I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 784 We, the ghost tribe, want to have a child with you

Taking the [Demon King Gait Kai] with him, Kamiyagawa first went to the Rebunka Temple of the Ainu and explained the current situation to the Spider Mother Goddess.

The latter made the promise without any hesitation.

The ancient divine power of the Ainu bowed slightly, his long platinum hair swaying in the wind and snow of the snow-capped mountains: "Lord Kamiya, I will respond to your call."

The former Root Earth was saved from the lightless darkness by the Kamiya River, and the Spider Mother God only woke up because he defeated the Underworld Thunder God entrenched in the Root Earth.

Since then, the remaining Ainu forces have surrendered to Kamiya's command.

Everything he does on this land is justice and kindness. He is the benefactor here and the absolute leader here.

His will is the Ainu's will.

Use the Demon King's Mallet to record the Reiwenhua Temple, bid farewell to the Spider Mother Goddess, and the next stop is Ojiangshan Castle.

The relationship between Oeyama and Kamiya is not as pure as that of Ainu.

If anything, he was once an alien invader of this monster city and also its savior.

Relying on the absolute strength as a stepping stone and the subsequent effective and equal management policies, the ghost clan has now integrated into the power of Takamagahara, and Kamiya has become the legitimate top manager of Dajiangshan City.

Dajiangshan City has long been actually controlled by Kamiya, so it is certainly useful for him to speak here.

Not only can he freely control the monsters at the bottom and middle levels of the country, but former big bosses like Golden Bear and Star Bear have also become his capable generals.

However, the Ibaraki boy he was going to meet this time might not be that easy to command.

Ibaraki once made a formal contract oath to Kamiyagawa——

As long as Kamiya can manage the country as his own, and as long as the ghost tribe does not suffer unfair treatment among Kamiya's forces and can live a good life, then Ibaraki will ensure that Kamiya firmly holds the top spot in the country. .

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that this contractual oath will never be broken.

And Ibaraki is restricted by the ghost and god contract he made, so he can be considered a trustworthy person.

In the power of Kamiya, she is generally in a state of "listening to orders but not propaganda", and she has a certain degree of personal independence and autonomy.

In fact, for now, those who joined Takamagahara with the power of gods, including Ibaraki Doji, the Spider Goddess, and later Yatagora, generally enjoy similar status.

The latter two both joined the group voluntarily, but they were both willing to obey Kamiya's orders.

As the "defeated general", Ibaraki Doji is hampered by the demon clan members.

There is also her brother Shuten Doji, who has now degenerated into the state of a great snake and relies on the faith of Ibuki Shrine to maintain his existence. It just so happens that the one who holds the Ibuki Daimyojin belief system now is Kamiya's absolutely loyal "big dog" Inugami.

There are so many factors limiting it. If Ibaraki is sensible, he will not abuse the privileges he has.

So Kamiya felt that as long as he communicated well, he could still get her to help him fight.

Deep inside the palace of Dajiangshan City.

Inside the dilapidated and dim Ibuki Shrine.

"So, you plan to drive me? Hahaha, I dare to say it, you are worthy of it."

After listening to Kamiya's words, Ibaraki Doji laughed out loud as if he had heard a very interesting joke.

She was currently sitting on the altar of the shrine.

She wasn't wearing the white cloak, and was wearing a women's room attire. It is not as decent and dignified as the real women's attire. The clothing is wild and uninhibited in the same vein as the ghost clan.

The coat of the coat is roughly golden and decorated with embroidery patterns. It is extremely gorgeous, but it is loosely open, and even a corner of the white wrapping cloth on the chest is visible. The lower body is not wearing a long hakama hakama, but a nondescript short hakama, with a pair of voluptuous bare legs clearly exposed.

The ghost horns above his head are not hidden.

A pair of ghost horns were born on her forehead, pointing upward, with dark roots and red tips, like flames burning on dark coals.

Such a posture, even though the sitting posture is extremely casual, but combined with her unconcealed aura of divine strength, she completely lost the delicate look of "Tribulus Ji" before, which made me feel pity for her.

It can be regarded as completely revealing his true nature——

The son of the God of Disaster, the ghost of Rashomon, the charming ghost king of the country.

Of course, Kamiya would not be intimidated by Ibaraki's appearance.

No matter how you change, you will still be the same defeated general whom I once imprisoned in the basement and brutally captured.

"So, what's your answer?"

Kamiya's face didn't change at all as he asked this question and looked calmly into Ibaraki's eyes.

Although Ibaraki was sitting on the altar, she was relatively petite, and she even needed to raise her head slightly to look at Kamiyagawa.

"Let me think about it..." The ghost king of Dajiangshan narrowed her vertical pupils slightly, stopped laughing at the same time, and seemed to start thinking. After a while, she spoke again, "Well, as long as you promise me one thing, I will obey your orders."


Kamiya Kokoro said that Ibaraki seems to be quite straightforward.

However, she wants to negotiate terms...

Let’s first hear what it is.

"It's a very simple matter and won't cause any harm to you." The corners of Ibaraki's lips raised slightly, with a hint of evil, "You can give the ghost clan an heir."

"Ah, what?"

It was a very unexpected reply.

Kamiya had to confirm again.

"We ghosts want to have a child with you. Isn't it difficult to understand?"

"No, it's your sudden words that are hard to accept at once."

"What's so hard to accept, Kamiya-sama?"

The Ghost of Rashomon originally had a teasing tone, but it became charming and tingling.

"Oh. So you mean now? Here?"

Kamiya is not an inexperienced boy.

This sentence is also true.

I don’t know what Ibaraki is planning now, but I am completely on guard against her teasing.

The Ghost of Rashomon licked her glossy lips with the tip of her pink tongue: "If you agree, it's not impossible."

Then, everyone and the ghost laughed loudly.

However, after a while, a faint bloody red mist began to spread around one of them; behind the other, there was a black python, twisting its body and sliding out from the darkness of the corner of the altar.

Kamiya looked serious and shrugged quite relaxedly: "To be serious, I don't remember you being obsessed with me to the point of giving birth to a child for me."

Did the two of us play master and servant in the big rivers and mountains before and got it into our heads?

"I think wholeheartedly for the power of Takamagahara. Kamiya, you have to have an heir. You want to be the co-master of ghosts and gods, right? After all, you are the highest standing above all the gods. To sit in such a position, You should be enlightened, you have to have many heirs in the future."

Ibaraki further explained.

A god-king needs to have enough heirs, and this is true in all mythological systems.

The status of the co-lord of ghosts and gods is naturally equivalent to that of the king of gods. If he really takes the highest position in Gao Tianyuan in the future, he will inevitably need a large number of descendants to inherit the ability to consolidate Gao Tianyuan's rule.

Thinking about this now, I don’t know if it’s too early, but I can’t say Ibaraki’s statement is wrong.

"That's what I said..." Kamiyakawa nodded, but wanted to add something.

"Haha, don't worry." Ibaraki spoke first, "I didn't tell you to keep an heir now. But, in the future, you should give the ghost tribe a child. It doesn't need to be your eldest son or daughter, as long as it has your promise. , it’s enough to give the ghost tribe a child with your blood in the future. As for the child’s mother, it doesn’t matter whether it’s me or Xing Xiong.”

Ibaraki Doji has been staying at Ibuki Shrine for so long.

In order to satisfy his curiosity, Kamiya had already confirmed that the gender of the ghost of Rashomon was actually a female ghost, not a young man who was proficient in charm.

As she said, she was indeed able to have children.

"Is it so casual?"

"Really? It would be better to say that the matter of giving birth to an heir should not be too complicated in the first place. Or do you want to cultivate a good relationship first? That's fine."

At this moment--


The large Shuten snake with dark and smooth scales climbed up her right arm, which was covered with white bandages.

The snake's head hangs on Ibaraki's shoulder and spits out purple nobuko to show its presence.

If the sister really wants to have a child with him, the brother still hopes that the matter itself has an emotional basis.

Just using his fingers to gently poke Shuten Orochi's forehead, Ibaraki continued: "If Kamiya you really become the co-master of ghosts and gods, there will be more than one way to give birth to an heir, right? There should be many kinds. So, no matter what method you use, as long as you can give the ghost tribe at least one child, that’s enough.”

The supreme gods gave birth to children in various ways.

Like Izanagi and Izanami, they did reproduce through the most traditional methods.

But later Izanami fell into hell, and Izanagi went to the Country of Roots to find his wife, but he was contaminated by his wife's filth and ran away. When He washed away the filth from his body, the washed filth combined his and Izanami's blood, and many gods including Mikiko were born.

Another example is Sanguizi.

When Amaterasu made a vow with Susano'o, he simply bit Susanoo's sword to pieces and blew the mist from his mouth, and the three goddesses Munakata were born from the mist.

After all, these three goddesses were born through the combination of the power of Amaterasu and Susana, with Susana as their father. Strictly speaking, in terms of blood inheritance, Amaterasu is their mother.

Ibaraki feels that Kamiyagawa has a great vision of becoming the co-master of ghosts and gods.

If he really sat on the highest divine position in Gao Tianyuan, he would be at least equal to Mikiko no matter what, right?

Of course, what the Three Noble Sons can do, the Co-Master of Ghosts and Gods can also do.

"That's what you think."

After hearing Ibaraki's words, even Kamiya was a little surprised.

Not to mention, this guy's thinking is really broad.

It seems that the little old man said that Ibaraki had discussed similar things with Star Bear and Golden Bear a long time ago.

I don’t know if she has been thinking in this direction since that time.

"The words have been made clear. Now it's time to give me your answer. The ghost clan has given you everything they can. You used the sacred bones we got from our fathers. You even have some in your body. My flesh and blood are connected with yours. Based on this, I think it is not too much to ask for a child that can be born through direct blood or through non-coitus."

"Don't say strange things. All I have is your right hand."

"It's all the same."

Sitting on the altar, Ibaraki changed his sitting position, with his left foot crossed and his right foot standing alone.

The hem of the gorgeous golden coat could not cover the white and plump flesh of her legs.

Her feet were still wearing white socks, the delicate and elastic socks tightly wrapped the instep and arch of the foot, the front part of the bare toes stepped on the edge of the altar, flexibly raised and curled...


"Okay, in this way, Ibaraki is also done."

Using the devil's hammer to record the Ibuki Shrine, Kamiya Kawa left Oeyama Castle.

It has been almost a whole day since he left the Moon Palace last night.

The little old man left in the Moon City by the body outside the body just came out to report that the palace chief had already discussed with the tribesmen. And contacted Kamiya through the body outside the body, wanting him to return to the Moon Palace.

It happened that there was plenty of time during the day today, and a lot of things were done.

Everything was ready, Kamiya returned to Iyo, and once again used the Ten Thousand Years Bamboo Bridge to enter the third god's residence.

Passing through the space filled with the "night food" atmosphere of the outer layer of the Moon Palace, the end of the bamboo bridge is still the vast white plain.

Yesterday, Shen Gu only met Bai Huiye here.

Now it's not just Huiye, there are all the Moon People including Gong Si here.

The number of Moon People in the Moon Palace is not particularly large. When he purified the Moon City and inspected the work of the Moon People, Shen Gu had noticed that there were about 1,600 of them.

They are all here.

Such a large number of Moon People gathered together, all of them are slender and tall, wearing white hunting clothes and white masks, and they are so uniform that it's a bit weird.

This dense formation of Moon People, without saying a word, silently bowed in unison towards Shen Gu River.

"Uh... in a sense, it's quite imposing."

Nodding to the Moon People, Shen Gu went straight to Gong Si and Bai Huiye, who were closest to the Wannian Bamboo Bridge.

"You have already come up with an answer to my proposal yesterday, right?" he asked.

In fact, he had already known the result of the discussion between the chief priest and the people of the moon through the little old man.

"You are the master of Takamagahara and the Sea Country, you are qualified to be the chief priest of the Moon Palace." The chief priest said this, not only talking to Kamiya, but also explaining to the people of the moon.

Her tone was serious.

"Yes." Kamiya was not surprised and responded calmly.

That's right.

Because of this, I am qualified.

This is the answer of the chief priest, of course, it is not all.

The chief priest: "I promise you on behalf of the Moon Palace and the people of the moon. Kamiya Kawa, if you can investigate and deal with the hidden threats of the dark side of the moon as promised, and can ensure the continuation of the people of the moon. Then, I will give up the position of chief priest to you."

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