I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 786 Black Kaguya


The boy took out his sheath in an instant, and the sharp blade cut a brilliant light path in the filth.

At the same time, Ibaraki's hand also extended from the Kamiya River, crushed it out, and also pulled out the extremely heavy Onikiri.


Bai Huiye, who was standing aside, had no idea what was going on.

She suddenly saw Kamiya in a fighting stance, and suddenly felt that Kamiya's temperament was like the two swords he carried, from being restrained and hidden to being sharp and sharp.

Did another one come to kill him?

Although she couldn't figure out the situation, Kaguya still followed suit and hurriedly raised the Horai Jade Branch above her head to parry the defense.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

Bai Huiye was confused and looked at Kamiyakawa carefully, but at this time he saw the latter lowering both the famous swords he had just raised.

"Kaguya, didn't you hear something just now?"

"Sorry, it seems not. What should I...hear?" Bai Huiye also put down the Penglai Yuzhi tremblingly.

"Okay, then I understand."

Kamiyagawa had not called out the name of the person crossing the east just now, but he inexplicably heard the familiar murmur.

But now that strange feeling has subsided.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the situation just now is indeed different from what would have happened if he called the Eastwarder before.

If you really call out the name of "Old Qin", the nonsense that will come around you will be very intensive, and the people around you will also be affected.

But as far as the actual situation is concerned, the sounds that just sounded in my mind were only sporadic.

Bai Huiye beside him didn't feel anything about it either.

It seems that these two situations are not the same thing.

The power of the Eastwarder does not seem to be summoned and come from all the way.

It completely followed that small group of filthy black air and actively overflowed from the other side of the night eclipse boundary!

As for Shengu, probably because he had called out the names of those who traveled to the East three times before, he had already established some kind of connection with the fellow Qin man, so he could clearly perceive the sporadic murmurs just now.

"Kamiya River, what happened just now?" Bai Huiye asked weakly.

"Well, I'll go into details later. But now I seem to know what is behind this high wall of night food."

By now, Kamiya has of course understood what exactly was blocked by the power of Night Eclipse.

It's definitely there.

The place where the Cursed Dragon God and the Eastwarder were imprisoned at the same time was what I had "seen" once before when I fought with Anyu Jiamei!

Regarding the details of "that place", although Kamiyagawa had intuitively "feeled" it, he still knew very little.

I only know that there are many indescribable and indescribable ancient mysterious phantoms in that place.

And those shadows...

Even though he had only glanced at it, the feeling it gave him was extraordinary.

Kamiyagawa is the man who wants to sit on the throne of Takamagahara and become the co-master of ghosts and gods.

In his world view, strange forces and chaotic gods exist.

But even so, after the last experience, he still feels——

I feel that the things represented by those phantoms, or those things that cast phantoms in the realm where the gods are imprisoned, should not exist in this world.

"The former Dragon God was probably imprisoned in that place by some gods because his ability to curse and kill gods was too weird and was quite taboo."

"The Dragon God stayed there and tried his best to get out. But he didn't seem to be too deeply affected by that place. At least when he descended on the piles of green willows, there was no sound around Shenshi Town. A kind of gibbering sound.”

"As for the Eastwarder... he seems to have integrated with that place to a certain extent."

"How did He get there? What did He do?"

Some of the problems that had plagued Kamiya before were solved, but what followed were more unanswerable questions.

Shenyu once received assistance from those who crossed the east, that is, to intercept and kill the Anyu Jiamei God.

At the end of that battle, it seemed that through the link between the Dragon God and Qingliu, the fellow East Crosser somehow sent the Dragon God's real flesh, blood, and bones to reality.

It was almost given out as a trophy.

Although so far, Kamiyagawa and the fellow villager have not had any effective communication.

But this behavior can explain the problem——

The people who migrated to the east also wanted to escape from that place.

The person he sought help from was Kamiyakawa, and he also handed over the flesh and bones of the Dragon God as a deposit before the matter was completed.

If the eastwarder is sufficiently particular and decent, Kamiya will probably receive another generous final payment after helping him accomplish this matter.

But now is obviously not a good time to implement this deal.

The area ahead is really something we should explore later.

Just a simple "feeling" of that place made Kamiya extremely fearful. And he was also feared by Tsukuyomi, one of the three noble sons, and Tsukuyomi may even have died in order to be able to completely seal the place.

"Just speaking from intuition, if I don't really become the co-master of ghosts and gods, and I don't become an S-class god and ascend the throne on Gaotianyuan... until then, it's better not to set foot there."

Kamiya thought so knowingly.

And considering the strange and indescribable state of the Eastward Crosser, it is hard to say what will happen if he is released.

If there is no absolute strength to rely on, Kamiya really doesn't want to get close to "that place".

So, it's not that I don't want to save you, nor that I won't do anything after taking the deposit, fellow villager.

It's that I don't have that strength, you know?

And Kamiya also has reasons to say.

To break the seal of the Night Food in front of us, only the Heaven's Tail Yu Zhang can be used. Although I have collected three pieces of Yu Zhang's fragments, I still lack the last piece of the puzzle.

When I collect Yu Zhang in the future, I will definitely help you, fellow villager.

The fact that Yu Zhang has not been collected is an objective fact. If fellow villager is really reasonable, he should be able to understand this.

As for now...

To be honest, Kamiya Kawa even wants to reinforce the seal of the Night Food Boundary.

Before he has the ability to "rescue" fellow villager, the coffin lid is nailed shut!

"Kaguya, let's go, let's leave here first."

Confirming that the boundary formed by the night food is still solid, Kamiya Chuan made a quick decision.

On the dark side of the moon, Bai Huiye behaved very obediently, and did not ask anything, and nodded simply: "Oh, OK."


Kamiya Chuan led Bai Huiye to retreat along the original route, intending to get closer to the junction of the Moon Palace and the dark side.

The little goddess also planned to try to purify the filth of the dark side again.

Moreover, she came to the dark side of the moon to thoroughly understand her life experience.

But after following Kamiya for so long, Bai Huiye has not seen another "blackened" self.

As for Kamiya, after the investigation just now, he has known that these filth came from "that place" that trapped the East Crosser.

The filthy breath on that side must be extraordinary.

Even if there is a boundary of night food blocking it, it can still penetrate the dark side of the moon at an extremely slow speed, and through the accumulation of time, the dark side of the moon has become what we see now.

This information made Kamiya have some guesses in his mind--Perhaps Tsukuyomi, who created the Night Food Boundary, also knew that the massive Night Food power did block the direct threat of "that place", but it could not stop the slow corrosion and penetration of the filthy power. Perhaps both White Kaguya and Black Kaguya were "tools" left by Tsukuyomi to deal with the infiltrating filth. It is not yet officially confirmed what mission the two Kaguya princesses were given to deal with the filth. But in this way, it can explain why White Kaguya can deal with the filth so naturally. She was born for this. "Kaguya, are you sure you can purify these filth again?" Kamiya asked this when he returned to the border between the Moon Palace and the Dark Side of the Moon. "Really, we Moon People will not lie." Faced with the question, the little Kamiya swore. Seeing her say this, Kamiya agreed: "Okay... Then just like before, if you feel unwell, stop in time. Be sure to do what you can and stop when you are satisfied."

Kamiya Chuan's purpose for coming to the dark side of the moon is nothing more than a few.

First of all, the most important thing is to verify whether the "core threat" of the dark side of the moon is still sealed by the power of Tsukuyomi.

This can be concluded after seeing the surging night food boundary like the ocean.

Secondly, he also needs to deal with the filthy black air here in the dark side, as well as the black Kaguya hiding here.

Both belong to the shallow level of the dark side of the moon, but they are real threats to the Moon Palace.

According to the previous agreement with the people of the Moon, as long as these two threats are resolved, Kamiya Chuan can legitimately become the chief priest of the Moon Palace.

Therefore, the purification work still needs to be done.

The pure brilliance with tranquility and coolness is once again stimulated from the body of Bai Kaguya.

The holy glow touches the darkness, and as before, it melts and devours the filth and decay.

During this process, Kamiya Chuan just quietly stayed by Kaguya's side and observed quietly.

After about ten minutes, he seemed to feel something and moved his eyes away from Bai Kaguya and looked into the distance.

The filthy black air on the dark side of the moon, after two purifications, has obviously become lighter, but it still carries that heavy sense of oppression. A little further away from the two, a dirty undercurrent began to surge, and the black lingering there gathered like thick drops of dew.

"Kaguya, stop." Kamiya Chuan spoke, stopping Bai Kaguya's purification process, "Something is coming."


Kaguya stopped obediently.

Looking in the direction of Kamiya's current sight, the black aura in that direction began to spin and intertwine wildly, and gradually formed a huge, bottomless black vortex.

The center of the vortex seemed to be an abyss that could swallow all light. It spun faster and faster, making a low and strange whimpering sound. The surrounding air, light, and even sound were ruthlessly sucked into it the moment it approached it.

Then, something emerged from the vortex.

A slender and petite figure was pulled out from the thick black.

A red fur coat, a jet-black jade branch, a jet-black princess hairstyle, a crimson dragon-head jade hanging on the head, and a face that looked exactly like the white Kaguya.

Everything was wrapped in the filthy and decayed aura.

The black Kaguya.

After being in the dark side for so long, she finally showed up.

Just like the last time she saw Black Kaguya, she seemed to care only about White Kaguya, and basically ignored Kamiya Kawa: "How dare you come here by yourself..."

"I think we need to talk!"

White Kaguya hurriedly shouted to the other self.

But Black Kaguya was obviously not someone who could be talked to. There was no rationality in her eyes, only deep and cold endless resentment.

"You dare to come here, then you... stay forever!"

Without saying anything, Black Kaguya launched an attack.

Her fire rat fur coat fluttered, the black jade branches in her hands made chaotic sounds, and the dragon head jade on her head turned synchronously.

Like White Kaguya, mobilizing these three treasures at the same time, Black Kaguya's side also burst into light instantly.

But it was not the kind of quiet and pure moonlight, but an extremely dark light, eroded by twisted shadows, exuding a dark and deep power, which deeply echoed the filth filled in the dark side.

"Stay by my side and protect yourself."

Kamiyagawa once again called out Ibaraki's hand and drew out two famous swords for beheading demons, while also telling Bai Kaguya this.

Seeing that Black Kaguya was taking action, he naturally would not stand by and watch.

Since the conversation was fruitless, then prepare to attack!

If there is anything to say, save it until Black Kaguya is taken down!


Black Kaguya screamed.

The filthy black breath surged, and an ominous dark purple light slid out of her body, carrying endless chill and destructive power. Wherever it passed, it entangled and condensed the air, shrouding everything it touched in a dead silence.

"Mary!" "Inugami!"

Kamiyagawa summoned both gods and shikigami very simply.

As his voice fell.

The red mist that came from nowhere boiled and exploded in an instant.

The bloody red mist violently collided with the black filth of light and shadow, and actually made a huge and surging sound.

This sound was like glass breaking, and like the washing of the tide.

And in this terrifying impact noise, there was also the sound of hard heels stepping on the ground, the sound of blades rubbing, and the ethereal and childish children's songs. There was also a kind of ethereal sound similar to the shaking and ringing of bells on the ropes in the shrine.

A gorgeous red and black dress swayed out from the depths of the bloody mist, and the fluffy skirt dragged on the ground and fluttered.

Almost at the same time-


The roar of the giant beast mixed with the dragon's roar resounded through the dark side of the moon.

The extremely huge, extremely creepy, and extremely majestic black shadow covered the sky and the sun, and lurked out from behind Kamiya Kawa.

The claws and fangs flashed with cold light, and the rough and knotted muscles were shaking, ferocious. The rising flames of hell, the decaying miasma, the moist breath of dragons and snakes, danced wildly between the scales and long hair.

On the dark side, it seems that there is only one enemy, Kaguya Kuroko, who is probably just an A-level god.

But she may have a skeleton that originally belonged to Tsukuyomi, and it seems that the filth that has not been purified in the dark side can all be used by her.

This is Kaguya Kuroko's absolute home court.

Against her, Kamiya will spare no effort.

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