At the fruit market in Tianhai City, Dong Qian found Xu Yang, and she began to secretly follow Xu Yang to see if this Xu Yang had been converted to evil in this life.

On a downhill road, an old lady pushed a fruit cart to Xu Yang’s side, when the old lady went downhill, a fruit cart in her hand rushed down the slope uncontrollably, Xu Yang turned his head to see a primary school student running from the intersection alley to here, Xu Yang estimated that the fruit cart was likely to hit the primary school student.

Xu Yang no longer hesitated, he ran to the side of the road, a swivel kick kicked the fruit cart to the side of the road, the old lady was very angry, she angrily scolded: “His mother’s, something.” A young man on the side of the road also saw this scene, and he immediately grabbed Xu Yang’s collar for the old lady’s unevenness, “You person, do you still have a public morality!” ”

Xu Yang was not annoyed, he grabbed a handful of money from his pocket, he put down the young man’s hand, and while putting the money in the young man’s hand, he sneered and said: “Don’t you just want money?” That’s it for you! There were more and more onlookers, everyone scolded Xu Yang for not being a thing, and Xu Yang was not annoyed that he left the crowd in a shouting and scolding.

Dong Qian, who was hiding aside, couldn’t help but be surprised, why didn’t this Xu Yang obviously do a good thing himself? Did he really become a good man in this life? No, I’m going to observe him more.

Xu Yang has his own company, as soon as he entered his own company, he saw that his subordinates were lazy or that things were not doing well, he broke his mouth and scolded: “You idiots, raise you farts!” Nothing can be done, Wang Li, why are you late again this month! Deduct your salary for a week…”

After Xu Yang left, the employees under his hands secretly scolded, “It’s really a Xu pickpocket, just take us to the knife when it’s okay.” “I see that our boss doesn’t know where to eat and then we are angry.” Another echoed: “Don’t you say, you don’t know, our boss was scolded at the fruit stall.” ”

Dong Qian did not want to listen to the words of these people behind the discussion, she did not pay any more attention, but followed Xu Yang into his office, in the office, Dong Qian saw Xu Yang working very seriously, until late at night, Xu Yang only went out to tell the employees that he was working overtime today, and did not go out of his office again, sometimes he took out a pepper from his drawer to bite into his mouth.

Dong Qian’s heart could not help but be touched when she saw this, and she ran back to tell her sisters all about what she saw and heard one day.

“It seems that this Xuyang is indeed not as bad as we think.” Ruhua said.

“However, when he indiscriminately burned our Chun Man Lou, it was really heinous, did you easily swallow this breath?”

“I can’t swallow it either, I heard that he was discovered by his wife because of Lai Chun Man Lou, and his wife let him do this immoral thing, so let’s start with his wife!”

The next day, Dong Qian ran to Xu Yang’s house, and she wanted to see if Xu Yang’s wife was still the wife of her mother Night Fork.

Sure enough, it was really impossible to break it in life and in life, or that woman, Dong Qian saw this woman, the roots of her teeth were itchy, she bit and did not start, but followed Xu Yang’s wife to see her character.

Xu Yang had not yet returned home at this time. His old Yang is going to work overtime today. He secretly dialed a phone. The sound is very, very small.

“Hey, is it Haruhi?” How many usury patents are there? ”

“Rest assured Madam, we’ve made a few million dollars in total.”

“What about casinos? The casino’s business is fine

“Well, does Madame want to come and check the accounts?”

“If the business is good, I don’t need to check your accounts every day, this matter must not be exposed, it will not be easy to let my husband know that things are not easy to handle.”

There was a burst of laughter on the phone opposite: “Hahaha… I said Madam, hasn’t your family always been in charge of your money, are you in charge? Your husband is afraid that you are not too late, are you still afraid of him? ”

“Stupid thing, you and I both know that we are doing illegal and criminal things, and you had better shut your mouth to me!” Otherwise, if I knew that you had missed a little wind noise, you would ask for your own blessings! After saying that, Mrs. Xu hung up the phone angrily.

Dong Qian thought to herself, this vicious mother-in-law should really teach her a good lesson.

Back in the Tianhai Villa, Dong Qian reflected these situations to the sisters.

“I said she couldn’t change eating.”

“I’ll see if we’re going to finish her!” She engaged in usury and casinos did not know how many people had been killed and how many families had been destroyed. ”

“Sisters are safe to wait for me here, I have a plan in my heart, I will definitely make her ruined.”

The female ghosts all nodded.

Liu Feng said to Dong Qian, “I let the ghosts and hang the ghosts to help you.” ”

Dong Qian nodded in agreement.

The next day, after Xu Yang went out, there was only Mrs. Xu left in the family, and when the ghost saw the situation, he used his one-trick killing skill [Fright Illusion], the fright illusion of the ghost had already been upgraded, and the current “Fright Illusion” could not only make people feel unprecedented horror but also obey the wishes of the ghost to produce different hallucinations.

After Mrs. Xu entered the hallucination, she saw the ghost transform into her subordinate.

The ghost said, “Mrs. Xu has been doing well lately.” ”

Mrs. Xu said, “What’s the matter, what are you doing here?” You don’t manage loan sharks and casino things, come here and be lazy? ”

“Madam, where do I dare to be lazy, but I suddenly can’t remember what kind of people we used to make these two fields.”

Mrs. Xu took a sip of spit in the illusion, “Didn’t you remember what you didn’t remember, Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, Zou Ergou and my cousins helped us get it?” Now that they have been working under your hands, how can you forget? ”

“Ma’am, I don’t want to do it!” I think that the people who do our work are too lacking in morality, and I am afraid that I will be punished in the future, and I will not be able to die again! ”

“You ghost thing! What nonsense, what retribution does not retribution, I only know that people do not perish for their own sake, do not pit people and do not harm people, they are not people! ”

“Madam, don’t get excited, I just saw those who paid off their debts, and those who abandoned their wives and children also ruined their families.”

“It was voluntary! It’s not that we forced them to take out loans and come to the casino to play, your boy is really abnormal today! ”

Dong Qian took a voice recorder to the side and completely recorded Mrs. Xu’s words, of course, the words of the ghosts would not be recorded.

Dong Qian was not accustomed to Mrs. Xu’s arrogance and did not intend to let her go, so she entangled her, and Mrs. Xu was ill. _

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