I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 503 Animation Planning:

Kamiyagawa: "Mr. Miyake, I sympathize with what happened to you. But I need to talk to you about something now, um... I think this should be considered a very important business."


Miyake Chiaki became more and more panicked.


That should be the point of this conversation.

Ever since Miyake woke up, he has been thinking about this matter, especially now that he has seen the horror-like picture of hell in the living room, he is more convinced of this through brain supplementation——

This Mr. Demon King, who claims to be Kamiyagawa, certainly did not save his two brothers out of pure kindness.

The price of life-saving grace may be heavy.

But what Miyake couldn't figure out was, what was the value of such a newborn, extremely weak ghost to this Lord Kamiya?

Could it be that Lord Kamiya wants to sign some terrifying deal with him to sacrifice the soul?

"Mr. Miyake?"

"I'm really sorry, I was distracted, please tell me."

"Well, that's it. What are Mr. Miyake's future plans?"

"In the future, what exists as a ghost story... the future?"


"I don't know." Mr. Miyake was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "When I was alive, my wish was to become the top, second-to-none writer and scriptwriter in China. But I never thought that my life would be so short that I didn't have time to do a lot of things. And now, it's become a strange story... I really don't know what to do."

"Top writers and screenwriters, very good ideals."

"Don't make fun of me, Lord Kamiya." The writer smiled wryly.

Kamiyagawa: ...

No, why do the two brothers of the Miyake family always take their sincere compliments as teasing?

Is there something wrong with my tone of voice?

After a pause of two seconds, Kamiya could only add: "I really think so."

"But, that kind of thing has nothing to do with me."

"Not necessarily?"

"Ah?" Miyake Chi showed a surprised look, he never expected Kamiya to say that.

"I don't think you should have the problem of not being able to hold a pen or typing on the keyboard."

"If you don't turn into a coffin... you can indeed do those things as usual."

"Isn't that what it is? You can still try to be a fantastic writer."


Chiaki Miyake opened his mouth.

However, as a ghost talker or a ghost, isn't it a bit too unprofessional to aim at being an outstanding writer?

But then again, what should be the proper occupation of being a ghost?

"This is what I want to talk to you about. That's it, Mr. Miyake. I plan to set up an animation studio, and I urgently need a good script writer to join. Therefore, I hope to hire you. As for the salary——"

"After becoming a ghost story, you should have already realized that this world is actually very dangerous. To put it a bit offensive, with your strength, Mr. Miyake, if you want to survive in this world alone as a ghost story, the situation is not very optimistic. You can It's difficult to say."

"So, the reward I offer is to provide you with protection and an absolutely safe place for activities. And, a fixed requiem candle every month, we can discuss the number of candles for the reward in detail. Oh, what kind of candles do you want to use?" I have already been in contact with it, and it is of great benefit to the growth of ghost stories. As far as I know, I am the only one who can provide this special resource stably."

"Of course, as a ghost story, I have no way to sign any effective employment contract with you. But you don't need to worry too much about this. Everyone in this room can testify from their own experiences. They can prove that I never treat my own people badly. of."

Kamiyagawa finally showed his true intentions and revealed his true purpose.

Solicit, recruit, hire.

Anyway, that's the case, and it's fine to understand.

"You want to start an animation studio?"

Miyake Chiaki never imagined that this seemingly invincible Demon King would make such a request.

"Well, the specific reasons are a bit complicated. The main purpose of my establishment of the studio is not to make money, it's like this, after Kaitan grows into a god, he needs faith..."

Kamiyagawa didn't hide it, and was straightforward.

I briefly talked about the relationship between the wild gods, shrines, and beliefs, and at the same time specifically explained that the way the wild gods under him obtain beliefs is different from the traditional gods.

He spoke in great detail, and Mr. Writer could roughly understand the connection after listening to it.

Therefore, this is the true purpose of this Lord Demon King.

Miyake Chiaki did not expect that his value to Kamiyagawa was actually reflected in this aspect.

Although in a sense, work is equivalent to offering the soul to the boss.

But this is much better than real soul trading, and it is still paid, and you will get special resources that are beneficial to ghost stories, and you will even get asylum.

Any strange story under Master Shengu's subordinates is as strong as or even far stronger than that of Shishou. It will undoubtedly be very safe to get his protection.

He is the undisputed heavyweight backer.

Kamiyagawa: "Because it's an employment, you have the right to consider it, but it's best not to make me wait too long."

"I don't think I need to think about it anymore." Chiaki Miyake shook his head, "I can't think of any reason to refuse."

Mr. Writer has already seen how strong the Shengu Group is.

According to past social experience, there is really no need for such a big man to deceive a small character like himself.

Whether it is the blessing of safety or the special candle resources, these things are very attractive and precious to Chiaki Miyake, but they are nothing to Kamiya.

Miyake Chiaki felt that since he was valuable, there was no need to worry about the welfare benefits in this area not being implemented.

Moreover, it seems pretty good to be able to continue to pursue the ideals of life without any worries after becoming a ghost?

As he himself said, he really couldn't think of any reason to refuse the conditions offered by Shengu.

"That's the best, happy cooperation, Mr. Miyake."

Kamiya smiled and held out his hand to Miyake.

The latter was slightly taken aback, then took Shengu's hand and shook it lightly.

When shaking hands--

Miyake: "By the way, Master Kamiya, is my brother?"

Kamiya: "Kuta Miyake is in the hospital now, and his life is not in danger. If you want, I can take you to see him at any time"

"Thank you, really... thank you very much."

Although there was no way to sign an employment contract, since then, the screenwriter Chiaki Miyake, who was considered to have a bright future during his lifetime, officially joined the Kamiya faction as a non-combatant.



Live Fish Hotel.

Not long after Miyake Chiaki visited his brother, he was brought here by Kamiyagawa on Kisaragi train.

Mr. Writer is quite dedicated. After confirming that his brother is okay, he offered to start writing.

Perhaps writing as a ghost story is also a relatively novel experience for him.

However, the writer also euphemistically suggested to his current boss that he is used to living alone and hopes to have an absolutely quiet and completely undisturbed environment when creating.

And Kamiya's strange stories at home come and go, which doesn't quite meet his needs.

Kamiyagawa is a boss who cares about his employees, and these things are understandable to him.

Writers are only responsible for writing good works. As for the hardware conditions of creation, the boss will find a way to settle them.

The Living Fish Hotel is a good place to create.

There are enough rooms here, and Mr. Writer can allocate a secluded luxury room so that he will not be disturbed by any slight noise.

Moreover, the hotel is safe enough.

Those irrational and aggressive monster stories that originally existed here had been dealt with as early as last year.

In addition, the actual control of the hotel is now the general under Kamiya, the Seven Emperors.

The emperors have the level of Aragami's combat power in the hotel, and they can flexibly use the intricate space rules here.

With them in charge, the Living Fish Hotel naturally became one of the few safe areas that Kamiyagawa controlled in the inner world.

In addition, Kamiya also spent a lot of thought on arranging Mr. Miyake's room facilities.

Tables, chairs, paper and pens are all available in the hotel itself, so there is no need to worry too much.

But as a writer in the new era, computers are also necessary production tools.

In terms of obtaining computers available in the other world, Kamiyagawa entrusted Toshima Oishi and the others to go to Akihabara and move the available equipment from Xiaowu's original residence to the hotel.

Not to mention, Wu's collections in the wild state were quite useful.

Her computer can even connect to real-world networks.

I still remember that Xiaowu used to be able to communicate with real people through communication equipment in the other world.

As for the principle of this, Shen Gu couldn't figure it out after studying it, so he could only say it was "ghost signal", "ghost ip" or something.

Anyway, it’s very convenient, and you can even sneak away without paying network fees.

With a complete set of paper, pen and computer, the tools needed for a writer's work are also available, and Mr. Miyake can stay in the hotel with peace of mind during his creation.

"Mr. Miyake, how is it going here? If you need anything else, I'll figure it out."

In the deluxe hotel room assigned to writers, Kamiya casually pulled a chair and sat down.

Chiaki Miyake stood beside him, kept looking at the room, and finally nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Mr. Kamiya. I feel that I can work here now."

"In the near future, I will prepare for the establishment of the studio. If you can start writing scripts now, it will undoubtedly be of great help."

"Master Kamiya, is there anything else you want to reconfirm with me about the direction of script creation?"

"Well... it's roughly the same as what I told you before. The script you are creating now has Miss Mary as the main character. Because of the reasons I told you about faith, Mary's character in the script is equally joyful. Emotions, anger, and luck are related."

"I understand, a story with the theme of ghost talk."

"Then among the main characters, set a nightmare. The key elements are dreams and panic. It doesn't matter if it is set as Mary's partner or Mary's enemy. The important thing is that the role design of Mary and the nightmare Definitely, there must be something to remember, something that will leave a deep impression on the audience.”

Kamiyagawa's only customization requirement for the script is also reflected in the role setting.

This first animation project is first constructed around Mary and the little tapir who are already working at the shrine.

Kamiyagawa: "I have asked Wen Che Yaofei to scan and transfer some reference materials of books that you may use during the creation process to your computer. If you have other needs, you can contact me again. I will bring the text in the afternoon Concubine Che Yao went to the countermeasure room, where there are many records of ghost stories, I asked her to sort out some non-confidential ones, and then pass them on to you, you can use them as blueprints for plot creation."

Although Concubine Wenche was born not long ago, she has already fully assumed the job of Kamiyagawa's personal secretary.

Perhaps because of the innate advantages born in the scroll, Yaofei handled the secretarial work very well, and couldn't find any faults.

It is true that Kamiya has shared most of the daily tedious chores.

"You are very considerate." Chiaki Miyake nodded again.

"That's it for now, I won't bother you anymore. If you have other needs, you can also contact the seven Yuqian. They are the controllers here, and they have introduced you to you just now. As long as you shout, there should be Yuqian coming to your room Come here, they are the masters here, everywhere in a sense-I look forward to your refreshing script."

Kamiya didn't stay in the writer's room for long, and left after explaining the matter.

As for Chiaki Miyake, the current boss is pretty good.

I didn't give him instructions on the creation. Except for the needs of the setting of the two main characters, other creative content gave him a lot of independent space.

The writer sat down in front of the newly furnished desk in the room, and looked around again.

To be honest, the environment here is very nice.

In fact, some writers in the industry do not choose to stay at home or in clubs during the creative process, but live in resort hotels.

Firstly, you will not be disturbed at all, and secondly, you don't have to worry about daily life and diet.

Even, in the memory of Chiaki Miyake, it seems that there is a prison in Melbourne, which rents out cells for writers to create and use.

It can be regarded as the author paying money to force himself to be locked in a real small black room, physically eliminating all realistic factors that affect the creation.

Chiaki Miyake turned on the slightly old-looking computer on the table.

He did receive a data pack.

After decompression, the folders inside are classified into categories and organized clearly. There are reference books that have been scanned very carefully, and there are also other electronic documents that record strange stories.

Even, there is a folder containing video materials.

The name of that folder is "Mary Image Reference".

Click to open it, and it seems to be a live slice of a virtual anchor——

The urban ghost talk anchor Mary Sauce with a new personality.

Among the many videos, there is also a notepad attached:

[It has been confirmed that the copyright of the image of the virtual anchor is completely in the hands of the owner. As long as it does not affect the power settings of happiness, anger, and luck, Mr. Miyake can freely refer to the appearance or personality characteristics of the virtual anchor to construct the image of Mary in the script. ]

"A virtual anchor?"

Chiaki Miyake couldn't help laughing.

Perhaps this is also a way for that lord to spread Mary's faith?

What Master Kamiya did seems to be more interesting than imagined.

After watching the slice of "Mary Sauce" for a while, Mr. Writer took a pen and wrote and drew on the paper at will to record inspiration.

"Master Kamiya's request is related to the spread of beliefs. I can roughly understand this aspect. However, under the command of that lord, I haven't seen the urban legend Miss Mary. Didn't she show up?"

"Also, the new image settings that Ms. Mary needs, joy, anger, and good luck, are all very different from the original urban legend. How can I make it easier for the audience to accept this and leave a deep impression on it..."

"By the way, joy, anger, luck, do gods with such a combination of authority really exist?"

Mr. Writer opened the folder of reference books again, which contained introduction books on Japanese gods and books on records of gods from other countries.

Very detailed.

According to the search catalog made by Wen Che Yaofei, Miyake Chiaki searched for a while, and found a god that roughly fits this point.

Daikokuten among the Seven Lucky Gods.

A god that originated in India and is the incarnation of Shiva in Hinduism.

On the Japanese side, it is the god of attracting good fortune, whose benevolent eyes see all living beings, and the sea of ​​blessings and longevity is boundless.

At the same time, Da Hei Tian is also a god of killing with anger, and he is in charge of the functions of expelling bad luck and killing evil spirits.

"This image has some similarities with the image of Miss Mary that Master Kamiya asked me to create. I can consider making a second creation based on this."

"In the script, the image of Mary should be cuter, so that the audience can fall in love with this character at a glance... The character of the virtual anchor can be used as a reference. There is a market for female ghosts now, but they must not be too annoying. She sets a soft feature...the Mary when spreading joy and good luck, and the Mary when punishing evil spirits, can have a big change in appearance...or simply two different personalities..."

Mr. Writer has entered the working state and has a preliminary idea in his mind.

He intends to create a kingly story with Miss Mary as the protagonist, mainly telling the story of Miss Mary with a special background of gods in a world where humans and ghosts coexist, spreading joy and luck, and punishing wicked people and evil spirits.

Developed in the structure of a unit plot, several episodes form a length, and each length uses a different kind of strange talk as the theme.

"Nightmare-eating tapir... the ultimate villain set as the main line? Fear, dreams... In terms of appearance... the mature and charming Yujie can be compared with the appearance of the protagonist, Miss Mary Lori... It seems to be the same as Lord Kamiya's subordinates The nightmare-eating tapirs are a bit different, but the adult said that as long as the name corresponds to the authority, and it is memorable...let me think about it..."

In fact, the image of Mary initially set by Mr. Miyake is completely different from the Mary of the Kamiya family.

But this is not a big problem, as long as the name taboo and authority match and leave an impression on people, the corresponding shrine can operate.

Swish Swish.

As ideas and outlines were constantly being written down on paper, Chiaki Miyake also wrote down the theme title of this work——

Animation Project: "Uncertainty Miss Mary"

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