Uh,This chapter inexplicably entered the small black house.。。


"I used to be a cadre of the Mud Misery Society, but after accepting the olive branch from the organization, I took the killing of the vice president as a vote. "

Shuichi Akai simply told him about his love-hate relationship with the Mud Misery.

Lin Xin understands in seconds.

He used the pedal of the Mud Misery to enter the organization.

No matter where the "traitor" will not be tolerated.

It's normal for Shuichi Akai to be targeted.

"I see. Lin Xin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't exposed that he had robbed their lending company.

It's not that he's afraid of the mud misery, but it's quite troublesome to be targeted by these people.

It's as if while you're sleeping, and a mosquito buzzes in your ear, and you wave your hand to kill one, and another one comes.

Although they are not threatening, they are so continuous that you will not be able to get a good night's sleep.

"Then you can solve this trouble by yourself" Lin Xingang wanted to say this, but those people who were miserable in the mud were indiscriminate, and rushed up directly and beat them randomly.

Even he was targeted.

This made Lin Xin feel very speechless, he had to dodge twice, and explained: "It's none of my business, I don't know him very well." "

Akai Shuichi was speechless and smashed a fist into a member of the Mud Misery Society, Rao was always silent, and he couldn't help but say at this moment: "Boss, how can you say such indifferent words?".

Originally, a few younger brothers of the Mud Miserable Society listened to Lin Xin's explanation, and just wanted to turn their heads and leave, but they heard the "boss" of Shuichi Akai, and said viciously: "You are his boss." "

"Hmm... Yes, I only recognized it two days ago. Lin Xin didn't deny it.

"Hit!" The members of the Mud Misery Society didn't talk much nonsense, and shouted that they would pick up the guy and go to dry Lin Xin.

There was no way, Lin Xin could only be forced to fight, and he fought back while sighing, "It's not easy to be the boss." "

This is the dock, there are many people, so Lin Xin did not take out his gun, and chose to fight empty-handed.

Secondly, the strength of these mud miserable people is not very good.

After all, it is only a gangster group for all young people in society, and the recruitment requirements for gang members are not too harsh, as long as they can beat people.

They are more capable of fighting than ordinary people.

But for professionals who are about the same level of skills as Shuichi Akai, they are a little inadequate.

After skillfully sliding a few steps to avoid the continuous attacks, Shuichi Akai found an opportunity to fight back.

However, the opponent has a large number of people, and he is more inclined to dodge and counterattack, slowly looking for opportunities.

Shuichi Akai is a person on the red side after all, and he will not kill people if he is forced to do so.

Therefore, his attack is relatively gentle, hitting as a hit, and he will control the strength and will not make a dead hand.

It's also hard to knock down others, and it's very hard to fight, and occasionally he gets a few hits, and he grins in pain.

After forcing a person back with one kick, Shuichi Akai found a chance to pull away and gasped for breath.

Taking advantage of this gap, he took the time to glance in Lin Xin's direction to see if the other party needed help............ It's hard to find a boss, and he doesn't want the other party to hang up like this.

This look directly made Akai Xiu's eyelids jump, and he was really shocked.

I saw that more than a dozen people had fallen around Lin Xin.

Those who were miserable fell to the ground and let out a painful scream, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable to hear.

Akai Shuichi took a closer look and found that Lin Xin's movements were neat and ruthless.

As soon as he made a move, he either hit the temples, the back of the head, the cervical vertebrae, the trachea, and the kidneys, or he grabbed the hands and feet and put his hands on their joints, making a clicking sound.

The temples, the back of the head, the cervical vertebrae, the trachea, and the kidneys are all vital parts.

After coming for a while, he fell directly to the ground, and he was relieved to breathe for a long time, and if it was more serious, it would lead to death on the spot.

Not to mention the joint attack, not to mention the loss of combat effectiveness, and a permanent disability.

The attack style is quite ruthless.

What is brought about by such a ruthless style is that those people who are miserable in the mud are frightened and frightened, and they don't dare to step forward at all.

Everyone is afraid that the next unlucky person will be themselves.

This made Akai Shuichi secretly surprised, he didn't expect that his cheap boss looked gentle, but he was quite ruthless when he started, and he didn't mean to show mercy to his subordinates at all!!

Sure enough, they are all ruthless characters in the organization!!

In the midst of his emotion, the other people from the Mud Misery Society rushed at Shuichi Akai again, forcing him to deal with the others.

And the people of the Mud Misery Society on the other side saw that Akai Shuichi was better up and down, and they all gave up Lin Xin, a tricky guy, and turned over to besiege him.

All of a sudden, Shuichi Akai's pressure increased in vain, which made him miserable and repeatedly beaten.

Lin Xin didn't dare to come over to trouble him, and he didn't take the initiative to go out, he slowly took out a cigarette and lit it, and watched the play over there.

It's not that he doesn't help, but he has to protect the yacht so that other people who don't have long eyes will go to his sister-in-law's trouble.

Secondly, this kind of small scene Shuichi Akai can handle.

If these little minions can't be dealt with, he doesn't deserve to be the ceiling of Conan's world.

However, when Lin Xinxi was halfway through it, he suddenly found that someone had sneaked out of the crowd, took out a pistol, and prepared to put a cold gun in the distance.

And Shuichi Akai concentrated on the fight and didn't notice.

"Be careful. Lin Xin reminded the other party.

But Shuichi Akai was still a beat slower, and when he saw the man who had released the cold gun, the other party had already fired.



"Tsk. Lin Xin looked at the situation and understood that he had to make a move.

If you continue to watch the play, Shuichi Akai will really be beaten to death here.

Lin Xin grabbed a baseball bat from the ground and threw it at the person who fired the cold gun.


The baseball bat smashed accurately into the head of the man who fired the cold gun, who fell to the ground on the spot.

The people nearby still wanted to go up and get it, but Lin Xin quickly sprinted up, flew up with a kick, and directly kicked the guy five meters away.

After rolling on the ground a few times, the unlucky bastard remained motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Lin Xin picked up a baseball bat from the ground and began to help Akai Shuichi clear the field.

Bang bang bang.

The baseball bat smashed accurately into the heads of those men, and the next one fell with a single blow.

He knocked down a dozen or so people in one breath very fluently, and the others were frightened, and after screaming in horror, he turned and ran.

Lin Xin threw the baseball bat casually, then looked at Shuichi Akai who was holding his shoulder, and said with a smile: "No thanks." "

Shuichi Akai smiled wryly.

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