peel Liu Feng alive.

The origami turned into a tiger and jumped in front of Willow Wind, blocking Willow Wind’s way.

Xu Yang laughed and said, “Run, you continue to run, I see where you can run, I have this skill, the whole world is mine, not to mention those antiques in the museum.” ”

“It’s a fool’s dream, how can I watch you do whatever you want here, lawless.” At this time, Liu Feng opened the Seven Seals and summoned the ghosts, water ghosts and hanging ghosts.

“You three gave me up and tied this guy up for me.”

“A good willow wind, I know that you are not an ordinary person, I did not think that you actually have this ability.” Xu Yang, seeing that Liu Feng had summoned three little ghosts, was afraid that he was not the opponent of those ghosts, and instantly turned into a white pigeon and flew away. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and share! ,

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