Liu Feng was very unhappy to see Xu Yang running away again, but what could he do? He had to go back to his villa.

Liu Feng began to think quietly, he felt that Xu Yang, who used to be an ordinary person, how could he suddenly become an origami man now? I don’t think he was born with such superpowers, maybe he got some kind of treasure to have these powers, right, it is better to call “all things” to come out and ask.

Name:Jackson (3)

Description: A saint in ancient times, liked to study some strange things, and knew a little about everything.

Skills: Analyze events, gua, give advice, and do everything.

Price: 3900 shock points

“[Jackpot], can you tell me if there is anything in this world that can give people magic and make people become origami people?”

“Master, you have to let me check this out.”

Only to see Pekshi conjure up a transparent book, and then he turned into a puff of green smoke and flew into it, and soon he flew out again.

“Master, I have already found out that the treasure book shows that there is an ancient treasure bag that was magically performed by the wizard, and the person who owns this treasure bag can become an origami man, and after becoming an origami man, he can change his body at will and fold it into other things at will.”

Liu Feng touched his newly grown beard and murmured, “Presumably, Xu Yang didn’t know where to get this tip, and he also discovered the skill of using the magic of the tip.” ”

“Master, allow me to interject, although this bag has magic, but the user will be assimilated by this bag after getting the magic, the person who has the bag will be more and more inclined to evil and darkness, and after a little longer, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand this power, and then the wizard will get the flesh to do evil in the human world again.”

Hearing this, Liu Feng thought in his heart, if he couldn’t let Xu Yang continue like this, he would take the bag back, and then find a way to destroy the bag.

But how do you get this tip? Looks like you have to find someone to steal. Okay? Suddenly Liu Feng thought that it would be better to use Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to attract Xu Yang’s attention, and then he was sending astute ghosts to his tips.

“Jingle Bells…”

【Mother-daughter ring】Here comes the task:

[According to reliable information in the circle, the antique collector Xu Yang was originally a thief who stole a large blue and white porcelain vase, and this task was to find a way to report him to the inspection office and let the people of the inspection office search him.] 】

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but be surprised to see this task, yesterday Xu Yangcai went to the TV station, the TV station vigorously touted how noble and great his act of donating ancient calligraphy and paintings was, Liu Xiaoling also regarded him as his own example, it turned out that everything was an illusion.

“This hateful Xu Yang really hurt my young heart.” Liu Xiaoling said angrily.

With no evidence in hand, Liu Xiaoling didn’t know how to tell the people at the inspection center about it, so she ran to ask Li Xiaomo.

“Xiao Mo, [Zimu Linghuan] gave me a new task, saying that the philanthropist Xu Yang is the antique collector who donated calligraphy and paintings, and it turns out that he is the one who stole the blue and white porcelain vase, and I want to expose his crimes to the people at the inspection center.”

“How can this be? It seems that people who know the face do not know the heart. But even if you want to expose his crimes to the people in the inspection center, how can the people in the inspection center arrest him just by your words? ”

“Yes, I think the same is true, but the task given to me by [Zimu Linghuan] is to get the people from the inspection station to arrest him, which really makes me feel embarrassed.”

“Xiao Ling, I don’t think we have to find any evidence, maybe we can use the power of the fishing boat, everyone wants to arrest him, and then the people at the inspection center will have to arrest him.”

“It was a really good idea, and I suddenly remembered that we could publish this heavy news in other newspapers, or print some leaflets about exposing him as a hypocrite, and then the whole of Tianhai City would make a lot of noise, and the people at the inspection office would have to check on him.”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo immediately took action, they called the newspaper and told the newspaper the heavy news. At first, the newspaper did not dare to publish it, but there were Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo here to guarantee the ticket, and Liu Xiaoling also paid some publishing fees, so he had to print it.

Soon, this matter will not be boiling over, and the city will be full of wind and rain.

“You know what? A few days ago, the philanthropist Xu Yang, who donated ancient calligraphy and paintings, actually said that he was actually a thief who stole the blue and white porcelain vase. “_

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