Chapter 405 Kill the world’s negative people

“Jingle Bells…”

Liu Xiaoling’s Mother-Daughter Order Ring shook:

[Find out the real culprit: a number of young men have died in recent days, according to the reliable news of the mysterious side circle, the bodies of these men have the bite marks of the evil ghost, the most recent man named Lu Tao, died in his own bed, he also has bite marks on his body, why the specific why the evil ghost has not been investigated clearly in the circle of key people, specially sent you to investigate……]

What the? Is there such a way to die? Bitten by an evil ghost? I don’t know what kind of deep hatred this evil ghost has with these young men, Liu Xiaoling thought in her heart, maybe it is another murder case caused by the debt, she thought that since she wanted to investigate the cause, it was better to investigate the situation of the deceased first, maybe she could find some clues from it.

Liu Xiaoling found someone to thoroughly investigate Lu Tao’s family and some people related to him, it turned out that this Lu Tao had already been married, his wife was called Su Qianqian, heard that she had disappeared not long ago, the people of the inspection office found her in the surveillance that she had a car accident, the driver who caused the accident may be afraid of the other party’s blackmail, and as a result, he threw Su Qianqian to the nearby sea.

Now that the driver has long lost track, his wife Su Qianqian has no more news, this Lu Tao also has a small lover named Sun Tiantian, at present Sun Tiantian has no accidents.

After Liu Xiaoling read these materials, he was really a head two big, clueless, and could not find any clues, the same was true for several other men, but these men all had one thing in common, that is, most people had extramarital affairs, and Liu Xiaoling thought that maybe the other few hid extramarital affairs very well, so they did not investigate it.

Liu Xiaoling really couldn’t find a clue, so he told Liu Feng the results of the investigation, hoping to get Liu Feng’s guidance.

Liu Feng lazily lay on the sofa and listened to Liu Xiaoling describe the case and the results of the investigation in detail.

“Brother, where do you think I should start investigating now?”

Liu Feng touched his chin and said to Liu Xiaoling, “I think your starting point is right, almost all of them have extramarital affairs, maybe they were killed by ghosts for this reason, and you can’t find the murderer now, and there is no substantial evidence, although you know that this is the work of evil ghosts, but in this world believe that there are ghosts or a minority after all.” ”

Liu Xiaoling suddenly frowned tightly, she was stunned for a while, and suddenly said: “Since the dead are some young men with extramarital affairs, it is better that we lure the snake out of the hole.” ”

Liu Feng involuntarily slapped his hand, “That’s a good idea, Xiao Ling, you are getting smarter now, more and more like me.” ”

“Brother, who do you say is the right choice for this bait?” This bait, to meet the identity of the young man, must be known to me, and there is also a point that it must have some skills, otherwise what to do if it is eaten by the evil ghost. Liu Xiaoling said and began to stare at Liu Feng.

“Don’t do it… You know that your brother is a dead house, I don’t want to go out of this door, don’t let me do this kind of face-to-face thing. Liu Feng said.

“Brother, are you my elder brother, or am you my brother?” You think, who else is better suited for this role than you now? I’m afraid that the big countries in the East will no longer be able to find a handsome and charming old brother like you, and with your charm, I think that when the evil ghost sees it, I am afraid that I will not be able to do it. Liu Xiaoling’s pair of Kazilan eyes stared at Liu Feng with wide eyes.

“Don’t, don’t praise me, praise me and I won’t go, this kind of thing, too damaging to my face, you don’t worry, I recommend someone to you, to ensure that you are satisfied.”

“Who?” Liu Xiaoling touched his head and couldn’t think of anyone more suitable than Liu Feng.

“O Mike! It’s your pen pal, that half-blood, you think it’s appropriate, didn’t he always want to join the mysterious circle? You tell him that this is a test for him, and I heard you say that he recently wanted to come to the big country in the East. ”


“Oh, don’t want this or that, it’s him, there is no more suitable person than him, this time I will give you some more magic weapons, you also give that Mike some, I am secretly observing in the dark, he is in danger, I will immediately go to the rescue, rest assured, never let your good friend be wronged, and never let him lose a hair.”

Liu Xiaoling felt that this was the only way, she nodded, and went to the room to call Mike.

“Hey, hello, is it Mike?” Haven’t you recently been visiting the big countries of the East? ”

“Yes, it’s the little spirit, right?”

“Well, that’s right, it’s me.”

“What’s wrong? What’s the matter? ”

“Haven’t you always wanted to learn something real?” Your opportunity has come, recently there is a need for your help, the mysterious circle of people say that this matter is also testing you, if you pass the test, it is likely to get their permission, then not only can learn some skills, maybe also join the circle. ”

“Huh? There is such a good thing, you say, as long as you don’t do anything illegal and disorderly, I will agree to anything. ”

Liu Xiaoling was very happy to hear Mike say this, so she told Mike the whole story in detail.

“How’s it going, Mike?” Do you want to go through the exercises? ”

“Okay, I think it’s very exciting, I’m the most adventurous person, no problem, I’ll contact you when I get there the day after tomorrow.”

After Mike came to Tianhai City, Liu Xiaoling took him to the house as a guest, Liu Xiaoling prepared a rich dinner for Mike and called Li Xiaomo, and the 4 people planned this plan while eating dinner.

“Mike, you’ve been going around the bar for more than two days and pretending to be very nice.” Li Xiaomo said.

“Well, I’ll try to pretend to be a little bit like that.”

On the second day, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo took Mike around all the bars and other public places in Tianhai City, and Mike began to enter these public places frequently and pretend to be very mercurial.

It had been almost three weeks, Liu Xiaoling they had not found any evil ghosts, Liu Xiaoling’s hands of the “Ghost Seeker” did not move, just in the evening of the third week, Mike entered a bar as usual, and when Mike was very drunk, he walked down the street, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo followed behind.

“Little Spy, look at it, your [ghost seeker] has a reaction.” Li Xiaomo said.

“It seems that the fish is about to bite the hook, Xiao Mo, the two of us must play 12 points of spirit now, but we must not let Mike suffer a little harm.”

“Rest assured, the two of us are also battle-hardened.”

Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew over, and suddenly at an intersection on the empty street, a woman dressed in bright clothes and with a graceful posture appeared.

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