Subsequently, Dong Qian and the hanging ghost found the secret loan shark area and casino in Mrs. Xu’s mouth, and they took a camera and photographed it around repeatedly.

After collecting these evidences, the two men returned to the villa, and Dong Qian did not know who to give these evidences to, so she asked Liu Feng for advice.

“Just give this evidence to Liu Xiaoling, the Zhao team of the Tianhai City Inspection Office has already dealt with us many times, and Xiao Ling will not disbelieve it when he gives him this evidence.”

With that, Liu Feng made a phone call to Liu Xiaoling and asked her to go home for dinner today.

When it was time to get to the night, Liu Xiaoling returned, and Liu Feng took her to his study.

“I have an acquaintance who wants to meet you today, please do something.”

“Ah what, what acquaintance wants me to help him with something, why don’t you just tell me?” Liu Xiaoling’s face was full of doubts.

“She just thinks she’s embarrassed to lie to you.”

As soon as he heard Liu Feng say these words, Liu Xiaoling seemed to know in his heart the person Liu Feng was talking about.

Liu Xiaoling walked to Liu Feng’s study, saw Dong Qian standing by the window looking at the night in the distance, heard Liu Xiaoling’s voice come in, Dong Qian turned her head, and some smiles appeared on her face.

“Little Healer, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“Long time no see.” Liu Xiaoling replied.

“Did I hear my brother say you need my help with anything?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“Yes, I caught a vicious woman who put up a usury semi-casino, and I have already obtained evidence of these crimes of hers, and I have sent a person to hand over this evidence to the inspection office, and your brother said that the Zhao team in Tianhai City trusts you very much and thinks you can get this matter done.”

“Of course, it is a good thing to help Tianhai City eliminate evil, and there is no need to say anything to help or not to help, you just need to hand over the evidence to me, and I will send it to the Zhao team of the inspection office.”

“Thank you so much, Healing.” Dong Qian’s eyes flashed with tears, thinking to herself, she is a ghost, Xiao Ling is a person, after all, it is a human ghost, even if she can be a good friend, she cannot be like Li Xiaomo, who can follow Liu Xiaoling every day.

After the matter was completed, Dong Qian and her sisters discussed whether to punish Xu Yang, although Xu Yang’s wife was the culprit, but Xu Yang was also aiding and abetting abuse, the moment the avalanche came, no snowflake was innocent, Xu Yang and his wife These crimes were not committed by Xu Yang himself, but he could not get rid of them.

But how to punish Xu Yang? Heavy or should it be light? The sisters made a mistake at this time, and some of them said that they wanted to severely punish Xu Yang, while some of them punished him.

At this time, Liu Feng came out, and he took out his own [Karmic Barrier Ruler] Dong Qian, “You put this on top of Xu Yang’s head, you look at what color this [Karmic Barrier Ruler shows, through the color you can determine the severity of his crime, through the severity of the crime, you may as well give him some corresponding punishments.” ”

On the side of the inspection station, the evidence that Zhao Xiaoling sent him, for how these evidences came about, the Zhao team did not ask in detail, he had already dealt with Liu Xiaoling a lot, he knew that Liu Xiaoling had this ability, even if Liu Xiaoling did not have this skill, his mysterious brother also had this ability.

The Zhao team was convinced of the evidence, and he did not hesitate, and directly led his men to let Liu Xiaoling report to him, and when the time came, he would directly arrest those people and save those people from any more denial.

Dong Qian secretly observed the loan shark’s loan area and the opening time and place of the casino, and when those people got together, Dong Qian immediately reported to Liu Xiaoling, and Liu Xiaoling told the Zhao team.

The Zhao team finally caught those outlaws, and those people did not make any more sophistry, only feeling that they should have had such an end long ago, but they did not expect to be punished so quickly.

Xu Yang’s wife was sent to prison, it seems that she will be sentenced, not 10 years and 8 years I am afraid she will not be able to come out, but how can those female ghosts let go of this vicious woman, thinking that her past life provoked his husband to burn Chun Man Lou and kill so many girls, how can they not swallow this breath.

The 12 female ghosts came to the prison one after another, and when the night was quiet, the other fellow inmates were asleep, and the 12 female ghosts entered Mrs. Xu’s dream, and they used the dream to make Mrs. Xu remember the sins of the past life.

Dong Qian sneered and said to Mrs. Xu: “There are gods who raise your head three feet away, sooner or later you will be punished for doing those bad things, not not to repay, it is not time, now that it has arrived, you are ready to accept punishment.” ”

That Mrs. Xu still hadn’t changed her previous arrogant appearance, she roared and roared, scolded and grinned, and said, “Get away, you female ghosts, all say that gods and ghosts are afraid of evil people, since you think I am an evil person, it is you who are afraid, not me, and if you come, the old lady is not afraid of you.” ”

Dong Qian and 12 other female ghosts felt that this evil woman was simply hopeless. ,

Ru Hua was so angry that he stomped his feet, and he said to Dong Qian, “Sister, let’s not listen to her nonsense here anymore, save dirty our ears, and simply kill him.” ”

“That’s not okay, she’s guilty, let her die at once, not cheap her, I see that we have been pestering her for 12 days, pestering her for 10 days and half a month, and then letting her fall to death, it is also her retribution.”

Half a month later, Mrs. Xu died, when she died, her face was unusually pale, her eyes rolled white, her tongue was spit out, her neck was full of her own harra, her hair was messy, and whoever saw her dead look couldn’t help but feel creepy and terrible.

Although Xu Yang and his wife have long had no feelings, and the two people have been separated, but his wife’s death in the end involved him, his company soon closed down because of the resignation of employees, coupled with the huge property of his wife for illegal things, Xu Yang could not hold on for a while and became seriously ill.

During his illness, the 12 female ghosts also let Xu Yang see the sins he had committed in his previous life, but they did not continue to pestered Xu Yang, but only told him. In essence, she is not a bad person, and now that she has done more good deeds and accumulated some virtue, those female ghosts no longer pestered her.

Xu Yang nodded continuously, constantly begging them to forgive him, and promised that in the future, he would do more good deeds to make up for his previous mistakes.

Those female ghosts saw that he was also punished accordingly, and their wishes were fulfilled, and they did not embarrass him any longer, so the 12 female ghosts whisked away and knelt at the feet of Liu Feng.

“Master, please bear with us, now that we have made our wish, let us follow you.”

Liu Feng nodded, and then invited the 12 female ghosts to the Seven Seals.

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