The woman slowly walked over to Mike’s side, she twisted her thin waist, a beautiful face can really be said to be the fall of the country, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo followed Mike closely behind them in invisibility cloaks, they had never seen such a beautiful woman.

When the beautiful woman approached Mike, her suddenly gentle watery gaze suddenly became fierce, her hands extended, and her long nails were as long as a dagger, so sharp.

It was too late, it was fast, and just as the woman was reaching for Mike’s head, Li Xiaomo threw out her lasso whip, and a whip threw the woman aside.

At this time, the two quickly collected the invisibility cloak, Liu Xiaoling took out his metal short root and current ring, two-pronged, the two people fought with the female ghost, after a dozen rounds, the female ghost was outnumbered.

“What are you two stinky ladies doing to take care of such a business?” The female ghost said.

“You powerful ghost, you can’t be reincarnated in a bad way, why are you harming people everywhere here?” Today I took you. Liu Xiaoling said not to be outdone.

“Got me? You think you have the ability to take me in, look at the tricks. ”

The female ghost’s hand waved upwards, and a large net composed of black air masses fell from the sky, and it was about to fall down to collect Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo into the net.

At this time, Liu Xiaoling silently chanted the incantation with two fingers, “Whizzing…” Dozens of [Sacrifice Fire Runes] flew out thanks to Liu Feng preparing these treasures for her in advance.

Before the net could fall, it was burned by the Fire Sacrifice Charm.

The female ghost saw the itch of her teeth and left a sentence fiercely, “You two stinky girls, sooner or later I will settle accounts with you two.” Then the female ghost ran away with a cigarette.

[….. Hi you get 100 scary points!]

[Ding…. Congratulations on getting 70 scared…..]

[Ding….. Hi you get….]

[Ding…. Congratulations….]

Liu Xiaoling’s soul detection live broadcast has been open, and he couldn’t imagine that he could earn so many frightening points this time.

“Oops, let this female ghost run.” Li Xiaomo said, “I’m afraid it will be difficult to grab her again in the future.” ”

Liu Xiaoling suddenly pulled out an invisible golden thread, she shook the thread, and said to Li Xiaomo, “You see, this is called [Thousand Miles Tracking] is a new magic weapon given to me by my brother, with this thread, he will flee to the ends of the earth, and we can all find her.” ”

[Name: Thousand Mile Tracking (Samsung)

Description: As long as the gold thread made by an anonymous real person is entangled in a ghost or a person, no matter where the ghost escapes, he can trace his tracks.

Skills: Tracking, tracing

Price: 4000 Shock Points]

Li Xiaomo couldn’t help but be surprised: “There is such a good treasure in this world.” ”

The next morning, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo followed this [Thousand Miles Tracking] to find the Forgotten River in Tianhai City, which was particularly close to the sea and had a particularly large amount of water, which was not comparable to an ordinary small river.

“It seems that this female ghost is at the bottom of this river.” Liu Xiaoling said.

When Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo returned to the villa, Liu Xiaoling looked a little frustrated, and Liu Feng saw that Liu Xiaoling had not caught the female ghost, presumably encountering difficulties.

“What’s wrong with Healer?” Liu Feng asked.

“Brother, let that female ghost run away last night, we have found her old nest, just in that Forgotten River, that Forgotten River is not bottomless, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch that female ghost again.”

“Oh, it turns out to be the female ghost of the Forgotten River, wait, I will go to the mysterious side circle for a walk, presumably there will still be someone who knows what the identity of the female ghost in the Forgotten River is, and maybe they can find out their weaknesses.”

Liu Xiaoling’s eyes were full of hope at this time, “Brother, this matter will be entrusted to you.” ”

Liu Feng called out the water ghost, “Forget that there is a female ghost in the Forgotten River recently, do you know?” ”

“Report master, this female ghost is not an ordinary water ghost, she was Du Shiniang thousands of years ago, I don’t know why she suddenly committed herself to this forgotten river, think she is also a boss figure in the water ghost.”

“Oh, it turned out to be Du Shiniang’s ghost, now I know why so many young men have died, those people must be just some negative people, yesterday Liu Xiaoling and Du Shiniang had a hand-to-hand fight, I didn’t expect that my sister actually defeated Du Shiniang, but unfortunately this Du Shiniang hid in the Forgotten River and did not come out.”

The water ghost couldn’t help but feel a little surprised, thinking that Du Shiniang was transformed by thousands of years of resentment, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were not her opponents together, he couldn’t think it through, and continued to ask: “Master, you said that your sister can actually defeat Du Shiniang?” ”

“How? It was Liu Xiaoling who told me that yesterday. ”

The water ghost pondered for a long time, “Master, I think this female ghost is most likely not Du Shiniang, if it is Du Shiniang, with her yin power, don’t say that it is your sister, I am afraid that you may not be able to lower her.” ”

Liu Feng pondered the words of the water ghost, and felt that it was very reasonable, presumably other water ghosts, “Water ghost, I sent you to investigate in this forgotten river, and find out who the female ghost really is and what is the origin?” ”

“Obey the master.”

The water ghost sank into the Forgotten River, and he flicked the clairvoyance to track it to an underwater palace, and only outside the palace did the water ghost feel the unprecedented power of the yin.

“Outside the temple, who?” Sign up. A gentle watery woman’s voice came.

“Presumably it is Du Shiniang, Lord Du, in the next is a small water ghost, recently found that there is a female ghost in the water, specially come to ask the adult.”

Nadu Shiniang also did not let the water ghost enter the door, and directly told him outside: “The female ghost you are talking about is one of my subordinates, in fact, she is not a ghost, she is not dead, she is still a person, but the fate is the same as mine, and I accepted her as a subordinate out of sympathy.” ”

“Lord, I don’t know, can you reveal the names of your subordinates?” The water ghost continued to ask.

“Why do you inquire so much?” Didn’t someone send you to investigate? ”

“Lord, don’t misunderstand, I just think that everyone is a ghost of hard life, maybe they can help each other in the future, and besides, she is your subordinate, and the little one must not be stubborn.”

When Du Shiniang heard the water ghost say this, she couldn’t help but laugh a lot, “Good you water ghost, this is the idea, or you may as well tell you that she is called Su Qianqian, but I did not want to let her be my subordinate here all the time, after all, she is still a person, and I still understand the truth of the special path of the human ghost.” ”

“Since this is the case, the little one has said goodbye and will visit you again later.”

After hearing the news, the water ghost returned to the Tianhai Villa, and he told Liu Feng about the conversation with Du Shiniang word for word.

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