Chapter 103: The Situation of the Runaway, the Killer Skill of the Five Old Stars!

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Marin Fando Inner Harbor above the high walls.

Blackbeard fell into a deeply skeptical life. Looking at the complicated situation on the battlefield below, for a moment he had a feeling of dilemma. In such a situation, it seems that whether it is to continue with your own plan or to abandon it and retreat, it is not a good choice.


“How did things get to this point?”

“All this is completely different from what I thought!”

At the moment of the dilemma, Blackbeard couldn’t help but curse secretly again. On the other hand, it is different from Blackbeard’s dilemma.

Barrett, Redfield and the others were all shocked after seeing the situation on the battlefield below.

But after a brief shock, several people acted in unison. Quickly jumped from the high wall of the barrier and rushed to the battlefield below.

And the goals of several people are also different. Klockdahl’s form turned into yellow sand and swept quickly from the air toward where Whitebeard was.

“Old man with a white beard, your appearance is really ugly!”

“I didn’t expect you, as the strongest man in the world, to actually have an arm broken, huh.”


With a low sigh, Klockdale was already behind Whitebeard.

At the same time, he raised the golden hook above his right hand and waved it straight towards Whitebeard’s head! Obviously, it is to take the other person’s life without mercy.

However, before Whitebeard could make a move, a blue figure also rushed from a distance, blocking the middle of Klockdahl and Whitebeard.


With a loud bang, Klockdahl’s attack was blocked.

“Klockdal, I’m not going to let you hurt Daddy!”

Shi Ping’s domineering hands wrapped around the armed color grabbed Klockdale and said with great seriousness.

“Damn! Don’t get in the way! ”

Klockdahl roared in anger and attacked again. But they were all blocked by the very flat system.

“Daddy, are you all right?”

At the same time as the hand-to-hand combat, Shi Ping did not forget to turn back and ask Whitebeard a question. Whitebeard shook his head slightly.

“Gollum, it’s okay, I can’t die for the time being.”

Although the answer was relaxed, judging from his pale face at the moment, the state was obviously not good.


The other side.

Barrett, a former Roger Pirate member, rushed straight to Roger’s location. There seemed to be a little bit of joy on his face after seeing Roger resurrected.

But the joy wasn’t because of how good his relationship with Roger was. It’s because…

“Great, Roger!”

“I didn’t expect you guy to come back to life!”

“That’s just right! So let me challenge you once again after so many years! ”

“Let me beat you with dignity!”

Barrett shouted and attacked Roger without hesitation. He had previously joined the Roger Pirates as a challenger.

For so many years, he had only one goal. That’s to beat Roger with his own hands!

Unfortunately, before he could achieve this goal, Roger turned himself in to the Navy and was executed. This infuriated Barrett.

It also caused him to lose his goal for a while and began to wreak havoc aimlessly.

It was not until later, under the order of the Warring States and Kapu to slaughter the demons, that he was finally arrested and imprisoned in the Advance City. Now that he had managed to escape, he had just run into the resurrected Roger!

This excited Barrett.

I can’t wait to fight Roger again immediately and beat the other side with my own hands!

Seeing Barrett coming towards him, Roger didn’t have any special reaction. Instead, he waved his saber in his hand expressionlessly to fight back.


Under a knife, as strong as Barrett was actually directly shot out!

“How can that be?!”

“Roger, you’ve become stronger than ever?!”

The barett, who had been knocked off, forced himself to stabilize and looked at Roger with disbelief in his eyes. There is no doubt that Roger in front of him is stronger than he was more than twenty years ago!

And what made Barrett feel a little strange was that somehow he always felt that there seemed to be something strange about Roger in front of him. There is an indescribable strangeness.

But he didn’t think much about it either, and attacked Roger again. The other side.

The Warring States and Crane, who were still fighting with Roger, did not take this opportunity to launch a siege against Roger. Because they knew that if they sneaked up on Roger at this time.

There’s a good chance that it will end up with Barrett turning around and helping Roger deal with them. After all, no matter what, Barrett used to be a member of Roger’s Pirates.

When facing the Navy, it is still possible to fight with the same enemy. Therefore, it is better to wrap Roger with the other party. And at this moment, the Warring States already have more things to deal with.

I saw the admiral’s eyes freeze and rush to a certain place on the battlefield. There, Rain Hiryu was killing on a rampage.

Whether it was the navy or the pirates, he was always killed, and he was extremely cruel.

“Hiryu! What the hell have you guys done?! ”

“How’s Advancing City and Magellan doing now?”

Sengoku rushed towards Hiryu with anger on his face.

The other party, as the warden of the Advance City, now appeared here in such a posture. There is no doubt that it must have been a rebellion!

This made the Sengoku extremely angry, and at the same time eager to know about the advance city and Magellan’s situation.

“Oh, since you’re so worried, you might as well see for yourself.”

Rain no Hiryu did not answer Sengoku’s question, but only sneered and teased a few words.

“Damn! You guy! ”

The Sengoku were furious and immediately launched an attack on the Hiryu 810. The two soon fought fiercely.

At the same time, all over the battlefield, prisoners who escaped from the sixth underground floor of the Advance City joined in.

These vicious prisoners all had their own intentions and participated in this war. Moreover, both the navy and the pirates are in their attack range.

Therefore, for a time, the situation on the field became more and more chaotic. The number of casualties is also constantly expanding.

Seeing this scene on the field, even the mood of the five old stars at this moment has sunk to the bottom. If this trend continues, the war will be difficult to end in the end. The five old stars really did not expect that under the circumstance that all five of them personally went down to the scene, this farce not only did not end, but it intensified! If this continues, the casualties of the Navy Headquarters and the world’s main government will surely reach an extremely frightening number. Not only that, but the authority of the world’s main government will also be severely impacted!

This will have a great adverse effect on their subsequent reign. You have to find a way to end it all as soon as possible!

On the battlefield, the five old stars scattered everywhere looked at each other. They all understood each other’s meanings and ideas.

“It seems that you have to use that killer trick to do it!”

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