Chapter 104: The whole army retreats? A huge shadow over Marin Fando!

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“It seems that only that one killer can be used!”

Watching the situation on the field gradually rage, the five old stars looked at each other, and their hearts had already made a decision! Immediately, all five of them quickly broke away from the enemy in front of them.

The figure quickly retreated and quickly gathered together. There was no intention of continuing to shoot.

And this move of theirs also made everyone on the field feel confused.

“What’s going on?”

“Why did the five old stars suddenly stop fighting?”

“Looking at them like this, it seems that they are ready to adopt other ways of fighting?”

“Is it true that the Five Old Stars have other killer skills?”

“I don’t know why, I always have a bad premonition!”


The sudden retreat of the five old stars made people a little confused.

Even Kapu, Luffy and others, who were fighting with them, were confused.

“What’s going on? How can someone who played well suddenly stop fighting? ”

Luffy in Nika form said with some puzzlement. Originally, he was still playing on the rise.

Although at the beginning, even the Nika form did not have half a advantage in the hands of the Five Elder Stars. However, as the battle continued to progress, under the dual stimulation of the Nika form and the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, Luffy’s strength was improving and breaking through at a very fast speed. In the battle just now, Luffy has gradually become stronger from being invincible to the Five Old Stars to being able to compete with the other party without falling behind! He felt that if he followed this trend.

Just give him a little more pressure and time, his strength will completely surpass the five old stars! Be able to beat each other easily!

When the time comes, the five old stars will not be a threat.

The scales of victory in this war will also be tilted again. However, just as Luffy was becoming more and more courageous.

The five old stars suddenly stopped fighting.

This made Luffy feel very annoyed, and there was a very unhappy feeling. I can’t wait to play dozens of rounds with the other side.

“Forget it, Luffy.”

“Since they don’t stop us, let’s take this opportunity to get out of here quickly.”

“We’ve achieved our goal anyway.”

Seeing that Luffy still wanted to go forward to fight with the Five Old Stars, Cap on the side couldn’t help but dissuade him.

“Yes, Luffy.”

“Our purpose in coming to Marin Fando this time is not to fight, but to save Ace.”

“Now that Ace has been rescued, let’s withdraw now!”

Usopp also echoed the Tao.

Hearing the dissuasion of the crowd, Luffy nodded sadly.

“Okay, then, we’ll take Ace and Uncle Whitebeard and them away from Malin Fando!”

Luffy did not bother and made a decisive decision.

Armed with straw hats, Ace and Karp and the others rushed toward the battlefield where Whitebeard was. Obviously I want everyone to get out of here together.

“Ahem! Want to run? Where to escape! ”

“Meteor Volcano!”

However, at this moment, a loud cry came from a distance.

I saw that the Red Dog temporarily withdrew from the battle with Ben Beckman and aimed at the location of Luffy and the others.

“The hot rain of magma kept falling from the sky, like a meteor shower, and smashed into Luffy and the others. Seeing this, Luffy first shouted “bad” cake.

Then he made an exaggerated look of surprise, the kind whose eyeballs were about to bulge. Then there was a funny grin.

Reach out and grab the ground beneath your feet.

Immediately afterward, the ground made of solid rock was assimilated into a rubber-like material. Luffy grabbed him straight from the ground.

Above the heads of the people, a wall of rubber shields was formed. The magma that fell like a meteor shower was all blocked by it.

And, with Luffy’s sudden force!

That magma was even bounced back by the rubber shield wall!

Fortunately, there were no other navies or pirates around the place where the Red Dog was located, and no casualties were caused. The red dog saw it, his brow furrowed tightly, and his look was cold.

“Straw Hat Boy, I’m not going to let you leave here with Ace!”

“If you were to rescue the prisoners to be executed by the Navy, what would be the face of the Naval Headquarters?” Where is the face of the world’s main government?! ”

The Red Dog said coldly as he stepped forward in the direction where Luffy and the others were.

“Little Sakasky, do you want to have a fight with your husband?”

Just as Luffy was about to strike with the Red Dog, Karp took a step in front of him.

At the same time, he turned to Luffy and whispered,

“Now that you’ve taken Ace, I’ll stop Sakarsky.”

Opposite, the red dog after hearing what Kapu said.

But he just snorted coldly, “Hum! Karp! ”

“Don’t think you’re the same Navy hero you once were.”

“Now you are just a traitor who has betrayed the navy and the world’s government and colluded with pirates!”

“I’ll kill you all along with the Straw Hat Boy and Fire Fist Ace!”

“The name of justice of the Navy will be upheld by me!”

In a word, the red dog obviously did not give Cap half a point of affection. In fact, long before this, the Red Dog, who implemented and adhered to absolute justice, had already seen that Kapu’s navy was very unhappy. If it weren’t for the fact that the other party was holding the title of a naval hero, the Red Dog would have turned his face to the other party long ago. Now, seeing that Karp wants to do it himself.

Red dogs are also unattainable. Just a piece of new vendetta and old account!

“Let me see what kind of ability you, a former naval hero, have!”

As he spoke, the red dog began to swell up and down the boiling hot magma.

The will to fight and the killing machine go forward and forth! Seeing this, Kapu also said with a serious look: “Hum! Since that’s the case, then I’m just here to teach you a lesson to this little devil who doesn’t know the height of the sky! ”

The smell of gunpowder between words became stronger.

Not far away, Sengoku, who was fighting with Rain no Hiru, saw this scene and couldn’t help but frown slightly.

“Sakarski, are you going to do something with Karp?”

This kind of fight scene was not what he wanted to see.

And just as Karp and the Red Dog were about to fight. In the distance, there was a loud cry from the Five Old Stars.

“Sakarsky, back off!”

The imperative tone is so firm that there is no room for rejection. Hearing this, the red dog who had just wanted to do it was suddenly stunned.

He turned his head in shock and looked in the direction where the Five Old Stars were.

But he only saw that the five old men who were in charge of the highest power in the world’s government and who were also his immediate superiors looked extremely serious. It didn’t look like a joke at all.


Red Dog asked incomprehensibly.

The footsteps did not move away because of this.

“Don’t talk nonsense, if you back off, you can back off!”

Seeing that the red dog did not obey his orders at the first time, the look of the five old stars was also a little displeased. There is no good tone at all.

Hearing such an answer, the red dog’s face suddenly became more ugly.

Good fellow, I fought desperately to maintain the majesty of the navy and the world’s government. And you told me to back off?

Still scolding me like this in front of so many people? Don’t you want face?

However, although the heart is very unhappy and angry.

But the red dog eventually chose to obey the other party’s orders. Silently stepped aside.

No way, who called the five old stars their own bosses… As a soldier, Akatsuki carries out absolute justice in his heart. And obeying military orders is the duty of a soldier.

From the order of the boss Wulaoxing, although the red dog was confused and unhappy, he could only choose to obey it helplessly. After seeing the red dog retreat to the side, the look of the five old stars only eased up a little.

Then their eyes swept around the battlefield. Then he said in an incomparably loud voice, “…

“The soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the main government of the world are listening!”

“Immediately abandon the battle in front of you and concentrate on withdrawing!”

“If the retreat is slow, all the consequences will be at your own risk!”

A loud voice instantly resounded throughout Marin Fando.

And such a sudden order also made everyone present feel extremely stunned.

“What’s going on?”

“Did I hear you correctly? Lord Five Old Stars told us to retreat? ”

“What’s going on? Could it be that the five old stars are ready for a truce and will not fight? ”

“But obviously the war has already reached such an extent, if you say you won’t fight it?”

“Do you want to just let the pirates go?”

“Shouldn’t the Five Old Stars have any other killer skills?”

For a moment, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government were full of doubts and guesses. Not only them, but the pirates are equally confused.

I don’t understand at all what this order of the Five Old Stars is for? But even so.

Although very puzzled, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Palace obediently began to retreat. Quickly distanced himself from the pirates.

After all, even the Red Dog did not dare not listen to the orders of the Five Old Stars. It is even more impossible for these little minions not to listen.

Seeing that the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government were retreating, the pirates did not intervene to stop them.

After all, most of them didn’t come here to fight with the Navy and the world’s government. Instead, he wanted to rescue Ace.

Now that Ace had been rescued, there was no need for them to continue fighting. Therefore, it is also happy to see the retreat of the navy and the soldiers of the world’s main government.

In this way, with the order of the Five Old Stars, the battlefield of Malin Fando, which was still in a fierce battle, was suddenly divided into two distinct sides. On one side is the navy and the main government of the world, and on the other side are pirates.

At the same time, the Five Elder Stars nodded imperceptibly after seeing that their soldiers had almost retreated.

Subsequently, I saw that the five old men pulled out a small whistle at the same time. Immediately after that, blow it at the same time!


The five whistles blend together, crisp and loud. In an instant, it resounded throughout the battlefield and throughout the clouds.

“What are they going to do?”

Seeing this, the crowd was puzzled.

Fights are good, what’s going on with whistling? And yet, the next moment!

It was to the horror of some people to find that in the sea of clouds above Malin Fando, an incomparably huge figure appeared at some point!

That size is even a few points larger than the entire island of Malinfando! I!.

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