Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo have a calligraphy and painting contest in their school, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo have participated, both of them are also very good at painting, this competition Liu Xiaoling feels that he is determined to win.

In the calligraphy and painting practice room, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were preparing for the competition.

“Little Healer, I’ll see how you painted.” Li Xiaomo said and rushed to the front of Liu Xiaoling.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t painted it yet.”

“I’ll go, Xiao Ling, I see that you will definitely win the prize in this calligraphy and painting competition, and this level is already very high.”

Hearing Li Xiaomo praise herself like this, Liu Xiaoling was very happy in her heart, but she still said modestly: “Whatever, I think you painted very well, I just like to draw some things since I was a child.” ”

“In this painting and calligraphy exhibition, have you thought of what you want to paint?” Li Xiaomo asked.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, I don’t know if I want to take Chinese painting to participate in the competition, or if I want to take oil painting?” What about you? Have you thought about it? ”

Li Xiaomo shook his head, “I didn’t think about what I wanted to draw, but I didn’t have the troubles of you, I just used my stick figure to participate in the competition, anyway, I was also a heavy participant and didn’t think about winning any prizes.” ”

Liu Xiaoling took some of Li Xiaomo’s drafts and looked at them, “What is the emphasis on participation?” I see that your painting is also very beautiful, and you will definitely win the prize this time. ”

The two of you said a word to me, and praised each other.

On the day of the competition, everyone came up with their best works, Liu Xiaoling painted a landscape pastoral map, and Li Xiaomo painted a stick figure of a character.

At the calligraphy and painting competition, few people can compare with Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, I thought that Liu Xiaoling was about to become the champion of the calligraphy and painting competition, but at this moment, a young girl appeared, she exhibited her own works, when she spread the paper, found that it was an ancient beauty picture, everyone was stunned by his exquisite painting skills.

“Little girl, is this what you drawn?” The judges asked.

“Of course I painted it, and if you don’t believe me, I can paint another one myself.”

“Then you can paint another one, and we will all open our eyes.”

The girl was not afraid, she spread out a two- or three-meter-long piece of paper, and then took out a very special brush, which was like an antique with the brush, and it seemed that this brush had been experienced for many years.

Another ancient beauty jumped on top, and the audience present was shocked by the painting skills of this little girl.

The judge quickly stepped forward, patted the little girl’s shoulder and said, “Little girl, you are really powerful, it seems that the winner of this year’s calligraphy and painting competition is you.” ”

Although Liu Xiaoling, who was on the sidelines, felt a little lonely because she lost her hand to the winner of the calligraphy and painting competition, she admired this girl with super high painting skills even more.

“Little girl, what’s your name?” The judge asked.

“My name is Dong Qian.”

“Well, I announce that the winner of this year’s calligraphy and painting competition is Dong Qian, the runner-up is Liu Xiaoling, and the third runner-up is Li Xiaomo.”

Liu Xiaoling admired this Dong Qian very much, and she wanted to carefully study Dong Qian’s paintings, so she walked to Dong Qian’s front and asked: “Hello Dong Qian, I am Liu Xiaoling, I want to buy your works at a high price, can I?” ”

Dong Qian smiled and said: “Don’t need any high price to buy, I see that your painting level is also quite good, since we both like to draw, it is better that I give you this work, this work is the testimony of the two of us becoming good friends, you say?” ”

Liu Xiaoling listened to Dou Dongqian’s words, admired this little girl, and could not imagine that this little girl not only had super high painting ability, but even the ability to talk and do things was extraordinary, losing an army, getting a painting and a good friend, Liu Xiaoling felt that this calligraphy and painting contest was also worth it.

“Then I’m not going to be rude, it’s better for us to taste.” , this landscape pastoral map is also given to you okay? ”

“Of course, this should be a relic of the two of us becoming good friends, and we must always contact each other in the future, oh, yes, I still have some things to go back to first.” Dong Qian said

The two said goodbye to each other and went home separately.

In the Tianhai Villa, when Liu Xiaoling returned home with Dong Qian’s beauty figure, Liu Feng felt an abnormality.

“Little Healer, what’s in your hand?”

“Well, didn’t I participate in the calligraphy and painting contest today, it was her work that the champion gave me?”

“What? I can’t imagine that you painted so well, there are people who are even better than your paintings, it is really a mountain outside the mountain, there is a sky outside the sky, I would like to see how the champion’s work is better than you. ”

Liu Feng unfolded the beauty figure in Liu Xiaoling’s hand, and as soon as he opened this beauty figure Liu Feng felt that something was wrong.

Where is this beauty picture, this beauty is an ancient female ghost, Liu Feng said, using the “Fire Sacrifice Charm” to expel the female ghost in the painting.

“Say, where are you a female ghost?” How did you get into this painting inexplicably? Liu Feng asked.

“I was the head of the ancient Chunhua Building who has been dead for a long time, when there was a fire in the Chunhua Building, more than a dozen of our girls were killed because of that fire, fortunately, there was a thousand-year-old magic pen that contained our souls, and we have been living in the magic pen.”

“What’s going on with that Dong Qian?” Why does she have that magic pen that can still draw you? Liu Xiaoling asked.

“To tell the truth, I don’t know how Dong Qian could become our master, as for her being able to draw us, it was because she used that magic pen, and we were parasitic in this magic pen, and when she painted, we were naturally painted.”

“You female ghosts, have you ever done anything that harms heaven and nature?” Willow Feng’s eyes widened in anger.

“I have just been released, and you said that the other sisters have done anything harmful, I really don’t know, but you also know that I have just been released and have not done anything.”

Who gave this pen to Dong Qian? Does Dong Qian know the role of this pen? All of this is inexplicable.

“Report master, just now there is news, said that there is a courtyard haunted, but also said that what kind of female ghost, has died several people, Zhao team has gone to the scene.” The wolf demon said.

“It seems that there are a few restless among your sisters.” Liu Feng continued, “Please stay in my Seven Seals for a while.” ”

After saying that, Liu Feng turned his head to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo and said, “Today, you two will go to that courtyard to see if those female ghosts are doing tricks, and then further put some news out of the mouths of those female ghosts.” ”

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he sent the hanging ghost to track Dong Qian and secretly investigate Dong Qian.

“Hanging ghost, you must follow up with that Dong Qian, you can’t be a little careless, I believe that her coming from is definitely not small, there must be some powerful role behind her.”

“Obey the master.”

“How can this be? It turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, ostensibly a philanthropist, but a thief in the field. ”

“Isn’t it?” If you don’t say that people know their faces and don’t know their hearts, and people’s hearts are sinister, I am afraid that there are not many good people left in this world. ”

The voice of public opinion grew louder and louder, which attracted the attention of the authorities, and the official ordered the people at the inspection station to investigate the matter clearly, and if Xu Yang was wronged, give him a fair trial, and if this matter was true, he would be arrested immediately and Xu Yang dealt with according to law.

“Mr. Xu Yang, because you are suspected of stealing blue and white porcelain vases, you have to go with us to the inspection center.” Team Zhao said. ”

“What? You actually say that I stole it, is there any reason for this, those newspapers are all publishing fake news, all of them are fabricated to attract people’s attention, you can’t arrest me, I won’t go with you. ”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Xu Yang, the voice of public opinion is getting louder and louder. We have to intervene in this matter, if you are wronged, we will give you a justice, if you insist on not following us, is it a tacit acquiescence that you are a thief? ”

Team Zhao’s words left Xu Yang speechless.

“Well, if I didn’t steal, I didn’t steal, what dare I not go with you?” Xu Yang was angry, but he said helplessly.

While Xu Yang was taken to the inspection office, Liu Feng secretly infiltrated his home, and Liu Feng used the little ghosts to find out where the bag was hidden.

The seven little devils tossed and turned upside down, but they couldn’t find the bag, where would that bag be hidden? Did he carry it with him? If you wear it on your body, it will be trouble, and it is not easy to steal, Liu Feng thought secretly in his heart.

“Master, I see it this way, why don’t we put some medicine in his meal, and then stealth into the inspection office, search him all over the place, and don’t believe that we can’t find the tip.”

“That’s a good idea,, since you said it, then you can do it.”

“Obey the master.”

The ghost sneaked into the inspection office, it was already time for lunch, the ghost saw Xu Yang’s meal on the table, he stepped forward and sprinkled some scraps on it.

Xu Yang only ate a few bites before fainting on the table, at which time the ghost searched up and down his hand. _

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