I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 785 Old Friends

"... Then, I will give up my position as the chief priest to you."

The chief priest made such a promise in public.

Everyone saw it, it was the chief priest himself who said he would give up his position.

Kamiyukawa did not stay in front of the Moon People for too long, and soon moved to the altar in the center of Moon City.

Behind the eroded and corrupted statue of Tsukuyomi is the entrance to the dark side of the moon.

Kamiyukawa has made preparations to explore the dark side of the moon.

And as agreed before, he will take Bai Huiye with him this time.

As for the other Moon People, they will naturally let them all stay on the surface of the Moon Palace.

Under the invasion of the black air yesterday, all the Moon People except the chief priest were affected by the dirty black air. If they really accompanied him to the dark side, they would only become a burden.

Kamiyukawa approached the corrupted statue.

It was not very intuitive when it was far away, but the closer to the statue of Tsukuyomi, the more you can feel the distortion of the surrounding space.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the feeling Kamiya had when he crossed the Ten Thousand Year Bamboo Bridge and entered the Moon Palace.

Obviously, the power of "Night Food" is also wrapped outside the Moon's Dark Side.

And this power is stronger than outside the Moon Palace.

There was probably a seal at the connection between the Moon Palace and the Moon's Dark Side before, but it is obvious that the passage has been opened by Black Kaguya.

Although he can feel a certain sense of blockage in the space when he enters it now, Kamiya can make it unimpeded with his strength.

"Kaguya, don't stay too far away from me when you get to the Dark Side."

Before officially entering the realm of the Moon's Dark Side, Kamiya Chuan told Bai Kaguya.

The latter clenched the Penglai Jade Branch in her hand and nodded seriously: "Okay, I will always be by your side."

She also looked ready.

Accompanying Kamiya Chuan and Bai Kaguya to the altar, in addition to the "current" palace priest, there were only a few Daiyou.

"We will wait here until you come back and bring back information about the Dark Side."

The palace priest said so.

Except for her, the other high-ranking members of the Moon People did not say anything.

They watched Kamiya River and Shiro Kaguya disappear in the strong spatial ripples behind the statue of Tsukuyomi, but they did not move, just bowed their heads slightly and stood still.

The white face was quiet and solemn, and the white clothes fluttered up and down in the cold wind of the desolate altar, like a silent and desolate tomb.

No one knew what was on the dark side.

No one could even be 100% sure whether Kamiya River and Kaguya would come out again.

But just as the Moon People easily accepted the fact that "the current owner of Takamagahara and the Sea Kingdom is likely to take over the Moon Palace next", they were always neither sad nor happy, and were not surprised.

For them, as long as they made the right choice and ushered in the right ending, it would be fine.

Time became slow and sticky, and the dim light bent and refracted, creating a colorful illusion. Stepping into the more powerful night food space is like being in a huge kaleidoscope, and every step is unpredictable.

This strange feeling did not last long.

The "night food" space fluctuations around him subsided, and now he should have reached the so-called dark side of the moon.

Shen Guchuan looked around.

The most noticeable thing on the dark side is naturally the filthy black air.

Those black auras are suspended as heavy as entities, like the concrete corruption accumulated over countless years. Not only do they cover the sky and the sun, but they also distort all the surrounding scenes, making the entire dark side shrouded in a thick haze.

Depression, depravity, despair.

There is not a trace of anything that can be called salvation or hope here.

But at the same time, the dark side of the moon seems too empty.

Shen Guchuan is ready for a battle as soon as he enters the dark side of the moon, but in fact, he does not see the enemy now.

Apart from the filthy black air, there seems to be nothing here. It is just a vast and decayed plain, which is somewhat similar to the white plain that Shen Guchuan saw when he first arrived at the Moon Palace.

"This place is very big, and the filthy atmosphere is too strong. I can't feel where Black Kaguya is for the time being, nor can I tell whether there are other gods who can still move here."

"I don't know how the huge filth is produced. I always feel that they are somewhat similar to the filth in Huangquan, but not exactly the same... Is there any connection between the two?"

Temporarily suppressing the messy thoughts in his heart, Kamiya Kawa looked at Bai Kaguya who was always standing behind him.

"Kaguya, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

The seemingly endless thick filth on the dark side made Kamiya physically and psychologically disgusted.

Being in it, he was not affected too much for the time being.

As for Kaguya, no matter how weak she is in fighting, she is still a god with a god skeleton. I think she should be able to carry out a certain degree of activity in the dark side of the moon in this environment.

But she can resist it.

After all, the filth here is too strong. If you want to go further and explore more deeply, it is better to purify it.

"Do you think you can purify the filth here?"

Faced with this question, Kaguya hesitated and held the Penglai Jade Branches tighter with both hands: "I... I'm not sure, there are too many, too heavy, and too thick. But I want to try."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on you. If something goes wrong, stop. Don't force it."

The little goddess raised the Penglai jade branch above her head. The dragon-headed jade pinned to her bun as a hair accessory began to rotate slowly, and the light from the fire rat fur coat on her body became more dazzling.

Immediately, Bai Huiye's long hair fluttered, and she herself began to glow.

It was an extremely pure radiance, with a quiet and peaceful coolness in it. It spread out like thin threads from the center of her, infiltrating all around.


The tentacles of Huaguang penetrated into the extremely dense and extremely filthy darkness.

This seemed to make Kaguya feel uncomfortable, but she just closed her eyes, groaned, and gently spread her arms, as if to comfort or invite. Immediately, those hidden, turbulent, filthy things that corroded everything began to gather towards her involuntarily.

Decompose, transform, devour, eliminate.

With the help of several personal treasures, Kaguya began to gently wrap every trace of filth, every inch of decay, and every piece of darkness into her seemingly petite and frail body, but in fact it was extremely tough.

During this process, Kamiyakawa remained quiet and stood beside Kaguya with his eyes fixed.

While observing the condition of Little Goddess, he was also alertly paying attention to the changes in his surroundings.

The purification process continued for a while.

Bai Kaguya's face became less good, her breathing became more delicate and shallow, and a light, almost transparent pale color climbed up her cheeks. Her eyes were still closed, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, carrying vulnerability with every stroke.

"I-I think I need to take a break before continuing..."

Kaguya finally couldn't bear the burden on her body, so she staggered and stopped the purification action.

Seeing this, Kamiya raised his hand to support her, and just said: "It's already amazing to be able to do this."

It's really awesome.

At this time, although the filthy black air in the entire security field still exists, it has obviously become lighter overall.

Kamiyakawa felt more and more that Gongji's previous guess was correct.

Kaguya probably really has bones that once belonged to Tsukiyomi, otherwise it would be impossible to use herself as a container to absorb and purify such huge filth and darkness like she is now.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something over there..."

As the filthy black air on the dark side had faded slightly, with Kamiya's otherworldly visual perception, he was keenly aware of the outline of something in the far distance of this vast plain.

It looked like a towering high wall, but it could also be something similar.

In short, it is a limit visible to the naked eye, towering across the sky and insurmountable.

"Is that a wall? If it's really a wall, of this size...it's almost similar to the Thousand Stone Wall that blocks the way out of the Underworld on Hirazan."

After staring for a while and observing, Kamiya had such doubts in his heart.

"Kaguya, how are you feeling now?" He asked the little god beside him, "We may go over there to see the situation."

"I feel better."

"Don't force yourself, you can rest for a while."

"No, no need. I know that if I show off on this kind of thing, then if you encounter danger and meet another 'me', you will definitely get into trouble. So, I won't do that. Yes. I’m much better, but I can’t purify the filth for the time being, but the rest is really fine!”

Bai Huiye said this with a serious look on his face.

It seems that she can still understand the current situation.

Although she has more emotions than her tribe, she also seems to have the same rational mind as the people of the moon and can make correct judgments.


Seeing Kaguya say this, Kamiyagawa grabbed her hand and headed directly towards the vague outline of the dividing line in the distance.

As the distance to the target location decreases.

Kamiya began to realize that the boundary in the depths of filth was not a real high wall.

Although it does tower like a high wall, reaching into the sky, it seems like it stands at the end of the world on the dark side of the moon. But it is actually something illusory yet solid, more accurately speaking, it is an existence between reality and reality.

"Is this... night food?"

Kamiyagawa finally reacted.

The so-called high wall is actually a boundary condensed by extremely powerful night eclipse power and exists on the dark side of the moon.

The power of night food is originally a superposition of reality and reality. The space and things wrapped up by it will even lose the essence of reality and reality. It is through this that Night Eclipse can create a reincarnation dilemma like the previous one in the Kingdom of the Sea.

But the power of the night eclipse high wall on the dark side is so strong that it has turned into an extreme space distortion point as a whole, and even distorted itself to a certain extent.

Whether it is the interface between the Ten Thousand Years Bamboo Bridge and the Moon Palace, or the interface between the Moon Palace and the Dark Side, or even the former Kingdom of the Sea...

Kamiyagawa has never seen such a level of night eating.

If the power of night eclipse that pulls the entire sea kingdom into reincarnation is a lake, then this place is definitely a turbulent abyss and ocean!

"One of the key things to check when coming to the dark side is to confirm whether the 'real threat' that Tsukuyomi once sealed is still well sealed. And it is really reassuring to see that this thing exists."

"It seems that this layer of the strongest and most powerful Night Eclipse is used to block the real threat."

"But, one layer after another is peeled off... There is one outside the Moon Palace, another one outside the dark side, and now deep in the dark side, there is such a strong layer of night eclipse. It's really like a matryoshka doll. One ring. It's probably this place on the last floor, or this kind of strength that empties the family's wealth... Maybe Tsukuyomi Ming has really suppressed all the people here. So what is in it that is worthy of being one of the three nobles? Spend such a huge amount of money?”

Kamiyagawa's inner thoughts surged.

Thinking about it, what is blocked by this vast ocean of night eclipse power must be some kind of extremely terrifying existence that even the third noble son would be afraid of.

But, fortunately!

Tsukiyomi Ming, the senior, seems to be very reliable.

The last layer of Night Eclipse he left behind on the dark side was extremely solid just by looking at it.

Not only is it solid, it is simply indestructible and impregnable!

It's probably just like the Senki Stone Wall on the Yomi-Hira-Zaka Mountains. It won't be destroyed at all unless it's chopped down by Ten-no-Hyazaku.

Regardless of what is in the last layer of Night Eclipse, Kamiya, who is currently holding three-quarters of Yu Zhang, will naturally not commit suicide.

He and Bai Huiye did not completely reach the night eclipse boundary, but stopped farther away.

"Look at that."

When Kamiyagawa was observing the boundary between night eclipses, Shiro Kaguya was doing the same.

She also discovered something at the same time, pulled Shengu's sleeve, and raised her hand to point forward.

Following Kaguya's instructions, we can see that at a few locations around the boundary of the night eclipse, filthy black air is emanating, like a tiny stream of water, or rather like seeping water droplets, flowing out extremely slowly. The speed overflows to the dark side of the moon.

Because the amount of black air flowing through is so small, the dark side itself is still shrouded in this filth.

Therefore, Kamiyagawa, who was more concerned about the night eclipse boundary itself, did not notice this at first.

Kamiyagawa: "Yeshi's blockade itself seems to have no damage or gaps, but even so, the filth still penetrated at an extremely slow speed. Sure enough, what is blocked on the other side is very unusual..."

Even the filth that comes through is most likely "filtered" by the night food.

The true intensity of the filth sealed off "within the wall" makes people shudder just thinking about it.

However, it is still unclear what exactly this lunar eclipse wall, which may have been created by Tsukiyomi's destiny to overwhelm everything, is used to block. And what kind of filth is produced that can permeate the high wall of a lunar eclipse.

Also, are the things here really not related to Huang Quan?

Kamiyakawa fell into a brief silence again.

Naturally, his doubts were not answered.

But what his eyes were staring at, the filth that had just "freshly" penetrated, suddenly changed in appearance at a certain moment——

A small drop of filth spilled out, which should have spread into the air like other dark scents. But for some reason, this small drop suddenly solidified and suddenly rose up in Shen Gu's field of vision.

Something, like a bolt of lightning or a sticky tentacle, flashed through Kamiyagawa's mind.

What followed was sporadic murmurs.

It was empty and dead, and seemed slimy and wet.

There's no way to describe it, it's indescribable.

There are some invisible beings dancing happily behind the high walls of Night Eating.

Finally, Kamiya heard that familiar name——

"...Xu Fu!"

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