Chapter 395: The Ghost Gets a New Magic Weapon

After a long time, the ghost finally searched out a purple bag from Xu Yang’s body, “It seems that this is it.” The ghost was secretly proud.

“Report Master, I’ve found that tip.” The ghost said with both hands to present the purple bag.

Liu Feng took the purple bag and looked at it carefully, thinking in his heart, this little bag had such a big magic power, what kind of magic weapon would be contained in it, and said that Liu Feng gently opened the purple bag.

Colorful sheets of paper flew out of the purple bag, and those origami suddenly turned into a flying crane, and then into a tiger… Liu Feng stared at these origami and was unconsciously confused.

Seeing everything, he immediately sealed the mouth of the purple bag, while hurriedly saying: “Master, wake up quickly, don’t be confused by this bag.” ”

Hearing the call of the All-Things, Liu Feng only regained some consciousness, such a strong magic, even I was almost seduced by this purple bag, Liu Feng couldn’t help but think in his heart, maybe Xu Yang was not a bad person, but the magic of this purple bag was really too powerful, so he was confused.

“Are you okay master?” Jack-of-all-trades asked.

“I’m okay with nothing, I just have to thank you for putting away that bag in time, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself and I’ll be confused.” Liu Feng said.

“Master, I urge you to hurry up and find some way to destroy this tip.” It’s a scourge to keep this tip. ”

“To destroy, we must destroy this bag, and we must never leave this scourge behind.” Liu Feng said and took out a few [Fire Sacrifice Charms] and began to destroy this purple bag with the mana of the [Fire Sacrifice Charm].

After burning for a long time, the purple bag was still intact.

This is strange, this almighty [Fire Sacrifice Rune] can’t even deal with this purple treasure bag, how can this be good, Liu Feng is even more determined to destroy this treasure bag in his heart.

“The host will let me try it.” Xie Zhengang said.

“Okay, just try it.”

Xie Zhengang accepted Liu Feng’s order, picked up his ghost head knife, and slashed at the purple bag in a hurry.

Looking back at the purple bag, it was still intact.

It was really strange, this little purple bag was so powerful, the [Fire Sacrifice Rune] and the Ghost Head Sword couldn’t do anything with it, what to do?

“Quick, look up how to solve this trick.”

“Obey the master.”

Bai Shitong immediately checked it out, and he pondered for a long time: “Master, this purple jinbao is quite angry, and the resentment of the ghost is very heavy, I checked, if this purple jinxin ghost is used as a weapon, then the complaining ghost can be upgraded to another level.”

“But this tip is so powerful, how could he succumb to the ghost?” I’m afraid that the star level of the ghost is not as powerful as this purple tip, right? Liu Feng asked.

“The master is not what you think, some magic weapons are not the star level of the master, but the empathy with the master, this purple bag and the ghost have a strong resentment, they can have a sharp mind, and these magic weapons will change different weapons according to the personality characteristics of the master.”

“The host will let me try it.” The ghost said.

Now that everything is said and done, give it a try.

Saying that he wished the ghost to use his frightening illusion to send the bag and himself to an illusory space, in which the purple bag actually turned into a flying boy dressed in a purple robe.

“Purple Robe, do you have any resentment that you can tell me?” The ghost said gently.

“Why did I tell you?” Which onion do you count? Since you have all arrested me, do whatever you want. The purple robe said.

“Do you know why you were able to get into the mirror hallucinations?” Because you and I have a common heart. The ghost continued, “I am also resentful, I can feel your mood, some things even if you don’t tell me, I know it very well in my heart, but I just think it will be better for you to say it.” ”

“Since you all know it, why do you have to ask me again and say that it is to make me feel better?”

“I don’t want you to be my magic weapon, perhaps, if I find a way to defeat you, I can be my magic weapon to me, and then I can go to a higher level, but I just because I understand you, I will not do such a thing, I hope to give you freedom, with my yin power, to help you with a hand, to let you recover your body.” 」

“You… Are you really going to sacrifice your power to help me? Purple Robe couldn’t believe it was all true.

“Joke, a gentleman’s words are difficult to chase, I complain that the ghost can also be regarded as a dignified man, spit is also a nail, even if there is a word that is said, it does not count.”

“But if that’s the case, won’t your hard work be in vain?”

“What about in vain? The star level is gone, but it is rare to meet such a confidant as you, and I will definitely help you. “The ghost is sincere and sincere.

Zi Pao did not expect to be able to meet such a confidant here, after all, it has been so many years, entangled in the past things, what does it mean? It is better to cherish this confidant in the present.

“If you really regard me as a confidant, please listen to me, I don’t want to pursue anything in the past, I don’t want to become my former self again, let the past pass, let me become the magic weapon you carry with you, I am willing to follow you around, spend my life to accompany you.” 」

“No, how can this work?” Doesn’t that wronged you? After all, your power is above me, and I have voluntarily come up with my own yin power. ”

At this time, the purple robe was actually anxious, he began to exercise, and then a fire lit in the palm of his hand.

Seeing this, the ghost immediately said, “Purple Robe, what are you doing?” Do you want to burn yourself up? Quickly extinguish the fire. ”

“This fire is anger, let this fire burn myself, I am also liberated, since you regard me as a confidant, you also know my intentions, I said I want to be your magic weapon, but you shrugged it off, just stop, I have lived enough, instead of sacrificing your yin power to continue my life.” Why don’t you just get rid of yourself? ”

“No, put it down, if you really think of becoming my magic weapon, then I will fulfill you, let’s go and ask for the master.”

Only then did the purple robe extinguish the flame in his hand.

Liu Feng saw that they had a spirit in their hearts and cheerfully agreed, the purple robe became the new magic weapon of the ghost, and when the purple robe became the new magic weapon of the ghost, he had changed from a purple bag to a purple machete. _

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