I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 783: Idle gods can also be used to fight tough battles

The spatial environment of the inn is complex and unpredictable.

But Kamiya Chuan has long been familiar with the environment here, and can even roughly feel the specific problems of Sister Jue as soon as he comes in.

Now Jue has no pressure to survive.

When the group's craftsman god Tianjin Mara was still there, the ghosts who studied the craftsmanship of the god, such as the god craftsman and the candle monk, would be killed by the power of Tianjin Mara if their strength exceeded a certain threshold, and their souls and consciousness would be plundered by him and become part of Tianjin Mara.

And a few months ago, Tianjin Mara died at the hands of Kamiya.

Jue can rest assured to improve her own strength.

She was originally stuck on the edge of being promoted to the wild god. After the promotion path was smooth, she soon broke through the wild god rating of the craftsman god with the help of Kamiya Chuan's ritual.

Even Kamiya has prepared the bones she will use to become the craftsman god in the future.

Naturally, it is the bones of Jinshan Bigu God.

If Jue can really absorb the bones of the craftsman ancestor god in the future, he will be the well-deserved first craftsman god.

After walking through several corridors with flashing lights and directly passing through a wall covered with burgundy wallpaper, Kamiya Kawa successfully found the location of Sister Jue.

She was talking to Ino Heitaro at this time, holding a jade-made, translucent, and golden-lined treasure hammer in her hand.

Realizing the arrival of the leader, the two stopped talking.

"Master." Ino bowed his head respectfully.

Jue waved his hand and greeted with joy: "Kamiya, you came just in time, I was just about to ask someone to find you."

After the death of Tianjin Mara, Jue, who was used to staying at home, began to move more in places other than Fusang Township and Takamagahara Shrine. Of course, some tedious and less important technical activities will still be handed over to her direct disciple, Kaji Oo.

This time, studying the Demon King's hammer is of course a big deal.

And in addition to studying the treasure hammer itself, it is also necessary to study the live fish hotel affected by the hammer.

So Jue stayed in the hotel for several days in a row.

"What, have you found something?"

Seeing Sister Jue's relaxed look, Shen Gu felt that her research might have achieved good results.

"Well, I have figured out how to upgrade this treasure hammer. It just happens to use the new forging knowledge I learned and digested from [Craftsman's Heart] recently."

"What is it? Don't keep me in suspense."

"That's it——" Jue's tone became more excited, the golden pupil of the different color shone brightly, and his fiery eyes fell on Shen Gu's neck, "Your [Yunwai Mirror], I can now confirm that this Demon King Hammer can definitely be integrated with that mirror."

"Fusion with Yunwai Mirror? Is it because I often use Yunwai Mirror to pull live fish hotels, which leads to the compatibility between them? Or is it that Yunwai Mirror and the complete Demon King Hammer are quite compatible?"

"These two props can have a huge impact on space, and the compatibility is inherent. However, you often use them in combination, which can be regarded as further strengthening their compatibility."

This is not the first time that Jue has done things like integrating prop materials with each other.

For example, [One Thousand Silver Needles] was fused and upgraded by her.

Some time ago, she made a breakthrough in this area by studying the high-level divine craftsman skills of [Craftsman's Heart].

Moreover, as Kamiya Kawa's exclusive craftsman, Jue has thoroughly identified every prop and material that the boss carries.

He knows all the characteristics of those props and materials.

Since she said that the Demon King Hammer and Yunwai Mirror have the compatibility of fusion, it should not be wrong.

"What will the props after fusion look like?" Kamiya asked.

Jue vowed: "I will keep the original functions of the next two props for you, and make corresponding complementary enhancements. The final product will certainly be stronger, not weaker."

Seeing that she looked confident, there should be no problem.

In terms of craftsmanship, Kamiya still trusts Jue very much, and she has never let Kamiya down.

So be it.

Kamiya Kawa took off the [Yunwai Mirror] hanging around his neck and handed it to Jue.

Speaking of which, this prop came from Fusang Township.

Because its energy is too full and uncontrollable, it will pull Fusang Township to the unknown place of the ordinary world every once in a while.

The Fusang gods in Fusang Township are too small to support the big Buddha, and they can't control this mirror, so they handed it over to Kamiya River.

The description of the identification of [Unwai Mirror] in "Kaidan Monogatari" mentioned that this mirror was left in Fusang Township by a former god.

As for which god it is, it has not been figured out yet.

Maybe it is a craftsman god?

After all, there are a group of Fusang gods who have become spirits of objects living in Fusang Township. If their birth is also related to gods, then the tone of the craftsman god is quite similar.

Kamiyagawa: "How long does it take to fuse and upgrade the items?"

"Very soon. After being promoted to the God of Wilderness and acquiring the knowledge of [Craftsman's Heart], I am very strong. Of course, it would be even better if I could get your Zashiki-warashi to help me. I will probably be able to return the finished product to you this afternoon."

Jue patted his chest, and as her voice fell——

The golden ball bell rang, and the auspicious atmosphere of red and white mixed slightly rippled in the space where everyone was.


Because the place where they are now is their own territory, an absolute safe zone, when he heard Sister Jue calling his name, Shikiho showed up.

The black hair stood up and stood behind the old father, looking around.

"Zashiki, I can help."

Shiki raised his right hand high like a primary school student who was answering questions in class.

As a little god of fortune, she has a strong affinity for "useful props".

She can also bless the forging of props and increase the probability of "great success" in single prop production.

She has helped Jue many times before.

And Zashiki himself is very willing to help.

Kamiya raised his hand and rubbed the little cotton jacket's head: "Then I'll trouble you two."


For the fusion upgrade of the Demon King's Hammer and the Cloud Mirror, some auxiliary basic materials are still needed.

But those things are all in the warehouse of Takamagahara.

Since the day the Paradise Market was put into operation, it has been searching for materials with all its efforts. Whether it is common or rare, as long as it appears on the trading platform of the market, the cat shopkeeper with a discerning eye will buy a few copies and store them in the warehouse for future use.

So now that I need it, I don't need to bother looking for it.

Hamster cancer wins big.

In the afternoon, Kamiya Kawa returned to the Live Fish Inn and met Sister Jue and Fukuho again.

And he got the [Demon King Hammer·Modified] from the former.

After the upgrade, the appearance of this treasure hammer has changed a lot.

It has become much bigger overall, and it feels heavy and substantial in the hand. The color is as warm as jade, and it shines brightly.

The hammer surface is as smooth as a mirror, and it seems to absorb and reflect all the brilliance in the world.

On the hammer body, the original golden decorative patterns have become more complicated totems. Under the illumination of the incandescent light of the hotel, these patterns tremble slightly from time to time, and small changes occur.

The bottom of the handle of the treasure hammer is hollowed out and inlaid with mirrors. The mirror surface can be seen on both sides. This should be the original Yunwai Mirror.

"How is it?"

Jue smiled at Kamiya who was inspecting the goods.

She is still very confident in her skills, and the advanced divine craftsmanship she got from [Craftsman's Heart] is really useful!

The Yunwai Mirror and the Demon King's Hammer were originally rated as legendary in "Kaidan Monogatari".

Especially the Demon King's Hammer, after it was completed, according to Sister Jue, it should be a good thing "above legend".

The two were successfully integrated and transformed, and the final product already had the quality of [quasi-artifact].

If it is well developed and utilized in the future, even if it is not as comprehensive as the first-class artifact such as Tianwei Yuzhang, it may not be worse than most of the divine artifacts.

Kamiya Kawa held the treasure hammer in his hand and shook it gently, and he could clearly see circles of subtle ripples in the air around him, which was an obvious sign of space distortion.

It really looks amazing.

"Give me a detailed introduction to some functions and uses."

"Kaidan Monogatari" can give an introduction to the functions of props, and sometimes there will be some background-related explanations, but most of them are relatively general and overview.

Shen Gu checked his phone and didn't see any updates to the background descriptions of the original Yunwai Mirror and the Demon King's Hammer, so he put his phone away and asked Sister Jue. As a divine craftsman, she would have a more comprehensive introduction to the use and functions of the props.

Jue of course answered all the questions he knew.

"This hammer can exist without the hotel. As long as it is not destroyed, the Live Fish Hotel will not be affected. You can use the hammer to summon the black line that distorts the space anywhere. This is something that can be done before the upgrade. You should be very clear about this, right?"


Seeing Shen Gu nod, Jue continued:

"Okay. So after the upgrade, first of all, the original function of the Demon King's Hammer has been strengthened a lot. You can practice the power of the chaotic space black line in another place and experience it for yourself."

"Secondly, it is the original function of the Yunwai Mirror - pull a marked and recorded space and descend to the user's location."

"In the past, the Yunwai Mirror could only pull a marked location, and the time to maintain the space fusion was limited. Now, both of these limitations no longer exist. "

"You can now use the treasure hammer to record multiple locations and pull them to your side at the same time. The duration of space fusion is determined by the amount of energy contained in the pulled location. The greater the amount of energy of the space itself, the shorter the duration. "

"The Yunwai Mirror was already too full of energy before, and now it is embedded in the extremely powerful Demon King Hammer. Generally speaking, the time to maintain space fusion will definitely exceed the previous fixed five minutes. "

"Oh, and the excessive energy of the Yunwai Mirror will now be accepted by the Demon King Hammer, and you no longer have to regularly vent energy for it. "

After listening to Sister Jue's story, the original two props merged, and the final result was indeed a benefit.

Not only are the functions superimposed, but the shortcomings are also made up.

However, Kamiya Kawa used to use the Yunwai Mirror to pull the live fish hotel.

It is equivalent to summoning an exclusive venue, taking advantage of the enemy's unfamiliarity with the disordered space, and suppressing it strongly.

Now, holding the [Demon King Hammer·Modified], you can directly summon those chaotic black lines in space...

So, what location should be pulled to the battlefield?

Paradise Market?

Not quite suitable.

The Paradise billboard itself is completely controllable, but it is just a side creature of the Wild God, and it is indeed useful to suppress enemies of the Wild God and below.

But now the battle requires Kamiya to take action personally, and he has to face gods at every turn. The billboards have very little space to play, so it is better to continue to stand in the park and manage the order of the market.

"I thought about it when I was forging and upgrading the props." Seeing Kamiya deep in thought, Kaku said, "You can use the current hammer to destroy the Ibuki Shrine deep in the Oeyama Palace, as well as the Ainu Li Wenhua Temple recorded it."

"Ibuki Shrine and Rebuka Shrine?"

"That's right, let the two who can't leave the confines of their respective shrines help you in the battle."

The "two people" that Saku said were unable to leave their respective shrines were, of course, referring to the Spider Mother Goddess Yausikop and Ibaraki Doji.

One is the ancient power of the Ainu; the other is the ghost king of the mountains and rivers, the descendant of the ancient god of disaster, Yamata no Orochi.

Both the mother goddess and the evil ghost, who have limited movement, have the strength of A-level gods.

"Wait a minute, is this possible? It wasn't before..."

Kamiya was surprised at first, but soon became aware of it.

Previously, Ungaijing could not pull Ibuki Shrine and Rebunka Shrine.

To be more precise, it would be feasible to just pull the buildings on both sides, but not the Spider Goddess and Ibaraki Doji.

If such a thing could be done, Kamiya would have done it long ago.

As for the reason, it is actually related to what Sister Jue mentioned just now, which is that Yun Waijing pulls the "energy" of the venue.

If there is a presence of divine power in a venue, then the entire airborne energy will be very large.

Previous cloud mirrors were unable to do this.

But now with the fusion upgrade and the energy of the Demon King's Mallet, the previous impossibility seems to have become possible!

"I have evaluated that as long as the pulled divine units do not resist or resist, and comply with the power of the Demon King's gavel, they can all appear next to the gavel according to the space they are in. But if you do it at the same time Pulling two gods over will consume a lot of money. The time for space fusion depends on how long it takes for Yun Waijing to charge the Demon King's Mallet. But as long as you don't use it too frequently, normally it should be much longer than five. minute."

Sister Jue was in high spirits and her words seemed very confident.

Seeing her like this, Kamiyachuan felt confident.

Yun Waijing's previous problem of energy leakage from time to time has turned into a "rechargeable" advantage after being combined with the Demon King's Hammer.

The longer it takes to charge, the longer it will last in future use.

And the point is, with [Demon King Gai Kai], Kamiyagawa can finally use the Spider Goddess and Ibaraki Doji who belong to Takamagahara's forces but cannot participate in the battle!

Idle gods can also be recruited to fight tough battles!

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