“Have you heard?” The courtyard has been haunted recently! A tall, chubby boy said.

“What, ghost? Have you watched Liu Xiaoling’s soul hunting live broadcast? ”

“I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it, it’s all ghosts and monsters and whatever.”

“Is this all true?”

People on campus were talking about it.

“Little Healer, did you hear me?” They were all saying that there were people singing and dancing in a courtyard in Tianhai City, but as soon as they entered, they found nothing. Li Xiaomo said.

“Or shall we go to that courtyard and have a live broadcast today?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“That’s exactly what I meant.” The two reached an agreement.

After dark, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo came to the courtyard around, and after a while, sure enough, someone sang from the courtyard, and as soon as they heard the sound, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo quickly jumped into the courtyard, but found that there was no one, and the air suddenly became quiet.

Liu Feng also came at this time.

“Brother, don’t you think it’s strange to be weird?” Outside the courtyard I also heard someone singing, but when I came in, I found that there was no one, was it really some kind of ghost? Liu Xiaoling asked.

Liu Feng carefully observed this courtyard, there seemed to be nothing suspicious, where were the remaining girls hiding? Could it be hiding in this courtyard? But I don’t feel anything out of the ordinary?

Just at this moment, Liu Feng heard someone opening the lock of the courtyard, “Let’s quickly hide it first and see who is coming.” Liu Feng said.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo put on the invisibility cloak at this time, Liu Feng also had one, no one could see them, at this time, the door in the room was pushed open, and what came in was a young girl, the girl Liu Xiaoling recognized at a glance, this person was Dong Qian.

Liu Feng was secretly happy, it was really effortless, he had long expected that this Dong Qian had a problem, and it seemed that he immediately knew who she was, what background and background she had.

Dong Qian suddenly seemed to be undressing at this time, her hands pulled a hole from her head, and then she stretched the mouth wider, and a ghost drilled out of the human skin, the picture was unsightly, even more than the fox demon in the painting skin.

“Sleeper, this is really a monster!”

“This live broadcast is worth it, so exciting.”

“Oh my God, the picture is too cruel to watch!”


…. Hi you get 10 scary points

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

For a moment, the message prompt sound of Liu Xiaoling’s detective spirit and the prompt sound of Liu Feng’s frightened point were mixed together, and the sound was too loud, and that Dong Qian finally found them.

“Who is it, who has the ability to come out.” Dong Qian’s chapter split, Liu Xiaoling was bounced to the old distance, and even her invisibility cloak fell off.

“How are you?” Dong Qian saw that Liu Xiaoling’s eyes revealed complex feelings, not hate, not anger, perhaps surprised that there was some sadness mixed in.

“You are a liar, it turns out that you are not a human being at all but a female ghost!” Liu Xiaoling roared angrily.

“What about ghosts?” Is it that ghosts should be cut off the frying pan by a thousand knives? Dong Qian said somewhat lonely.

“Ghosts are also good or bad, but obviously you are a bad ghost.” Liu Feng said as he took off his invisibility cloak.

“Ahaha, I’m a bad ghost? How do you know! Dong Qian’s eyes widened in anger.

“If you’re not a bad ghost, then why did you release those female ghosts from the magic pen, didn’t you release them just to cause havoc on the human world?” Liu Feng said.

“Why can’t I release my sisters? What about ghosts, is there no freedom if it is a ghost? Are ghosts supposed to be imprisoned? ”

Without waiting for Liu Feng to retort again, Dong Qian stretched out her magic claws and grabbed Liu Feng.

Liu Feng is not a vegetarian, a dodge let Dong Qian pounce, Liu Xiaoling saw Liu Feng and Dong Qian hit and felt the need to help, so Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo both rushed with their magic weapons.

Dong Qian knew that they were not their opponents, so she threw out the magic pen, and the magic pen lit up a golden light, at this time, Liu Feng and his party suddenly felt that they were taken somewhere by Dong Qian, it turned out that Dong Qian had brought them into the calligraphy and painting, in the calligraphy and painting, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo and Liu Feng saw more than a dozen female ghosts here.

These female ghosts are playing and singing here, and some are still dancing, and it turns out that the sound of the song in the courtyard is made by these female ghosts.

Those female ghosts saw Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and Liu Feng did not surprise or stop, but continued to revel in this song and dance.

Dong Qian also joined in, she did not dance or play any musical instruments, but painted for these female ghosts on the side.

Liu Feng and his party listened to these music and suddenly entered the illusory world.

In his illusory dream, Liu Feng saw that he had made a fortune by speculating in stocks, and his frightening point had been rubbing upwards, and he felt that his life was about to reach its peak.

In the illusory dream, Liu Xiaoling saw that she had defeated more ghosts, she saw that she had entered the interior of the mysterious side circle, she became the big guy of the mysterious side circle, and even Liu Feng became her subordinate.

In her illusory dream, Li Xiaomo saw that her magic weapon continued to ascend, and she had more powerful power, which was simply invincible.

The three of them were obviously manipulated by the music.

Just at this moment, Liu Feng’s Seven Flames suddenly and non-stop shook, and Liu Feng was pulled back to reality.

“Damn, this music is meant to confuse us, see I don’t smash your ball!” Saying that, Liu Feng took the sword in his hand and stabbed at Dong Qian and the other female ghosts.

The music stopped for a while, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo also regained consciousness, seeing that Liu Feng was fighting with those female ghosts, they also knew that they were caught in the trap of these female ghosts.

“What, it’s more powerful than me.” The willow wind shook the Seven Seals to summon dozens of people, including the Ichiki Daoist, the Ermu Daochang, Xie Zhengang, and the Baimei Ghost King.

“Give it to me!” Catch these female ghosts, I have a lot of rewards! At the order of Liu Feng, those men all rushed to those female ghosts, and those female ghosts had nowhere to escape, but had to obediently submit to weakness.

Dong Qian saw that the sisters had been arrested one after another but could not all get through the willow wind, and her heart could not help but be angry, “The green mountains that are left behind, I am not afraid of no firewood, the sisters do not blame me, I will take a step first, I must find a way to rescue you!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and share! ,

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