Chapter 105: The Black Dragon Hovering in the Sky! King Uranos!

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“Look! What is that?! ”

“There seems to be a huge shadow in the clouds!”

“What’s that?” Is it bigger than the entire island of Marin Fando? ”

“It looks like a terrible monster!”

“Was that attracted by the whistle of the Five Old Stars just now?”

“The Five Old Stars had previously sent the navy and the world’s main army to retreat, but was it because they were waiting for this monster to appear?”

“I always feel that something terrible will happen…”


With a cry of surprise, everyone on the battlefield also noticed the huge shadow above the clouds at the height of Malin Fanduo, whether it was the navy, the world government or the pirate side, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

What was that huge shadow hidden in the clouds over Marin Fando? For a moment, the hearts of the people were frightened and curious.

And in this atmosphere, the huge figure above the clouds suddenly began to move. The huge figure kept moving, stirring up the entire cloud over Malin Fando. It was as if a huge whirlpool of clouds had formed.

That scene was even more shocking and spectacular than the domineering collision of those powerful people on the battlefield before and tearing the sky! And with the continuous churning and stirring of the sea of clouds, the huge figure also began to approach from the sky upwards and downwards. Soon, he emerged from the cover of the clouds.

The first to reveal the clouds was a huge dark head! It has dark vertical pupils and incredibly sharp teeth.

The head looked like a larger version of a pitch-black lizard. The terrifying size gives a strong sense of oppression!

After the head was exposed to the clouds, 537, and then the claws, torso, wings and tail were all revealed from the clouds. It’s pitch black!

The whole body is covered with dark scales, glowing with a seeping luster. When the entire figure of the monster emerged from the clouds, hovered over Malin Fando, and appeared in everyone’s sight.

The crowd finally saw each other’s full appearance. It looked like a huge black lizard with wings.

However, it is far more fierce and oppressive than lizards!

“That’s a head…. Dragon?! ”

“That’s right! It looked exactly like the dragon recorded in the legend! ”

“Oh my God! Are there really dragons in this world?! ”

“And it’s not a dragon of the animal espers like Kaido, it’s a real black dragon!”

“According to legend, the black dragon is a symbol of destruction, and a single breath can easily destroy an island, is it true?”

“The Five Old Stars actually summoned such a thing?” I can’t be dreaming, am I?! ”


The huge shadow of the Black Dragon descended, enveloping all the people of Malin Fando.

The crowd looked up at the terrifying figure above their heads and let out a cry of surprise! Many people have even begun to tremble.

The huge black dragon above them brought them an unprecedented sense of oppression. And an incomparably strong breath of destruction!

It was as if the next moment the other side would be able to destroy them along with the entire Malin Fando! And at the same time.

The faces of many big people on the battlefield became serious.

Sengoku, Kapu, Shanks, Whitebeard and others, their expressions are more serious than ever. Because they have more to know than the rest of the people. Sengoku looked up at the huge black dragon above the sky, and the figure of the other party was reflected in the lens.

“Shouldn’t that be… King Uranos?! ”

Sengoku murmured in a low voice, with a strong shock in his tone. On the other hand, Kapu also issued the same whisper as the Warring States.

When Luffy heard this, he turned his head to look at Kapu in confusion and asked, “Grandpa, what is that Heavenly King Wu you are talking about?” ”

Luffy was full of curiosity about this.

Before Kapu could speak, Robin on the side explained with an extremely dignified expression: “Uranos, the king of heaven, is one of the three ancient weapons with the same name as Pluto the king of Pluto and Poseidon the sea king!” ”

“Legend has it that these three ancient weapons all possessed the power to destroy the world.”

“In fact, this is not the first time we have dealt with ancient weapons, whether in Arabastan or in the Seven Capitals of Water, there are clues about Pluto, the king of Pluto.”

“I just never thought that we would actually meet the king Uranos here.”

“Moreover, the other party is actually a huge black dragon alive.”

“It seems that it is still dominated by the Five Old Stars, which is not good news…”

As Robin explains, the Straw Hats who understand what is going on also become serious. As Robin said, this is not the first time they have dealt with ancient weapons.

Previously, in Alabastan, Klockdale plotted a rebellion in Vivi’s country in order to obtain a clue to one of the ancient weapons, the king of Hades.

Although in the end they successfully defeated Klockdahl and Baroque Studios, completely smashing each other’s plots. But for this reason, there is no less suffering.

In the time of the Seven Capitals of Water, the CP9 they encountered had been lurking for many years in order to steal the blueprint of Pluto from the iceberg.

Just let them bump into the Straw Hat gang and Robin who landed on the Seven Islands of Water. This led to the subsequent Justice Island incident.

As for the legendary super battleship that can destroy an island with one shot, Pluto, the design is burned by French himself.

The Straw Hat gang did not expect that they could actually see the appearance of another ancient weapon king in Marin Fando now. And unlike Pluto’s super warship, the king of heaven, Uranos, is actually a living creature.

And it was actually a huge black dragon! It’s a bit of a dream.

On the other side, Shanks and Whitebeard stood together. The faces of the two four emperors were equally serious.

“I didn’t expect that the Heavenly King was already under the control of the World Palace.”

“In order to end this war, the Five Old Stars actually did not hesitate to let the power of ancient weapons reappear in the world, it seems that they have an iron heart and want us all to account for here…”

Shanks and Whitebeard, one is a very special identity of the four emperors, the other is a legend who has been on the Locks ship, and Roger is a legend of the era, and naturally has a lot of information about ancient weapons.

But they didn’t expect that the power of the Heavenly King had always been controlled by the World Palace. Moreover, it was called out in this war!

What happens next, however, is about to get even worse. In the face of the ancient weapon power that can destroy the world, no matter how strong the strength of people is, it is still too small. Looking up at the huge black dragon above the sky, Whitebeard and Shanks also felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. Roger, who was not far away, did not have any reaction to this.

He didn’t seem to care at all.

And like him, there is Zefa not far away.

The two seemed to have expected this scene for a long time, and they did not have the slightest fear of the black dragon above the sky. Even, there is a bit of disdain!


The navy and the front of the world’s main army. The Five Old Stars and others stood proudly.

Looking up at the black dragon hovering in the sky, and then at the army of pirates on the opposite side, a sneering smile appeared on the faces of the five people.

“Oh, I didn’t expect that we would be forced to use the power of ancient weapons.”

“These pirates would never have imagined that the Heavenly King Uranos was actually a black dragon raised by Lord Im!”

“Among the three ancient weapons, the power of the Heavenly King has always been firmly in our hands.”

“Although the other two ancient weapons have no clues until now, it doesn’t matter.”

“The power of the Heavenly King is the strongest of the three ancient weapons!”

“In addition to the supreme Lord Im, the king of heaven, Uranos, is absolutely the most powerful being in the world.”

“With it, we have enough power to destroy and rule the whole world!”

The five old stars said to themselves without hesitation. They are not in a hurry.

Because they have absolute self-confidence, the moment King Uranos appeared, the end of this war was already doomed! No matter how many tricky enemies there are, even if Kaido and Big Mama, the two remaining four emperors, come to Marin Fando, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Heavenly King Uranos!

One breath of the king Uranos was enough to vaporize an island like Malin Fando in an instant! In this world, there is absolutely no one in this world who can withstand the attack of the Heavenly King Uranos, except for the supreme Lord Im.

Therefore, the Five Elder Stars, who had previously been a little worried about the situation on the battlefield, were now calm and relaxed. They began to want to enjoy the look of fear and despair that the pirates on the other side showed at this last moment.

“Uranos, give them a dismount.”

One of the five old stars suddenly opened his mouth to the black dragon above the sky. Hearing this, the black dragon’s face seemed to flash a trace of displeasure. But it did.

Although the strength of the Five Old Stars was under it, Lord Im gave the five old men the power to command it. Therefore, the king of heaven, Uranos, could only helplessly obey.

So, I saw it slam its mouth.

Aiming at the sea in the distance of Malin Fando, he let out a terrible breath! The next moment, in the horrified sight of everyone, the breath above the sea exploded in an instant!

A huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose above the sea.

Countless seawater was evaporated by the terrible heat in an instant, and the whole sea seemed to shake violently, and the sea surface was extremely turbulent. And when the aftermath of the exhalation explosion dissipated, a huge black hole with no bottom appeared above the sea! Seems…… Straight to the netherworld!

The first day king of the three ancient weapons is Uranos! One breath is the power to destroy the heavens and the earth!

Seeing this scene, the whole Malin Fando suddenly fell into a dead silence!

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