The case of the beggar on the street came to an end, and the Zhao team sent his men to the village where Scar Man was located to investigate the whole matter, and it turned out that as Scar Man said, his neighbor Wang Ming really had 5 children playing beggars to make money for him.

When the Zhao team interrogated Wang Ming, he did not give him a good face, let him say other people, Wang Ming did not make much noise, he also bit out a few people, just bite one, the whole village, there are no less than 10 families to do this kind of work, Zhao team suddenly felt very cold in their hearts, people, sometimes really wrong.

Although the criminals were arrested, what about the children? There are 38 children, these children either have broken arms or legs, and the school for the disabled in Tianhai City is estimated to be unable to accommodate so many children.

The next day, this terrible case was published in the newspaper, and Liu Xiaoling also saw the newspaper, and there was a request from the Zhao team below the newspaper hoping that everyone would help figure out how to place these disabled children.

“Brother, how do you say to place these disabled children?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“Xiao Ling, I think it is better to start a foundation in your name, and then expand the school for the disabled, let those children squeeze in the welfare home first, and then let them live in the school for the disabled when the school for the disabled is completed.”

“Great, brother, you still have a way.” Liu Xiaoling was very happy to immediately dial the Zhao team’s phone and tell the Zhao team the good news, and the Zhao team heard that Liu Xiaoling’s method was also a stone in his heart.

“Jingle Bells…”

Liu Xiaoling’s Mother-Daughter Order Ring shook again.

[Wraiths assemble to prepare for spiritual exploration: Because Scar Man’s village maimed children to earn money, many children could not bear this severe pain, died in a pool of blood, and then were wrapped in grass mats by villagers and thrown into an abandoned deep well in the village. 】

As soon as Liu Xiaoling saw that there was an over-tasking task, she hoped to let Ichiki Michiko and Nigi Michigo go with her.

“Brother, [Zimu Linghuan] has given me a new task, let me go to the supernatural undead, but I will only exorcise these evil spirits, and I don’t know how to super-undead, so I want Ichiki and Nigi to go with me, and you can help me talk to them in the circle.”

“No problem, leave it to the old man.” Liu Feng said.

In the evening, on the shore of Qinghe Lake, Liu Xiaoling looked at the length of the Yimu Dao, and the Ermu Dao was one after the other, stepping on a few lotus leaves in the small river, stepping on the water like a dragonfly dotting the water, and came to Liu Xiaoling.

“Little Spy, you see it’s getting dark, let’s go, we still have some spells for the undead in our hands.” Chief Ichiki said.

“Two Dao Chiefs, I don’t know if my brother has told you who the undead who have exceeded this degree of superiority are.”

“Not really, since it’s to be overrun, it shouldn’t be a bad person.” Michiko Niki said.

“Yes, it was the poor children who had their hands and feet cut off, and they didn’t hold back, because they lost too much blood or the pain was unbearable, and they lost their lives and were thrown into a deep well, because the resentment was too heavy to become a wraith that could not be reborn.”

“How can such a thing be done?” It’s not as good as an animal. Ichiki said.

“Little Spirit, I understand, you want us to take a little lighter against these undead spirits and surpass them, don’t you?” Michiko Niki said.

Liu Xiaoling nodded, that’s right, I hope the two Dao Chiefs don’t deal with them like other evil spirits, these children are also poor people. ”

“Rest assured, we just chant some incantations, we will not hurt them a single bit, and we will ensure that they can vote for a good family in the next life, and that after suffering from these promises in this life, we should enjoy the blessings in the next life.”

Liu Xiaoling saw that the two Dao Chiefs understood her very well, so she did not continue to entrust her, she drove a luxury car, the two Dao Chiefs were not used to sitting in the car, only sat on the roof of the car, the two sat cross-legged and attracted the surprised eyes of many people, Liu Xiaoling was also helpless, but there was no way, the two Dao Chiefs said that sitting in the car was very dizzy, and there was no way to cast the spell at that time.

Coming to the side of the abandoned well, Ichigi said, “Let’s fish up the bones of these children first, I just prepared a coffin for them.” ”

Liu Xiaoling didn’t see what coffin Ichiki Dao was carrying, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised, “Dao Chief, when did you bring the coffin?” How come I didn’t see it? ”

Michiko Niki smiled, “This coffin is a treasure.” So Niki took out a small coffin from his chest, about 5 centimeters, and then Niki threw the coffin into the air, and the coffin became larger and longer in the air, and when it landed, it really became a large coffin.

When Ichiki Daoist picked up all the bones in the abandoned well, a stream of blood suddenly gushed out of the waste well, and those blood water sprayed high, then became a blood column, then a blood column, followed by the 3rd and 4th strands, and finally formed a blood wall, surrounded by a circle, and surrounded several people.

“No, these spirits are gathering, I’m afraid they’re coming out.” Chief Ichiki said.

Seeing this gushing wall of blood, Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable in her heart, she covered her chest and silently prayed for these dead children, just at this moment, a bloody hand suddenly reached out, directly wrapped her arms around Liu Xiaoling’s waist, and then pulled Liu Xiaoling hard like a blood wall.

Fortunately, the two Dao Chiefs reacted quickly, and they immediately used the spell, which was connected into a sharp sword, cutting off the bloody arm, and Liu Xiaoling was not pulled into the wall of blood.

“Little Healer, are you all right?” Ichiki asked.

“I have nothing to do, it seems that these children’s resentment is not generally heavy.”

Immediately afterward, those blood walls began to reassemble and regroup, one after another blood-colored little people, some with few arms and some legs, limping and opening their teeth and dancing claws, unable to see the eyes and not the nose, but only to see a pile of blood water coming towards Liu Xiaoling and a scene of the wooden road chief, the second wood road chief.

The Nigi Daoist took out a Vajra Luo net from the gourd, and he threw it to the side of the Ichigi Dao Chief, two people, one before and one after the other, one left and one right, one up and one down, and used the Fen Shen Technique, which surrounded the Vajra Luo Cha net around the bloody man.

Then the Vajra Luo net was tightened, the ghosts in the net did not settle down, and several small bubbles bulged up on the net for a while, and the chief of the Ichiki Dao and the Nimu Dao saw the situation and secretly plastered the spells around the vajra net, and the two of them surrounded the vajra net, chanting incantations in their mouths.

After a long time, Ichiki Daochang’s net was opened, and the blood entered the coffin of Niki Michigo, and those undead were also overrun.

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